Capítulo 11: From illusion to hell
“Emeril landing” Knight reported to the bridge.
“Emeril 2, good flight," said Sammie.
“Thank you Sammie, but next time don't make me keep going around the ship's transmission tower.”
“I'm sorry, Knight," apologized Sammie as she put on a nice little pity face.
“Ahem!” Claudia clarified her voice and Sammie concentrated again on her work.
“Knight out," Knight hurriedly said who did not want to be lectured by Claudia.
Knight left his ship in charge of the ship's mechanics and went to the barracks to change, after which he headed for the ship's cafeteria which he found deserted.
"Of course, I had forgotten that this is the premiere of Minmei's film," Knight thought and wanted to go there, but then he remembered that Kyle was also the main character.
"Fucking asshole, I'm sure he'll be very popular after the premiere."
Knight asked for a cup of tea, and after drinking it slowly, decided to go near the bridge and wait for Sammie's shift to end before he could meet her.
"Hey, before I forget, I'd better go buy a little present," thought Knight, and went to the coffee shop and bought something nice for Sammie.
"Thank you, Roy," he thanked the cowboy as he remembered how he told him that it drove the girls crazy:
“If they like you, they will really appreciate your gift and think about you all the time, and if they hate you they will not stop thinking about you while they decide for days and days whether or not to throw your gift in the garbage can, anyway they never stop thinking about you and that my boy is already having 25% of the battle won.”
Knight was happy to wait for Sammie near the bridge when the ship's loudspeakers announced that a modular transformation was to take place.
“What, without warning!” he shouted to himself Knight and headed for the command bridge.
“What's going on!” Knight raised his voice once inside the bridge, apparently neither Lisa nor Global were present.
“Knight, what are you doing here?” Kim asked when she saw the pilot entering the bridge.
“A Zentraedi ship is very close to us," said Sammie, frightened.
“Lieutenant Knight, get off the bridge immediately!” shouted Claudia.
“Sammie, you must have given everyone time to go somewhere safe. You know Minmei's movie's opening today? The whole place is packed with people," Knight told her, and Sammie didn't know where to go from the embarrassment.
“Lieutenant, I'm warning you” Claudia threatened him.
“Commander Grant, you should have advised Sammie better," Knight let him go and Claudia clenched her fists in anger.
“Knight, Knight... Shut up.” Vanessa advised him.
“What's going on here? Why did you order the modular transformation?” asked Captain Global, who had just entered the bridge. Sammie explained the situation in a shaky voice and Global shook his head.
"Order a squadron out to cover the ship and advise Dr. Lang to have the omni-directional barrier ready. Lieutenant Knight, what are you doing here?”
“Emm, I'm only here for moral support for Sammie, sir," Knight replied as he squared off to Global.
“I thought that after all the work Commander Grant had asked you to do, you wouldn't try your luck again, go to the hangars if you don't want to have free time, Lieutenant.”
“Yes, sir!” Knight responded nervously and shot out of the place.
Kim took the opportunity to slap him on the buttocks as he came out and Diana covered her mouth with one hand to avoid laughing out loud.
As Knight came out, he could hear how Global was criticizing not Sammie but Claudia for not having paid more attention to the actions of her subordinate.
“Oh Kim, you're terrible," said Diana, laughing after the girls' turn was over.
“That wasn't right," Vanessa criticized, "it's sexual harassment.”
“Unlike women, men love to be pushed around by girls," Kim replied.
“Good thing the captain didn't see you," said Diana, who was wiping away a tear.
“I couldn't help it! Didn't you see those buttocks? You asked me why men have flat buttocks? Knight is an exception to the rule.”
“Stop talking about buttocks, Sammie and Claudia are coming," Vanessa warned them. The women were approaching the group, Claudia was apparently preaching to Sammie, while she was just nodding her head and looking sad.
Claudia gave a few more pieces of advice to Sammie and said goodbye to the girls, and then Knight came out of a corner and went to the girls.
“Were you hiding from Major Grant, Lieutenant?” Kim asked jokingly.
“No, not at all.... Well, maybe a little bit," said Knight as he rehearsed his sad face.
“That's sweet Knight, Sammie, you're lucky that Knight is your boyfriend," Diana said.
“What's that you're holding, Knight?” Sammie asked him.
“It's a little gift I bought you, as soon as I saw it I knew it was for you, I couldn't resist waiting for you by the bridge," Knight said and handed the gift to Sammie, taking longer than usual to caress Sammie's fingers as he handed her the gift packet.
“At least the day didn't end in disaster.”
“Disaster for both of you," Vanessa interrupted. “Sammie, next time don't act so impulsive, and you Knight don't go back on the bridge without permission.”
The group went out to the civilian area and saw that everything was a disaster, there were several things scattered all over the floor and broken.
Knight hugged Sammie to cheer her on when they saw Lisa and Rick walking down the desolate street together.
"I hope those two will become a couple," Knight thought without paying attention to the girls who were beginning to whisper to each other.
Several days passed without the enemy approaching the ship and a peaceful atmosphere was breathed in.
“This makes me nervous, guys," Knight told his men as he was making a routine flight, "I was always nervous about the emptiness of space and now we haven't heard anything from the enemy in a while, they're probably planning something.”
Knight did not care what his subordinates told him to reassure him, he could feel in his skin as something bad approached.
Minmei was getting ready to give a concert and the pilots were warned of zentraedi presence in the area.
“I wonder what took them so long this time, brother," Knight told Rick as they entered the hangar.
“I don't know, I just hope they don't give us any trouble.”
Rick and Knight each headed to their respective squadrons and left the ship. The enemy pods didn't pose any challenge to the pilots, but Knight had a bad feeling, they acted in the same choreographed way as when the zentraedi women's mechas attacked them and then launched a serious attack, including a mother ship attack.
Enemy pods attacked with such a formation that the veritechs were forced to stand in front of the ship and thus could not use the reflex cannon.
In the end the enemy attack was a carbon copy of what happened on Earth, the enemy pods intensified the attack and a zentraedi ship, the largest one he had ever seen, proceeded to ram them.
"Good thing it's Lisa and not Sammie in charge this time," Knight thought with relief.
SDF-1 made a Daedalus attack, but for some strange reason the zentraedi ship did not explode from the inside, in fact the fortress seemed to want to detach itself from the zentraedi ship but something was holding back the Daedalus.
The SDF-1 was released and the zentraedi ship withdrew from the scene, suddenly more zentraedi mother ships appeared releasing huge numbers of enemy pods. Again they had the veritechs follow their game and positioned them in direct combat right in front of the Earth ship so that it wouldn't fire its main weapon.
"This is not right," Knight thought, and his fears were confirmed by the ship's bridge, apparently huge numbers of enemy pods entered the fortress taking advantage of the failed Daedalus attack.
Knight and his squad volunteered to control the situation that threatened to get out of control and headed to SDF-1 with Rick's squad.
To say that the situation threatened to get out of control was not enough, it was hell itself in there, the enemies didn't just move through the military areas, but they entered the city and fired at everything in the place, whether it moved or not.
Damn, we've got a lot to cover! Knight shouted to his men and ordered them to disperse to cover more streets of the wrecked city that was being ravaged by fire and enemy gunfire.
Knight was thinking about his men and the hard battle they had to fight. With the explosion of the omni-directional barrier on Earth, many experienced and veteran pilots died and now many veritech pilots were just a few new entrants to the academy, they were too green for the pressure they faced at this time.
"I hope you'll take care of yourself, Rick," Knight thought, but then his thoughts turned to his men who cried out in fear.
Knight had to take great risks to destroy the enemies in front of him and set out to rescue his men one by one.
"Hell, they're still very green, it was foolish to send them to fight the enemy in these conditions," Knight thought, and decided to make him and his men strong in a section of the city that was already being invaded by the enemy.
“Fire at will!” Knight commanded his men at the approaching tide.
“I'm running out of ammo!” shouted one of his men, and then another and another shouted the same thing.
“Let every shot count, let every shot count! Remember, there is nowhere to run, we must not only resist but also win!”
Knight's harangue motivated his men and in the end the enemy pods were repelled.
“Lisa, Lisa, you hear me, my sector is clear, but we can't pursue the enemy for lack of ammunition.”
“You don't have to, Knight," said Lisa, "the enemy is beginning to retreat.”
“Did we repel them?” asked Knight.
“No, that's the strange thing, they already had us but suddenly their attacks became erratic and then they started attacking each other.”
“In the end it doesn't matter what it was, the important thing is that we survived, tell me Lisa, you have news of Rick.”
“He's fine, apparently they attacked the concert but our reports indicate that Minmei, Kyle and Rick are fine," said Lisa and Knight breathed a sigh of relief.
Thank you for reading, please don't forget to comment pretty please