Phayak glowers at his best friend , who is laughing beside him. He puts the cigarette in his mouth with his big hand and sucks in the smoke in frustration. After getting thrown to the floor , he was completely flustered. How could the tiny Nong Diaw have such strength?
Besides , the younger guy pulled himself together first and called for the doctors and nurses to take Phayak to the ER. Fortunately , the younger guy didnt fling him down on his broken right arm. Phayak ended up with bruised left shoulder , a sprained left wrist , a twisted right ankle... it must be his unlucky year
"I'm not surprised , YI. He's my darling's best friend. They're probably as cheeky."
PHayak's unrecovered body knocked him out of consciousness when he was in the ER , while the doctors carefully examined his entire body. When he woke up , Khun Diaw was gone. Only his bestfriend sat by his bed with an ipad.
More over , the doctor just came to inform him he had transient global amnesia , so he might experience a sudden episode memory loss. People with this condition usually forget names , dates , locations , like their brain shave lost their ability to piece things together. That was why he couldn't remember Gilayn Wang even though his best friend told him his name numerous times
He stubs his cigarette in Gilayn Wang Starbucks coffee cup. What is this frustration in his chest? He's not mad that Tacha threw him to the floor , but it irks him that Tacha has a side he has never seen before. It irks him even more when the doctor told him he wouldn't remember the day he had an episode , so they only person who knows what crazy shit he has done in Khun Diaw
"When you discovered Nu Kuea's secrets , were you this frustrated?"
"I got so angry that i said i didn't love him. We almost broke up. Our situation was as risky as yours right now."
Phayak has never asked his friend about the details before. He only knew there was a time Gilayn Wang disappeared to focus on working things out with his fiance. It's been years since then. As it was a personal issue , he never pried if his friend didn't mention it first.
"How did you fix it?"
"I did everything to make sure relationship work. Analyze the problems , find the solutions , make plans , execute them , and track the results. You're asking like you've never learned science "
Phayak hates that know it all side of his best friend. He can't blame him , though. His best friend is probably better than him , given that he is now married to Nu Kuea. Their wedding was magnificent. They went all out with the wedding gifts. It was as if Lian's Pa was ready to dispose of his son and give everything to his son in law
"My problem with Khun Diaw is different from yours... You learned each other's secrets and talked it out. Our problem is more complicated."
He lights another cigaretter. Its not like he's never thought of talking it out with Khun Diaw , but he didn't know where to start. His problem with Khun Diaw isn't a mere misunderstanding
"Do you actually want to make up with Khun Diaw? Do you want him in your life forever? Do you want to take care of him , be with him , wake up in the morning and he is the first person you see , hold his hand until the last day of your life , and live with him until you get old? Ask yourself why you drove to the airport to get him back. Were you afraid to be humiliated because the wedding would be canceled or were you scared to lose him?"
Phayak lets himself get lost in his train of though , furrowing his brow. Gilayn Wang doesn't need to ask those questions as PHayak has always known the answers . He's asked himself and tried loads of times
"What are you afraid of , Yi? If you don't tell me , i can't figure out how to help you."
"I have insomnia."
"I know. You were held at gun point for ransom when you were fourteen and have suffered from insomnia since then. Do you have to act this way because of insomnia? Are you afraid Khun Diaw won't be able to put up with you getting up and walking around in the middle of the night?"
PHayak seriously hates his best friend's sarcasm. He must have planned to taunt him since he told Nu Kuea to take Khun Diaw out for a walk. Well , its good that no one else is here because Phayak himself is at a loss of how to solve his problem
"I wasn't even shocked to be held at gunpoint. I braced my self for it since i was a little kid. A child born to the Chens is bound to be kidnapped someday. Pa trained me to handle that kind of situation... The real reason i have insomnia was i almost killed someone."
"Uh-huh. But you didn't so i think you should stop thinking..."
"I almost killed Khun Diaw... Lian... the person i almost killed was Khun Diaw."
His voices fades in his throat as the light in his eyes goes dim , replaced by sadness. Khun Diaw was very tiny back then. He had big round eyes like a doll , plump cheeks , small lips and a cute nose. Everyone who saw him loved him. To Phayak it wasnt love back then but rather adoration. Khun Diaw was so young. Nonetheless , when Pa said he would marry the little boy one day , he felt super lucky... But , as it turned out , Khun Diaw was the unlucky one
The Puma he kept got out of its area and wandered in the garden. He was busy preparing snacks for the younger boy in the kitchen and didn't pay attention to his pet. The elders knew the boy must stay in living room. His Pa also had two pumas , Lele's dad and mom. People in the Chen Mansion were used to having pumas in the place. Even if Lele was trained , it was a wild animal and wasn't fully domesticated. How could the pet of the future leader of the family be raised like a house cat? Lele knew when to be fierce or tame
No on thought Nong Diaw woul exit the living rom. Nong Diaw was so little... even smaller than other kids his age. By the time he found him , the little boy with curly hair and plump pink cheeks was reaching out to touch Lele
Judging from Lele's manner , it wasn't going to harm the little boy. It jus wondered who he was , like a big cat about to snuggle up against a small human. However , Non Diaw father was startle to see his son with the puma nd shouted so loud that Lele , in shock , jumped on the little boy
He feel backward on the grassy ground. Phayak dropped the snacks in his hands and grabbed the pistol hooked in the back of his waist band... The revolver was gifted to him by his Pa , the first gun in his life... and he used it to shoot Lele
"I killed Lele because i was scared it would hurt Nong Diaw , but he couldn't remember anything when he woke up. He couldn't remember Pa or me , but he had a nightmare about getting attacked by a puma. Lian... he was so small. He woke up in the middle of the night because he dreamed that the puma bit him. I... Lian... it was because of me."
His deep voice trembles , and the cigarette in his hand shakes. That day , PHayak lost the pet he had raised since it was born , and Tacha , who completely forgot him
"And you kept this to your self all this time...? Why didn't you tell me , Yi , you trash? I've been your friend for years and you've never mentioned it! You needed to tell someone. You had to vent it out , you dumb shit. Use all functions of your best friend , will you?"