"I....im your fiance. Hia Yi cant you remember me? Its Nong Diaw..."
Phayak hates this feeling. Hes annoyed with the situation that makes him feel like he's sitting in square room with no exit. Everything is irritating , especially when he sees the sadness in those big round eyes. The man presses his small lips together in an attempt to hold back his tears.... He must have cried because of him countless times
"Nong Diaw..."
He doens't recognize the person before him , but he remembers Nong Dia. He's a seven year old boy with big , round eyes , tiny lips , a cute nose , brown curly hair and soft cheeks like a doll. Nong Diaw in his memories slowly overlaps the man before him...
"Nong Diaw... Khun Diaw...? Tacha?"
"You remember!"
The slim figure lunges forward and wraps his arms around Phayak , making him freeze. The wetness on his shoulder fluster him. Plus Nong Diaw looks different from the one in his memories. Nong Diaw arms are small... No matter when he was seven or now , Khun Diaw is always tiny. He strokes the slim back with his bag hand before a twinge shoots up in his head and he clenches his jaw
"Hia.... i've pressed the doctor call button. Please hang in there."
The small guy , anxious , is about to run to the door , but Phayak seizes his delicate hand. He has no idea why he doesn't want this person to leave. There are many questions to be answered. Still , its hard to even move his body. He only has the strength to hold the younger guy's hand
"Dont go."
"Im okay."
Soon the doctor and nurses enter the room. Even if Phayak has a headache and fatigue , he tries to answer the doctor's questions as much as possible so the doctor can diagnose him correctly. He wants recover fast
"He didn't recognize me for a moment... but he does now."
"Khun Phayak has received a concussion , so he might have memory errors. I'll run a basic test. Khun Phayak , what date is it?"
THe stare from everyone in the room pressure Phayak , and he feels hopeless at the same time. His answer will probably not match with the current date. Nong Diaw hopeful eyes are slowly clouded
"I think its the 16 September , 16 , 20xx"
Phayak doesnt want to lie , though the answer makes the younger guy cry again. The small hand squeezes his. The massive pressure crushes his shoulders. He doesnt know what he has forgotten. When he tries to think , his head hurts
"Im sorry."
All he can do is pull Nong Diaw , who isnt as small as he thought , h into his embrace. Phayak still remembers him , his laughter , and those big round eyes staring at him innocently
"Khun Phayak do you remember your personal information , such as your age and career?"
"I dont know right now. It hurts my head when i try to think. I remember my fiance thats for sure. Nong Diaw... but its Nong Diaw he was seven , not this person."
Phayak memories are in disorder. The current Nong Diaw might not have plump cheeks like. before , but they boy as cute as a doll.... has indeed grow up to be as adorable as ever. After the doctor and nurses are gone , the little guy remains by his side with his small hand clasping his. He comforts PHayak that he will get well soon , even if he himself is scared
Concerned about his memory errors that come in flashes , the doctor has prescribed an antidepressant for him so he can rest. His condition will be examined by a neurologist later
He still wishes to remember his background , but the medicine empties his head. He can only listen to Nong Diaw reading his the story of the Rabbit and the Turtle. Phayak hates stories for kids , but he used to read them to the seven year old boy with big eyes. It feel relatively weird that their roles are switched. Nonetheless , Nong Diaw's voice is gentle and more pleasant than his.
"And then... the rabbit..."
"Nong Diaw"
"How old am i?"
"Thirty two. Im twenty five."
"How many years have we been engaged?"
"Seven years... Dont ask about those things right now. The doctor said you shouldn't think much. You'll get a headache."
He has to ask because it bothers him. The engagement ring on the younger guy's left ring finger make s him feel terrible for remembering nothing. How can he forget such an important day?
"If im thrity two , why arent we married yet?"
"Pardon? What did you say?"
"Dont you want to marry me?"
Did he become such trash in his missing memories that Nong Diaw , who promised to marry h im since he was seven , no longer wanted to marry him?
Has Phayak Chatdecha Chen grow up to be a thirty two year old man who has failed in life? Why didnt Padis member him , stuff his parts in a fertilizer sack , and throw him into the sea long ago?
"....W....Why would it depend on me?"
"Because i planned to marry you when you were eighteen."
Tacha Wongteerawit is utterly confused. Hia Yi woke up and couldn't remember him in the present time , and now he's demanding the answer as to why they aren't married yet. Its not up to Khun Diaw. Hia Yi brought up the wedding only recently , and they were only engaged when he was eighteen. Who would get married so young?! More importantly , why would he mention it when they're about to end things?
"Hia...we're going to break up."
Khun Diaw can feel Hia YI frustration. Whether he remembers it or not , Khun Diaw can always sense him grumpy mood. The frown the pressed lips , and the glare give it away. The small figure shifts , but their hands are clasped. Hia Yi even tightens his grip
"What? Break up? Who?"
"Y...You and me. We're going to break off the engagement and cancel the wedding. We'll go our separates ways"
"Dont go."
"I have to. I...i've planned everything."
"So have i."
"But you don't remember."
"I can make a plan even if i dont remember anything. Who told you we have to remember things to make a plan? Bring that person to me."
How mean! Khun Diaw starts to get irritated instead of feeling sympathetic. Despite his lost memories , he's still so mean ! Why isn't it the same as the drama he watched with Nong/ When the male lead or the female lead loses their memories , their personality improves . They become more obedient and better people to earn sympathy and compassion. No one would argue like Hia Yi
"Talk to yourself. Its you!"
"Easy , then. I've talked to myself and made up my mind. Drop whatever plan of yours. That's it."
"I'll break up with you! You can't stop me. We've talked about it out. You promised!"
Though they never talked anything out , it's not like HIa Yi will remember. If Hia yi insists on being stubborn , he can be stubborn as well
"Did we sign the contract?"
"Where's the contract? Where's the witness? Where's the evidence? Your engagement ring is still on your finger. Nong Diaw should discuss it with yourself first. IF you cant think of anything , quit thinking and stick to my plan. We're not breaking up. That's it."
Hi....Hia... No you son of a bitch!
"Dont joke like that."
"A verbal contract is of no use. There's no evidence i don't remember agreeing to this. Nong Diaw cant joke about breaking up with me either. Its unfair. I've nver made an agreement without signing a contract. Besides , breaking off the engagement is big deal. No one talks about it lightly with no proof. Nong Diaw bullied me."
Khun Diaw's small mouth flaps open and closed. He wants to argue but fails to find a word. Has he ever won against Hia Yi in an argument? And who bullied him?! Hia Yi is the mean one here! How can a man be so wicked? What a vicious punk! He barely came home , yet he had the nerve to ask why weren't married!
"How did i bully you? You were the one bullying me. We're going to break up because... you have someone else"
Khun Diaw has decided to bring it up. It was the reason he chose to end their relationship. He's had enough being Hia Yi doll. He's endured it for too long. They've been engaged for seven years. Khun Diaw is curious that if Hia Yi planned to marry him when he was eighteen as he claimed...what has he prolonged the engagement for it not because of the third person? Would he even marry Khun Diaw if the elders didnt pressure him?
The shock and guilt he expected from Hia Yi are nowhere to be seen. Hia Yi gets even more frustrated. Is this fari? Does Hia Yi have the right to be frustrated? Khun Diaw should be the one frustrated!
"Someone. Maybe more than one."
"I remember none. I only remember Nong Diaw"
It sounds so romantic that his face might flush , but anger burns that heart fluttering feeling to a crisp
"You don't remember! Still , it doesn't change the fact that you cheated on me. Don't act like it's never happened and expect me to just go along with you!"
"How could i cheat on you? Pa reminded me every day that i would be engaged to Nong Diaw and marry Nong Diaw. He would give the mansion to Nong Diaw. Nong Diaw this , NOng Diaw that. If i had someone else , would Pa spare my life? I wonder if i bowed to you day and night after the engagement to show my respect. The Chens have upheld the one child policy for generations. The only child will be born from the only partner. If the partner cant conceive , we adopt child. Why would i find another person just to be kicked out of the family by Pa?"
Hia Yi is as cranky as ever. The new trait is he's a chatter box now! Before , Khun Diaw could count the words he said. Now that Hia Yi has received a concussion , he gets all talkative. Had the cat got his tongue back then? Asshole!
"Don't be sarcastic. What mansion? You left me alone at the show room! I don't know about that only child and only partner thing. All i know is i've lived in your place alone for seven years!
Hia Yi belief is twisted. Khun Diaw expected Hia Yi to realize how trashy he had been and at least apologize to him and let him explain the truth. And so , they would be able to sort things out together. They would solve the problems together. He always lost to HIa Yi anway... because he loved him. Would he be here if he didn't? Even so , Hia Yi simply raises his eyebrow and cocks his head
"What? Did you kick me out and live with that dog instead?"
Fuuuuuuck! How can eh fall for this kind of person? Khun Diaw is about to lose it! He tells himself over and over that Hia Yi is injured. Hia Yi is not in his right mind. Hia Yi is screwy. Hia Yi has gone nuts due to the concussion. That's why he's not making sense
"You left of your own volition!"
"Impossible. Why would i leave my own place? Where would i sleep? Im a homebody."
Ugh! Khun Diaw hates that smug confidence! He remember nothing yet keeps on yammering nonsense! A homebody?!
"I dont know! I dont care where you slept! I was fine being with the dog. I didn't need you. At least the dog is cuter than you!"
"Which showroom?"
HE doesn't remember his own place yet calls himself a homebody! Ha...
"Near Ratchaprasong Intersection on Sukhumvit Street. I've lived there since we got engaged."
"Then i dont believe i cheated on Nong Diaw. Thats the branch responsible for importing the most expensive cars from all over the wold. The customers are billionaires , elites , and high rank authorities. I've always taken care of them my self. All my asset are also there... If you live there , you have the Chen's property with you."
"It has nothing to do with me. I wasn't my decision to live there."
"It just doesn't add up. Every car in the showroom is worth over thirty million bath. Why would i have the guts to sleep somewhere else? What if Nong Diaw got mad at me and smashed those cars? The insurance fee could cause the Chens to go bankrupt. What if someone stole all my cars? What should i do?"
"Who would steal every car in your showroom? We're talking about cars here! Moreover , the Royal Thai Police is nearby. And that car smashing thing. Why would i destroy your cars? How could you think that? Its impossible."
"Right , its impossible that i would cheat on you. The more i listened , the more i had the feeling that i must've loved Nong Diaw much that i gave Nong Diaw every single coin. You're testing me , are you? You've succeeded. Will we make up now?"
Make up? Who the hell would make up with him?! Is there any way to send this Hia Yi to fight with another Hia Yi? He had the ball to argue despite his lost memories , and he argued about everything. Who would have thought Hia Yi would make him keep watch on his property and the dog?! Khun Diaw never interferes with Hia Yi business , after all.
"My head hurts...."
Whose head should hurt here?! Khun Diaw still has a lot to say , but Hia Yi escapes by falling asleep. Even when he sleeps , he still frowns and wont release his hand. What a nut job. Khun Diaw hopes Hia Yi fights himself in his dream and they battle it out to death!
Phayak wakes up again surrounded by people , Pa , his best friend , Pa's secretary his own secretary and two doctors. The first doctor is the one who checked on him earlier. The other one is a neurologist. They are all here except Nong Diaw
"How are you feeling Yi?"
He narrows his keen eyes at his best friend , unable to remember his name... They must be close. Otherwise , this man wouldn't have stood here. What's the point of his question , anyway? Does he expect the person in this state to wake up and feel refreshed?
"Good. Where's Nong Diaw."
"He's taking a walk with Nu Kuea. You should talk to the doctor."
"Who's Nu Kuea? Why is he taking a walk with Nong Diaw? Did he ask me?"
The third person's name bugs him. Who is he? How dare he take a walk with Nong Diaw? His best friend pauses and turns to his Pa. Pa stay silent before getting up from the couch and walking over to him
"I gave him permission. What the hell is your problem?"
Outsiders might not be familiar with the way they talk like they're fighting. It can't be helped. His pa is single father , and Phayak is his heir bound to inherit all his businesses... Pa is only kind when he talks to his future son in law
His Pa finds it incredibly adorable when the younger guy calls himself Nong Diaw. Those big eyes and that clear voice saying Pa this , Pa that are extremely love able to Pa , who has a not so cute son like Phayak. The fact that he is Pa's only child , and a son at that , menas he has been raised with the responsibility to become the next leader of the family. This , Pa has always been strict with him in all aspects. He wishes he was jealous of Pa's Nong Diaw but couldn't bring himself to be. IT couldn't be helped. Nong Diaw was seriously cute
"But he's my person. You , the one who's my friend , bring... Who is again? What's his name...?"
"Nu Kue and i'm Lian. I've told you three times."
The way everyone goes rigid makes Phayak want to slam his head on the wall. What the hell is going on?! What's wrong with his brain? He wishes he could part his skull and ask if it will recover or not. What a damn weakling. His faiance is gone , yet he doesn't remember a single thing
"Get some rest , Yi."
Aside from getting annoyed with himself , he's annoyed that Nong Diaw isn't here. He doesn't remember the names of people he knows. He just can't. He only remembers Nong Diaw , but Nong Diaw , who he remembers , isn't here. But , these people whom he doesn't remember are all here
"Bring Nong Diaw here! No one will do it , huh? All right.. i'll go and get him myself."
He pushed himself up from the bed with his usable left arm , not caring that his blood flows into the shifting IV tubing line. If his right arm wasn't broken , he would yank the IV out
"Let go of me! You..."
"Right , Lian , let go!"
Phayak kicks his best friend , who tries to pin him down , then his pa's bodyguards restrain him. He hears the doctor saying he will put a sedative into the IV
"No! Don't do it! Get out of here. Get out. Why the fuck are you holding me down?! Doc , i said don't!"
He doesn't want to sleep right now. He wants to see Khun Diaw! The sight of the doctor injecting the sedative into the IV tubing line means he won't get to find Nong Diaw and will fall asleep again. Fucking annoying! Why the fuck does he sleep so much?! Is he afraid he won't get to sleep when he's dead or what? How can he sleep when his fiance is nowhere to be seen? Damn it!
"Yi , calm down. Diaw isn't going anywhere far. He'll be back."
"Don't mind him , Lian. Let my bodyguards deal with him."
"Pa , you can't do this to me! Pa!"
"Get some sleep , son , so you stop being crazy."
"PA! If Diaw is gone , if my fiance is gone....!"
Soon , drowsiness makes his eyelids feel heavy. No matter how hard Phayak fights it , he can't beat the sedative
"Yi , Nong Diaw isn't gone. Trust me. Now sleep."
That's not ture. Khun Diaw will be gone.... The younger guy is leaving him. Diaw...Diaw is going to.... Where? He can't remember... Where is it?
"Pa... Nong Diaw is leaving. He will leave for real... Nong Diaw wont't come back. He won't."
The feeling of never getting to see each other again scares him. It painfully clenches his heart. Pa's worried face is the last thing Phayak glimpses before everything goes black