Alicia sat with Bethany in their room. Bethany was braiding her hair and they were talking about everything. They were trying to bounce ideas off each other to see if they could get any answers or form any new theories. Unfortunately they didn’t get anything new. “So what exactly is the deal with you and Jack?” Bethany asked as she took the braid she’d been doing out and started over. “What do you mean?” Alicia replied but she had a feeling she already knew what the question meant. “Well, I think you mean a lot to him and vice versa. It’s weird. It’s like you guys have known each other forever.” Bethany said with a small laugh.
Alicia gave a small laugh herself. “It does feel that way. I mean it honestly feels like we’ve been friends for years. It’s like I just..I just know him.” she murmured. “I feel bad for him. He has to have detention with Formento all by himself.” Bethany said. “Here hold this.” she added, putting a section of Alicia’s hair in Alicia’s hand. “I know. I don’t understand why that teacher is so rude to Jack. He doesn’t deserve it.” she replied. “You really do care about him.” Bethany commented. Alicia could hear the smile in her voice.
“Yeah, I do. He’s my friend. I’ve had such drama with other girls and...just not the greatest experiences with boys. You guys are probably the first real friends I’ve had in a while.” Alicia said, quietly. “What bad experiences?” Bethany asked. “Just…” Alicia started but Bethany interrupted. “Don’t. I can tell by your tone.” she stated, taking the section of hair from Alicia’s hand. “I don’t understand it.” Alicia muttered. “You’re beautiful, Alicia. Unfortunately some boys don’t understand how to treat pretty girls. It isn’t right and people should pay more attention to it.” Bethany told her.
“Jack isn’t like that though. All other boys try to act tough and not show emotions but Jack does it. He’s also kind and sweet. Even after everything that’s happened he still tries to help other people and be kind.” Alicia murmured, rubbing the hem of her shirt between her fingers. “I haven’t known him for long but I agree with you. He’s honestly one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met and it’s terrible how things keep happening to him. There has to be a reason for all of it.” Bethany said, her fingers combing through a bit of Alicia’s red hair. “But what could it be? What could Jack have done?” Alicia asked, exasperated.
“Maybe he’s secretly a bunny kidnapper.” Bethany suggested. Then they both burst out laughing. “What?” Alicia asked through her laughter. “Just popped into my head.” Bethany replied, still laughing as well. They both laughed until their sides hurt. They finally stopped and after a few moments Bethany released her hair and flopped down on the bed. “Done.” she sighed. Alicia laughed and laid down beside her. They both looked up at the ceiling and enjoyed a few moments of silence. “You know where Luke went?” Alicia asked, looking over at Bethany. They’d seen him briefly after his detention but she had no idea where he’d gone after that.
“I think he went down to the dueling room.” Bethany replied. “It’s getting late. I hope the both of them got dinner because neither were there.” Alicia murmured. “I’m sure they did but they have to come back up soon because of curfew. It’ll be completely dark in like an hour.” Bethany said. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. Maybe we should wait in their room. I want to make sure Jack survived detention.” Alicia replied, sitting up. “Look at your hair first.” Bethany said, sitting up too. Alicia nodded and got up. She walked over to the mirror and she smiled.
Bethany had done her hair so it was like a braided crown around her head. She loved it. “It looks amazing, Beth.” she said, turning to look back at Bethany. She smiled in response and got to her feet. “Alright let’s go make sure the other two are alright.” Alicia followed her to the door and over to Jack and Luke’s room. Alicia opened the door and Jack stood there but he whirled around at the sound of the door opening. He looked panicked and afraid but then he masked it. “Oh.” was all he said.
“Jack, are you alright?” Alicia asked. She felt worried and concerned about him. Why had he been afraid? What had happened? The worst scenarios were playing out in her head. “Y-Yeah, I’m fine. You guys just startled me.” he replied. She didn’t understand how she could see it, but she could still find the traces of fear and panic hidden in his expression. She walked over and put a hand on his shoulder. “Jack, it’s okay. You can talk to us. What happened?” she said, softly.
“Detention just sucked.” Jack replied, his voice tight. “I’m sorry.” she told him, hugging him. She felt him wince slightly so she pulled away. She silently asked him again if he was alright. He just looked down at the floor. She hugged him again but very gently this time. She felt him relax in the embrace and he hugged her back. “What did he do?” she asked him quietly. “He just kept taunting me.” she heard him whisper. “You never did anything to deserve any of it, okay? No matter what anyone says, you’re important.” Alicia told him. “Thank you, Alicia.” he murmured. She let go of him and gave him a small smile. He gave a very small one in return.
“I like your hair.” he said after a moment. “Thanks. Bethany did it.” Alicia replied, blushing slightly. “Well then good job, Bethany.” Jack said, looking over at Bethany. He was still smiling a little bit. “Why thank you.” Bethany said with a dramatic bow. Jack’s smile got a little bigger. “Where’s Luke?” he asked. “Dueling room.” the two girls said in unison. “Makes sense. He better get back here soon because you know, curfew.” Jack said. Alicia felt his hand brush hers. She glanced over at him but he wasn’t looking at her. Had it been accidental? They hadn’t been walking or moving around so...maybe it had been on purpose.
She hesitantly moved her hand so it was close to his, their hands almost touching. After a moment Jack’s hand moved and slipped into hers. She blushed but squeezed his hand slightly. She saw him smile. It seemed like this comforted him and she was glad that she could do something so he felt better. She’d missed whatever conversation had been going on because of this distraction. “What’s all that noise?” Bethany asked them. When Alicia listened she could hear shouting and hurried footsteps.
“Come on.” Jack said, releasing her hand and going over to the door. Alicia immediately followed and then Bethany. They saw students rushing in one direction and there were screams and shouts down the hall. All three of them ran and they were stopped by a large blockade of students at the end of the hall. “Someone get a teacher!” someone shouted. Others shouted things but Alicia wasn’t listening. She followed Jack and Bethany as they pushed their way through the blockade. “What’s going on?” Bethany asked one of the students. He was a bit older than them and he looked panicked. “I don’t know. I think another kid got hit with the Curse of the Frozen.” he replied, quickly. Jack’s face turned pale and he walked more determinedly through the students.
Finally all of them made it through and on the floor lied Luke. His fingertips and lips were blue and his eyes were closed. The spell must have been recently done because he was still sucking in shallow gasps of air. Jack immediately ran to Luke’s side and got on his knees beside him. “No.” he whispered. Alicia and Bethany still stood in the line of students in shock. Shouts came and they blamed Jack. He flinched at the words but then held shaking hands over Luke’s body and closed his eyes. Alicia had no idea what he was doing but then there was an intense blue glow that went from Luke’s chest to Jack’s hands.
The students all fell silent. Jack’s face showed he was concentrating hard and his hands were shaking. The blue glow moved. It was moving away from Luke and seemed to disappear into Jack’s hands. Alicia didn’t move. Bethany took a step forward but Alicia held out a hand to stop her. Bethany stopped. Alicia guessed she knew that they couldn’t break Jack’s concentration. No one knew what he was doing but Luke’s breathing was getting slower. He was dying.
Jack moved his hand so they rested on Luke’s chest. It was like he was pushing against something. It looked like an effort to hold his hands there. The blue glow got more intense and Jack’s hands were engulfed in the blue light. It was a dark navy blue now and Jack’s body was shaking from strain. However he wasn’t stopping but Luke’s breathing did. Everyone saw it and people started shouting and calling Jack a murderer. “Silence!” came the Headmaster’s shout. All of them fell silent and the Headmaster walked forward and stood beside Bethany and Alicia.
“Do either of you know what he is doing?” the Headmaster asked him. They both shook their heads. The Headmaster started walking over to the two boys but Alicia stepped in front of him. “Miss Belle-” the headmaster started but Alicia interrupted him. “Look.” she told him, pointing at Luke. He was breathing again and the blue was fading from his lips and fingertips. The Headmaster watched and didn’t move for a moment. “All of you go or be absolutely silent.” He told the people in the room which now included teachers. No one made a noise.
Jack was shaking harder now and he groaned quietly. Minutes of absolute silence were passing. Jack looked like he was in excruciating pain and Alicia just wanted to run up and stop him from hurting himself but he was saving Luke. Luke looked almost like he was just sleeping now. He was breathing normally again and the blue on his lips and fingertips was nearly gone. Finally Jack screamed as the last of the blue glow entered his hands. He collapsed beside Luke, his fingertips and lips blue. His eyes closed and he was still. Now Alicia rushed to his side and Bethany to Luke’s.
Alicia looked at Jack and lightly touched his hand. It was just like before. He was freezing and his body was still shaking. He had taken the curse. He had made the trade for Luke. She heard a gasp and she looked up to see Luke collapsing back on the floor once again. However he was awake. “Luke, you need to stay still.” Bethany told him. Luke tried to say something but he couldn’t. The Headmaster came and he took out a wand. He waved it and then all of them were in the infirmary.
Jack and Luke were magically lifted onto two beds that were next to each other and Bethany and Alicia stood beside the Headmaster in front of the two. Alicia went over to Jack and held his hand. She didn’t care that it was absolutely freezing. It was almost like he’d put his hand into a pile of snow for a very long time. Luke mumbled something but it wasn’t intelligible. A nurse came over and helped him drink something which made his eyes close. Alicia figured it was to help him sleep. Then the Headmaster walked over to stand on the other side of Jack’s bed.
Alicia looked at him and the realization hit. The Headmaster’s expression was grim as he looked at Jack. “You have to do that again don’t you?” she whispered. “Unfortunately, yes. It is the only way that we know of.” the Headmaster murmured. He laid a hand on Jack’s chest and called for two nurses. Alicia had to move away from Jack as the nurses came and held him down. They all knew what was coming. Bethany came up and hugged Alicia. Then the Headmaster muttered a spell and the screaming came immediately.
Jack writhed and screamed in pure agony but the Headmaster didn’t stop. She could see the guilt on the Headmaster’s face as Jack screamed. However her vision was quickly blurred by tears. Jack jerked hard against the nurses as they held him down on the bed. Then somehow it got worse. Jack’s eyes opened and they were quickly filled with tears which just made the look of absolute pain worse. Alicia had to look away and she cried quietly into Bethany. She could tell Bethany wasn’t looking either. A strangled scream came out of Jack then it was silent except for his hard breaths. Alicia quickly wiped the tears from her face before looking over at him.
His eyes were half closed and the nurses had let go of him. He was trembling and breathing hard. A few tears had fallen. She moved forward and brushed them away. “Oh gosh.” Bethany murmured. Alicia looked over at her and followed her gaze to Luke. he was awake. He had sat up and he was looking at Jack. She could tell from the look in his eyes seeing Jack like this hurt him too. “It isn’t your fault, Luke.” she told him softly. Luke said nothing, he just looked down at his hands which were fidgeting with the hem of his shirt.
A nurse came over and put the blankets over Jack along with a few others. Jack’s eyes were still half closed and he didn’t move or make any noise. Alicia just sat on the edge of the bed and told him it would be okay. She said it quietly so no one else heard. After a few minutes Jack blinked and turned onto his back. His eyes fully open. He looked exhausted and worn but he pushed himself up into a sitting position. “Jack, you should sleep.” Alicia told him. Jack just shook his head and looked around the room until his gaze fell on Luke. He let out a small sigh of relief.
“Are you alright?” Jack asked Luke. Luke was quiet for a moment then he looked over at Jack. “What were you thinking? Why would you do that to yourself?” he asked quietly. “I couldn’t just let you die.” Jack replied, leaning back. His voice sounded tired and a bit hoarse. “Did you know that...that all of that was going to happen? Did you know what you were doing?” Luke murmured. Jack was quiet. “Yes. I knew exactly what I was doing. I decided to make the trade and I knew what was going to happen as a result of taking the curse.” he said finally.
“Why would you do that? That was so stupid, Jack.” Luke whispered. “Well being how you almost died and apparently I’m the only one who can survive this curse, I did what I needed to so you wouldn’t die.” Jack replied. Alicia could tell he had zero regret about his decision. “You hurt yourself like that just so I wouldn’t die? How do you not hate me, Jack? After everything?” Luke asked, quietly. “I don’t hate you. You lost someone you cared about so you put up walls. I have done the same thing but for different reasons. I understand it, Luke.” Jack murmured.
“Understand it? You are absolutely crazy, Jack. You have lost your mind.” Luke told him. “Luke, Jack saved your-” Alicia started but the Headmaster stopped her. “Miss Belle, that is the exact reason that he is reacting the way he is. I think that Mr. Ramos is in disbelief over Mr. Larmen’s decision.” he stated. Alicia guessed that was true. Maybe Luke was having a hard time believing Jack wanted to save him? She hesitantly reached out to hold Jack’s hand. It was still kind of cold but he gave her a small smile. She smiled a little in return then Jack looked back at Luke.
“If I told you that you were the absolute worst friend ever would that make you feel better?” he asked with a small smile. “Are you saying that you guys are currently friends then?” Bethany interjected. Jack shrugged but winced a little bit. His body was probably sore and he still looked exhausted. “I mean at this point, aren’t we? He isn’t acting like a total jerk and he was honest. He also did try to help me with the fight earlier and I mean I still know him pretty well. He still fidgets when he’s upset.” he replied. “I thought you said we could never be friends again.” Luke murmured.
“I was wrong unless for some reason you still detest me.” Jack said, shivering a little. Alicia gently squeezed his hand. She wanted him to rest. He really did look like he needed it. “Only when you beat me at duels.” Luke replied, smiling slightly. He looked over at Jack who gave him a smile in return. “Then don’t suck at dueling.” he teased. “How dare you.” Luke gasped, dramatically. Jack laughed and so did Luke. Then Alicia watched the amusement fade from Luke’s expression. “Thank you, Jack,” he said. “You don’t… you don’t have to..thank me.” Jack breathed, his eyelids drooping for just a moment before he opened his eyes again.
“Jack, please get some rest.” Alicia murmured. Jack didn’t move or say anything in response. She sighed and let go of his hand. She gently pushed him down so he was comfortable. He passed out mere seconds after his head hit the pillow. Alicia was glad he was sleeping. She knew he needed it. “He’ll be okay right?” Luke asked to no one in particular. “Yes, he should be alright. I am quite positive he only needs some rest.” the headmaster replied.
“Are you alright, Luke? What happened?” Bethany asked, sitting in a chair between the two beds. “I-I’m not really sure. I was coming back from the dueling room and then something well someone grabbed me. They did that spell or curse and was terrible.” Luke said, quietly. Alicia did feel bad for him. Not only had that probably been terrifying but he knew the pain that Jack had taken from him. He must’ve felt guilty too. “Did this person say anything to you, Mr. Ramos?” the Headmaster asked as Bethany opened her mouth to ask another question.
“They...They said that I was getting in the way. That I wasn’t doing what I had been supposed to. They said that I couldn’t interfere anymore...that Jack had to be alone. The last thing I heard them say was that really all of this was Jack’s fault. He was the reason I had to die.” Luke murmured, looking down at his hands which were clasped in front of him now. “That doesn’t make any sense. How did you do anything to deserve death?” Alicia interjected. “It seems whoever is causing all of this, wants Mr. Larmen while he is most vulnerable. If you all will excuse me, I must inform the teachers of this new attack and that both of you are recovering.” the Headmaster told them.
The three of them nodded and the Headmaster left the room. He had a brief exchange with one of the nurses. They saw her nod then come over to Jack. She felt his forehead then walked over to a cabinet and pulled out another blanket. She came back and put it over Jack, tucking it around him. Alicia was still holding his hand so she knew he was cold. Suddenly Jack jerked and let out a small noise. The nurse held his shoulders and tried to wake him up. It didn’t work for a few minutes then Jack’s eyes flew open and he gasped.
“Calm down, dear. You’re alright.” the nurse told him. Jack collapsed back onto the pillow and sucked in deep breaths. The nurse kept talking to him until he calmed down. Alicia noticed that the nurse really did know what she was doing. She said the right things and did what she needed to do so Jack would calm down. “What happened, dear?” the nurse asked him gently. Jack was a bit shaky and still looked a bit freaked out. “B-Bad dream.” he whispered. She saw Luke and Bethany exchange a glance. She squeezed Jack’s hand, trying to comfort him.
He looked over at her and squeezed her hand slightly in response. She gave him a small smile but he didn’t smile back. It looked like he just couldn’t. “You still need to rest. I won’t force you to sleep, dear, but you do need to take it easy.” the nurse told Jack. He looked back at her and gave her a small nod. She walked away with a look of sympathy on her face. “Jack, what happened? Are you okay?” Alicia asked the moment the nurse was out of earshot. Jack sat up. “I-I had a dream...someone else got hurt. A girl. I couldn’t quite make out who it was b-but the curse was cast on her. W-Whoever did it talked directly to me. T-They said it was my fault and that if I didn’t surrender myself...then more people would die.” Jack whispered.
“Don’t push yourself, Jack, and it was only a dream.” Luke cut in. “He’s right. It was only a bad d-” Bethany was cut off from commotion coming from the hallway. “She’s still breathing!” someone shouted. It was Professor Formento. They all looked at Jack who looked horrified. It was the middle of the night It had just been a bad dream of Jack’s. Maybe it was a coincidence Alicia thought. Jack stood and even though he wasn’t completely steady no one stopped him. Alicia got to her feet too and the four of them rushed out into the hall. “Look, that Larmen kid is here! He can save her!” someone shouted as they made it outside the infirmary.
The Headmaster appeared beside them. “Mr. Larmen…” he started but Jack interrupted. “I know but no one else is dying from this. I-I’ll explain later.” he said. “Get her into the infirmary quickly!” the Headmaster shouted. The four of them shuffled back into the infirmary. Her. Jack had said it had been a girl in his dream…
There was the sound of shuffling feet and there were shouts and such from teachers and a few students. Alicia realized they were from Raven’s usual entourage then it made sense when she saw the girl they brought in and laid down on the bed. It was Raven with blue fingertips and blue lips. She was barely breathing. “You freak kid, come over here.” one of the boys snapped. Jack walked over but he glared at the boy. “My name is Jack and if you want me to do this then shut up and get out of my way.” he retorted.
Everyone was surprised by Jack’s tone and remark. Even Alicia was but everyone got out of his way. Jack extended his hands over Raven’s body and closed his eyes. The blue glow filled the room and Alicia noticed tears on Raven’s face, frozen on her cheeks. She did feel sympathy for this girl. No one deserved this. Jack was obviously strained within a few minutes. “Will you hurry up?” a girl drawled. “Talk again and I start over.” Jack said through gritted teeth.
“Yes, all of you be silent if you wish to see Miss McCallister’s eyes open again.” the Headmaster muttered. The glow became more intense then all of the sudden it turned black. Jack opened his eyes and they were completely black. Then he began to speak but it sounded nothing like Jack’s voice. “Jack Larmen surrender yourself. You cannot save everyone by doing this foolish trick. All of you watching hear my demand. None of you want this boy so what is it worth to protect him? More deaths will follow if he doesn’t surrender. He will be able to find me on his own. He will not die so don’t worry. I know the redhead will but he isn’t worth it. He hasn’t even told you all the complete truth. This girl may survive but will he be fast enough to save the next?”
Then Jack's eyes fluttered closed and he collapsed with his lips and fingertips blue.
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