After over thirty hours of silence , HIa Yi is finally transferred to the recovery room. Tacha sits beside the bed , staring at Hia Yi , who has been with him for seven years... Tacha cries now that. he can hold his hand again. He feels relieved that Hia Yi is safe for real. Despite some concerns about his condition , a smile flickers on the corners of Khun Diaw's mouth. The sleeping face still frowns in annoyance. IS Hia Yi fighting someone in his dream?
The unfamiliar things are the bruises all over his body. The left side of his head is draped in a large bandage. That must be the place struck by the car roof. A cast on his right arm. Had the Ferrari not had an excellent safety system , Hia Yi wouldn't have been here. He holds HIa Yi left hand in his small palm
"Get well soon , Hia Yi... D...Don't sleep for too long."
He pulls Hia Yi's hand to his wet cheek. At least he's still warm... Hia yi hasn't gone anywhere.... He's... just too tired to get up
Khun Diaw has been in the hospital for two days. The Chen don't allow the journalists to wander around in the hospital and only give information through HIa Yi's secretary. Despite the question about Phayak's condition , they are curious about the wedding with more than three thousand guests and the F1 race that has gained the attention of people around the world
Pa refuse to let outsiders visit Hia Yi or receive any gifts , demanding that this is a family matter. Only Hia Lian and Kuea have permission to get in. KHun Diaw no longer cares about the public matter as Pa can unquestionably handle it all. He pours his attention to Hia Yi. He doesn't even answer the calls from his father , his stepmother , his step siblings , or his relatives. They are showing their support out of the blue
"Hoa re you Nong? Here Hia Yi. He's sick. Dont be naughty at home , okay?"
The little cheerfulness during this distressing time is Nong... the furry Chihuahua. Since he can't bring here here , he has to video call her. The bulging eyed dogs tilts her head in front of the camera and barks. Khun Diaw laughs at her silliness when she tries to put her nose in the camera. During this tough time , seeing NOng makes Khun Diaw feel so much better
"She was sad. Must have missed you."
"I think she's missed Hia Yi. She's mine , but i dont know why she keeps running to Hia Yi."
The regular housekeeper , who Hia Yi chose from the mansion to take care of the apartment a top the showroom and Nong , laughs. She updates him on the apartment before hanging up. THe belongings Tacha left at the airport have been retrieved. His Switzerland plan needs to be postponed for a while. Has he given up...?
He will wait until this all over. Once Hia Yi has recovered enough that Khun Diaw is sure he will be fine , they will talk about canceling the engagement and the wedding. They can still get married if Hia YI needs to keep their image. Nevertheless , they will no longer associated with each other after that.
Khun Diaw won't leave without saying goodbye in fear that the incident will reoccur... They can part on good terms this time
For so many times , Khun Diaw has gazed at Hia Yi , who sleep soundly even though he kept striking up conversations. The more he talked , the worse he felt. They barely have shared memories. In the past seven years , Hia Yi hardly came home. He would sometimes take Khun Diaw out to dinner , but him gifts , and even brought Nong home , but then he would be gone
What's HIa Yi like when he's with other people and his friends? Khun Diaw has never partied with Hia yi's friends , unlike Kuea , whom Hia Lin always brought along. Hia Yi kept Khun Diaw at home , like a doll in the display cabinet. Hia Yi would come home , take a quick look at him , and walk away. Khun Diaw felt as if their time wasn't equal. Hia Yi might have had tons of things to deal with... but to Khun Diaw , every second stretched out. How can the time of the person who waits move as fast as that of the person making him wait...? Even now , Hia Yi has been unconscious for only two days , but it feels longer
"I'll read you a book."
Since Tacha has no topic to talk to the sleeping guy , he has bought as many childern's books as the book store in the hospital has. He doesn't know if they will help but Hia Yi might feel better after listening to the stories. He might be annoyed with these children's book and decide to wake up quickly. Hia Yi in his usual state , wouldn't listen to Disney tales
Hia Yi accident is analyzed in the news TV channels regarding its connection to the economy and the F1 race. When they are out of interesting updates , they start speculating about the wedding with no publicized postponement or cancellation. Some unethical channels present his background like a documentary
Khun Diaw listens to his own story from those who know nothing about him and turns off the TV. He takes a deep breath to chase away his irritation before returning to the bedside again
To other people , the engagement between the descendant of two influential families is business collaboration with mutual benefits. But in fact , the Wongteerawits were going bankrupt. The guarantees that convinced the Chens to help them were their beautiful lands in the north east ad joining the Chen's properties. To successfully build the F1 circuit in Thailand... the Chen's lands weren't enough
His fater made the Chens a freaking exploitative offer. Even so , Hia Yi pa accepted it as he thought of his goal in the future more than Hia Yi feelings and the amount of the money it would cost... The engagement with the eighteen year old boy wasn't favorable to Hia Yi at all
That's why HIa Yi hates him. His father , the Wongteerawits that leech off of the Chens like a literal leech. Tacha's family is unlike the Chens that uphold the one child policy in every generation. His father has made his siblings the executives of his business. His uncles and aunts are incompetent and only interested in the luxurious lifestyle. Khun Diaw doesn't even like his relatives , so how can he ever expect Hia Yi to like them? Hia Yi is kind enough to provide for the Wongteerawits , yet he also has to be engaged to Khun Diaw agains this will
Tacha sometimes wonders if Wongteerawit wasn't his surname.... would Hia Yi be kinder to him? Thought he thinks about it at times , it never changes the reality. Though he never demands anything , never misbehaves , never causes HIa Yi trouble , and obediently acts as his lovely doll , deep inside , he wants to scream , tell Hia Yi to care about him... He wants him to come hom
Khun Diaw.... never wants to be alone
The discomfort of the inability to move frustrates Phayak so much that he wants to cuss at someone , but he can't even move his body. LEt alone yelling at other people. The bits of his feelings are no different from scattered jigsaws. He has no clue what is happening or where he is. He drifts in and out of consciousness.... It's so exhausting that the needs to rest , but he's also annoyed with himself that he has the urge to push through his limit and pin point wha exactly he is hearing
In the silence , someone is talking incomprehensibly. There are sounds of laughter and crying. Why is someone crying...? What happened? Who died? Its so annoying that he wants to tell that person to stop because it's distracting
"Hia Yi"
After several attempts , he finally makes out those two words. He hears these two words many times more until he's sure this person is calling him. Hia Yi... Hia Yi , then he cries , then he reads out the tales Phayak can partly perceive. Eventually , he feels the squeeze around his hand before its gone. The lingering warmth aggravates him even more. Whats with all this?
He's frustrated with himself for understanding nothing and being unable to do anything. Fucking annoying! Why the fuck does he keep drifting in and out of consciousness?
There's a limit to his patience. Even if he cant see anything , he knows he faces forward. His hand feels the warm touch again
"Hia Yi...."
He concentrates on his hand , trying his best to grab the warmth that will fade away again. He clenches his palm around it , refusing to let go. He wont let that person release his hand again. Never!
"Hia Yi!"
At the end of the tunnel , the darkness gradually becomes brighter , but he has to squint because he cant adjust his vision in the blinding brightness. One thing is for sure , his hand is gripping something tightly. He eventually discovers that its a small hand of a person with big , round eyes , tiny lips , and a cute nose... His cheeks are wet with tears. So , this is the one who has been crying so much? His eyes are swollen. His nose is red. He was the one who kept reading ungraspable stories about Little Red Riding Hood choking on a pumkin to death and waiting for a prince to kiss her awake. The prince then become a frog and lost some freaking shoes. It was nonsense
"...Who are you?"