Capítulo 13: We will win
The zentraedis' attacks ceased and the pilots were able to enjoy a couple of days of calm, however both Rick's squadron and Knight's squadron were required due to the presence of a zentraedi mother ship.
Look Rick," said Knight, "that's the same Zentraedi ship that escaped the Daedalus attack and through which the enemy pods entered our ship.
I don't like this Knight, the Zentraedi ship is only there without doing any attack maneuvers, they haven't even released combat pods.
On the bridge they tell us to wait, Rick.
After a couple of anguishing moments an enemy radar pod was headed only towards Rick and Knight's squadrons.
Knight, we've received a transmission from the Zentraedi ship, indicating that the pod heading your way is coming in peace. Apparently a Zentraedi emissary is coming to negotiate with the ship," Sammie reported.
He comes in peace?
We don't know for sure, Knight, but the captain orders you and Lieutenant Hunter's squadron to escort the emissary safely to the ship.
Got it, Sammie. Did you hear that, Rick?
Strong and clear, Knight, we're going to escort the emissary.
Both squads proceeded to escort the emissary's pod, wondering what would happen next.
Once the enemy pod landed in the ship's hangar, Sammie informed them that under no circumstances should they divulge the presence of the Zentraedi emissary to anyone else.
Rick, do you think the Zentraedis are here for peace talks?
I hope so, it all depends on which side zentraedi is in power at the moment.
-What do you mean?
You see Knight, Lisa once told me that according to the intelligence analysis, the enemy is divided into two groups, some of them want to destroy us and others want to recover what they call protoculture.
The arrival of an emissary bodes well for good," Knight reasoned, and then the two friends went to change their uniforms.
Rick and Knight were in the cafeteria when they were told that both were required in the military exhibit hall.
I wonder what they want? Rick asked himself,'Knight didn't answer because he was rushing the coffee.
I see they always call you when you're eating, brother," joked Rick, and then they both went to where they were summoned.
The two friends arrived together in the huge hall and saw that Global and the other commanders, as well as other military personnel, were in it.
What will this meeting be for? Knight wondered, as he saw how Max and Mirilla were standing in front of them. The zentraedi looked embarrassed, while her husband seemed to be in a bad mood.
Rick was asking Max a question, when in that a small, wimpy zentraedi got up at once and pointing the finger at Rick at Knight, yelled at them about remembering their faces from the zentraedi interrogation when both pilots were prisoners at Dolza base.
And how did you escape, did you use a Micronian power?
No Micronian power, just a good plan, once in a pod zentraedi, we breathe easy because Rick is the best pilot in the galaxy and Commander Hayes the best officer we could wish for," Knight explained in a commanding voice.
Global asked the four pilots to occupy their designated seats, after which he gave the floor to the zentraedi emissary who introduced himself as Exedore. In that instant the three former Zentraedi spies entered and were terrified to see Exedore, crying out for their lives.
Gosh Rick, what kind of man that Exedore will be to make them so afraid of him.
He looks like someone who wouldn't kill a fly, but appearances can be deceiving, brother.
The three zentraedis occupied their seats and Global asked Exedore to continue but he asked for the presence of two more people, one who used martial arts to fight and who could exterminate giants with a kind of lightning bolt that could come out of her fists, and a female whose voice was the key to her psychological dominance.
In order to better explain himself, Exedore rose from his seat and began to sing one of Minmei's songs, while imitating her voice and choreographic movements in a disastrous and ridiculous manner.
Everyone present was very surprised and uncomfortable with the situation and Global sent for Minmei and Kyle.
When the two civilians arrived, Rick was a little tense, Minmei seemed a little shy, while Kyle was already starting his anti-military speech.
Global told Kyle to shut up and invited them to take their seats, then informed them that everything they would discuss at the meeting should be treated as a classified matter, and they could not discuss anything they heard or saw at the meeting with anyone else.
Exedore questioned Kyle, but he denied having the powers that Exedore attributed to him. The zentraedi was confused but Global explained to him the difference between the fantasy of the film and reality. Exedore however, insisted on the power of Minmei's songs and love scenes (kisses)
Unbeknownst to Rick and Knight, the entire meeting was broadcast to the senior officials of the United Earth government, as well as to the high command of the RDF.
The zentraedi fleet in which Exedore was located had more than one million ships and was under the command of Breetai, who assumed an ambiguous position regarding the destruction of the space fortress, although he was very strict with officers like Khyron, who wanted to destroy the SDF-1, despite being ordered not to damage the fortress.
The information Exedore provided was very valuable as to the nature of the enemy and others, however, it was interrupted because Breetai apparently wanted to communicate with him. An officer handed the phone to Exedore and he listened to the words of his commander.
Everyone present had a bad feeling when Exedore suddenly got up and started shouting in Zentraedi language, then hung up the phone and sat down as if nothing had happened.
You must leave this planetary system - that was all he said, with a calm that made the hair on the back of the neck of those present stand up.
"Our supreme leader, Dolza, has ordered the destruction of your planet, for which he will summon the zentraedi fleet of more than four million ships.
It was as if everyone's heart had stopped, even Rick and the other pilots who knew the number of the zentraedi fleet could not help but notice the fear on their faces.
We will not abandon our planet, we are military and we will face any enemy to defend our home," said Global and the other commanders supported him.
Kyle who always showed himself as a macho broke down, but was comforted by Minmei. Max and Mirilla were also hugging each other at the prospect of certain death.
Rick saw the two couples and was very lonely but Knight put his hand on his shoulder while he had a hard, lost look on the front wall imagining God knows what.
Maybe not all of this lost," Exedore spoke again, "this ship came out free in every encounter, I don't know how, but there must be some way for us to defeat Dolza.
Exedore got up from his seat and went to Global to shake his hand.
Are you sure about this? Global asked him
Surely Dolza ordered the extermination of the fleet that is in this system because it was already contaminated with the culture of the Earth, therefore, we have nothing else to do but fight - analyzed the zentraedi shaking hands with Global.
Breetai's fleet stood still, demonstrating zentraedi discipline while waiting for the orders of his commanders; in the end, they all decided to stay and face Dolza's fleet, with the exception of Khyron's squadron of ships that decided to escape.
On earth the situation was very different, chaos broke out in all the high military commanders because the chain of command had been broken. The top political leaders of the United Earth Government had magically vanished and no member of the military high command knew what to do.
In the barracks of the Grand Canyon in Alaska, Admiral Hayes decided to take full responsibility for the lack of political leadership, but the climate on the base was still fear.
At SDF-1, Exedore was talking to global when the bridge informed them of immeasurable transposition operations which began to surround the planet.
Impossible numbers, yes, that was the expression for what they saw through the screens, hundreds and hundreds of thousands of ships surrounding the planet Earth and as impossible as it may seem, began to hide it little by little, at the end the Dolza star base made its appearance.
There was no more time for strategy, so Exedore suggested a desperate plan. Breetai's fleet would attack Dolza's fleet by covering SDF-1. Once near the space fortress, it would penetrate Dolza's base and destroy it from the inside, and they would take advantage of the surprise factor by suddenly appearing behind the moon and using Minmei's image and voice that would be transmitted to all of Dolza's ships.
Well, brother, I'll wait for you in the hangar," Knight said to Rick.
All right, Knight, but first I want to talk to Captain Global about something.
What do you want to tell him, Rick?
I have an idea, I think a kiss from Minmei and Kyle will do more damage to the enemy, I'll suggest that, brother.
Rick... You, you don't have to fight brother, you could be the one next to Minmei.
No brother, I am a pilot, my duty is to protect everyone on the ship.
-I understand Rick, I'm sorry I was such an idiot -Knight apologized and headed for the ship's hangar.
In SDF-1, all the veritech and mecha pilots were preparing and mobilizing, Knight was very proud to be in the army at the time, when he suddenly saw something that would change him for the rest of his life.
Dolza's fleet surrounding the planet began to fire on Earth, the bombing was massive, it was impossible, there was no way anyone could have survived such an attack of apocalyptic proportions.
No... no... They're destroying everything," Knight whispered and covered his face with his hands and then slid them into his hair and started pulling it out as if he wanted to pull it out.
Knight watched helplessly as the planet's surface was razed to the ground, when an impossible beam of light came out of the planet and vaporized a large portion of the zentraedi fleet.
What the hell was that? Knight asked himself, but was interrupted by Sammie who informed him that the Hunter-Minmei attack would soon begin.
The Hunter-Minmei attack?
That's right," said Sammy, "Captain Global will use Rick's idea. In the middle of battle Minmei will stop singing and kiss Kyle, so we can penetrate the enemy's base through a side zone.
A side area? What about penetrating through the main gate?
Commander Breetai explained to Captain Global that Dolza would surely put a zentraedi ship with a reflex cannon ready to fire at any ship entering through this point. Breetai knows of a weak point in the enemy starbase through which we can enter and take the other ships inside the Dolza base by surprise.
Of course, Breetai is a senior zentraedi leader, it's not unusual for him to know this information... And what about you Sammie, are you calm?
I am, Knight. I know you and the girls will be by my side. Just promise me you'll take care of yourself.
I promise you Sammie, with Exedore's plan we have an opportunity, we just have to concentrate, I swear I will protect you in the whole battle.
-I know.... Thank you Knight....
Knight approached the tele-communicator of his veritech and sent her a kiss.
Everything was ready, the zentraedi fleet moved towards the Dolza base covering the SDF-1, the surprise factor was important, they gained a lot of ground by leaving the hidden side of the moon and when the Dolza fleet realized and was ready to attack, the image and song of Minmei was transmitted to every zentraedi ship including the Dolza base.
Breetai's fleet fired all of its available SLRs, as well as all of its anti-ship cannons and anti-ship missiles, along with its anti-ship torpedoes.
The destruction was total, the enemy taken by surprise could not answer the attack and let themselves be killed without resistance, only the zentraedi mechas fought but were intercepted by the mechas of Breetai's fleet.
The enemy was not yet reacting, but Breetai could no longer use reflex weapons for two reasons: first, the protoculture was exhausted; and second, the few ships that had enough energy could not fire any shots as their mechas were right in front of them trying to destroy the mechas of Dolza's fleet.
Breetai continued to move forward confidently, knowing that the situation of Dolza's ships was much worse, having fired on the ground, they had surely exhausted all the protoculture necessary to fire any reflex weaponry. Yes, things were going perfectly, but then something Breetai did not count on put the whole plan in jeopardy.
Khyron's traitor decided to attack Breetai's fleet. It seemed suicidal that a few Zentraedi ships could defeat a million ships, but the boldness of Khyron's ships caused the commanders of Dolza's ships to recover from their stupor over Minmeis image and song and they began to attack Breetais fleet.
Knight, the Khyron ships are attacking from the rear and are very close to SDF-1, your squadron and the others must face Khyron's ships because Breetai's fleet cannot break formation if we are to succeed in the mission of destroying the Dolza base," Sammie explained with a poise that made Knight surprised, She no longer looked like the insecure little girl who couldn't wait for Lisa to return to her post, now she looked like an experienced officer who didn't need any help.
I understand Sammie, Knight out.
The SDF-1 veritechs took off to face the traitor's ships and mechas.
Rick, brother, I think it's time.
We'll get out of this Knight, don't worry.
Rick, I always wanted to tell you something.... I always admired you brother, I always wanted to be like you, if in the end I don't tell it, I want you to know that I always admired you and that I considered it an honor to fight beside you.
Thank you Knight, although you've been telling me that you're my fan since day one.
-Ja, ja, ja You're right, Rick, then... see you soon, brother... Knight out.
Knight roared and headed to face the enemy with a stiff expression on his face.
Khyron believed he was making a clever move by attacking SDF-1 treacherously, but he did not count on Dolza's ships discriminating between Breetai's ships and his own. The entire protoculture of SLRs on Khyron's ships was used against Dolza's ships, instead of against SDF-1.
Khyron, seeing himself between the anvil and the hammer, decided to escape but even his own ship was damaged and had to land on the planet in an emergency, abandoning all his other ships which were destroyed in a few minutes.
"This is hell," Knight thought as he faced the enemy.
The pilot was outnumbered in an astonishing way, so he decided to attack in the form of a fighter instead of a batloid, as this way he avoided being attacked from all sides. In this way, he reduced the combat to one on one as the other enemy mechas could not all shoot at the same time as they would bring down his companions instead of the Micronian.
Knight saw that little by little the commanders of Dolza's ships were beginning to attack seriously and he headed for SDF-1, and just in time as a damaged mecha almost crashed into the bridge but Knight destroyed it before that happened.
Now that the battle was at its height, Kyle entered the scene and his kiss with Minmei was transmitted to all of Dolza's ships. Breetai seized this opportunity and made a breakthrough for SDF-1 to enter the enemy base.
Knight transformed his fighter into a batloid and made it square in front of the bridge, saying goodbye to Sammie and returning to battle.
Knight and the other Breetais mechas and mother ships were heading away from Dolza's base as they knew what would happen next.
The enemy was greatly confused by Breetais tactics and this caused both Earth and allied zentraedis casualties to be minimal. The Dolza base then began to explode, taking with it several enemy zentraedi ships.
Sammie," said Knight, hoping that the SDF-1 would be unscathed, "and indeed, the figure of the Earth ship was drawn on what was once Dolza's base, it seemed that several parts of its surface were melted by the heat, but in the end Dr. Lang's omni-directional barrier had managed to save the ship, which was beginning to move toward Earth for an emergency landing.
Knight wanted to follow SDF-1 but a treason attack occurred. Apparently Azonia wanted to imitate Khyron's attack on Breetai, Knight headed for that new hell with the other remaining veritech ships.
Like Khyron, Azonia's move did not yield the results she had hoped for, Dolza's surviving ships did not help her in the least, with the chain of command broken, they simply watched the battle and in the end the numbers gave Breetai the advantage, so that all Azonia's ships were destroyed and the traitor's ship had to make an emergency landing on the planet.
"At last," thought Knight exhausted, who had run out of missiles or ammunition.
The remaining ships of Dolza did not know how to react, but Breetai contacted them and ordered them to submit to his command. Some did, but most attacked Breetais fleet. Fortunately, Breetai had enough protoculture and fired his remaining reflex guns at the enemy, which, together with the enemy's disorder, caused several ships that still insisted on fighting to be destroyed.
The battle of SDF-1 was over, but the battle for zentraedi supremacy would continue.
Knight had nothing left to do in this battle, without ammunition, all he had left to do was to head for SDF-1. Knight activated his heat shields and headed for the coordinates from the bridge.
Sammie, Sammie, can you hear me, this is Knight, point me in the direction of the front door, as I can see that I cannot land on the Daedalus or Prometheus.
Knight, thank God you're safe," Sammie said with tears in her eyes, "very few pilots came back from the battle.
Some news from my squadron.
Nobody made it, Knight, you're the only one who came back.
What about Rick, or Max?
Max and Mirilla came back safe and sound, as for Rick, we don't know if he's safe and sound.
-Sammie.... Lieutenant Hunter's veritech is heading for the ship! Diana informed him.
Sammie, tell me where Rick is!
He's heading straight for the ship, I'll give you the coordinates.
Knight headed towards Rick's veritech and the two ships stopped facing each other, Knight couldn't believe it, not only was Rick safe, but also Lisa was with her friend.
Rick, Lisa, I can't believe you're safe, it's a miracle! Knight shouted and hugged Rick and then Lisa.
Lisa and Rick asked Knight about the battle and Knight told them everything he had seen and the news he had received from Sammie.
The three friends returned to the veritechs and headed towards the SDF-1, which was being bathed in the sunset light giving it a magnificent appearance while also highlighting the damage to the entire structure after the battle, but the ship was still operational and with all the civilians aboard safe and sound, all grateful for having survived the horrible battle and having the opportunity to start over.
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