“A Rally for Change”
Act 13
(Curtain opens)
Morning. 10 am, Friday, November,17th, Town Square
(People are gathered around the campaign platform and cheering and talking and listening to Edmund Harrington's speech and Theodore Sebastian takes the stage and speaks on Edmonds's behalf. )
Theodore: (with megaphone in hand)
I stand before not just as a friend and supporter of Edmond Harrington, but as a witness of the greatness of this man before me. I grew up in this man's presence I knew greatness when I saw it. Even as a child, I wanted to be just like him. He is not just a mere man, but a legend and an example of what greatness and the very soul of what Fairhaven truly is.
(crowd cheering )
(Sebastian walks up and starts to speak)
Sebastian : ( with megaphone in hand)
As I stand before you, I see Fairhaven's past, its future, and its survival. I see Fairhaven becoming the city of the future while still having its charm and its integrity intact. It's easy to say that Fairhaven is a city of the past and a place stuck there. I believe this man has kept our dear city relevant to the present and ready for the future. I believe that preparing for the future is not tearing down our past, but simply laying the groundwork for the future. Mr. Worthington says to be a city of the future, we must tear down our past and forget it. Mr. Edmond Harrington says they can exist side by side and not lose Fairhaven identity. So when you vote, remember that keeping our past alive will not hinder our future, but enrich it. Thank you for your time ladies and gentlemen.
(crowd cheering)
(The rally goes on for a couple more hours before dispersing, and everyone goes home. )
(The stage darkens and the curtain closes)
End of Act 13