Chapter 16: Time Limits
Two years had passed since Dolza's attack and the situation on the planet was tense and calm.
The city of Macross had finally been rebuilt, as had several population centers in North America, or at least were at a high level of recovery progress, all thanks to Venezuela's oil and gas that was able to reach North America thanks to the efforts of the RDF and the Southern Cross to stop the zentraedi attacks on the supply freighters.
Khyron, who was in great difficulty, arrived in Manaus, but the Zentraedis leaders expelled him because of the suicide plans of the traitor, who was obsessed with SDF-1, while the Zentraedis leaders of Manaus took a more intelligent stance and gathered many EBSIS technicians to teach them how to repair their mechas. In fact, they had been so successful that the EBSIS top management became concerned and arranged secret meetings with Knight.
“What you're saying to me is very worrying, Knight," Global told Knight on TV on a private and restricted military channel.
“I know, Admiral, we're out of time, it's a shame the only Zentraedi ship we have left is Breetai's.”
“And that's why we can't use it to attack Manaus, we need it for another mission.”
“What mission would be more important than destroying Manaus?”
“Over and above, he discovered the coordinates of the satellite factory zentraedi," Global revealed, and Knight sat at the edge of his seat.
“I understand, in that case I undertake not to allow any Zentraedi army to leave Manaus.”
“We have the forces of SASTRAC and you, Knight.”
Knight had not been this anxious since the morning after Dolza's attack, if the factory satellite could be recovered, it would be a turning point.
They could defeat Manaus without risking the future of the human race in a battle of uncertain outcome, and Global had not been able to deal with Khyron and Azonia, and the re-launch of Emerson's Valkyrie program had not borne much fruit.
After a couple of months, Knight breathed calmly as he saw the silhouette of the factory satellite drawn on the sky.
“Lisa, Rick, you did it.”
The joy experienced by the military high command was overshadowed by the fact that the satellite factory had suffered many damages when it arrived on Earth.
“This is a disaster, Admiral," Knight told Global on board the satellite factory.
“I thought that with the arrival of the satellite, I thought all our problems would be solved," groaned Global in sorrow and Knight was amazed at how old and exhausted he looked.
“What does Dr. Lang say, Claudia?”
“Claudia just shook her head and Knight swore silently.”
“Well, I guess that's the end of it.... No one can say we didn't try, we don't have Breetai's support as he has his own problems in pacifying Reno's fleet. I suppose it will be Breetai who will avenge our deaths once Manaus decides to attack in earnest," Knight said with a wicked smile.”
“There's nothing you can do, Knight," asked Claudia in alarm.
“What could I do, only Manaus has 150,000 zentraedis, the whole Zentraedi Control Zone, that is to say the entire Amazon consists of half a million giants... I will do the same as Churchill with the Nazis... I will bluff.”
“What do you mean, Knight?” asked Global, who looked more and more exhausted.
“The satellite can be seen from Earth, right? Well, I'll send messages to Manaus, make them believe that the satellite factory is 100% operational and ready for the production of veritechs and mechas, as well as SDF-type ships.... Let's hope we gain time with that.”
“It's a good idea, Knight," said Claudia.
“And, Admiral, what about the Indochinese and African Quadrant?”
“Things are going very badly, at least the hostile forces are fighting each other instead of uniting and confronting us.”
“As I see it, Admiral, the only chance we have is the city of La Paz," Knight assured him.
“How far along are the fortification efforts in La Paz?” Claudia asked.
“I'm afraid they're at 50%, we need at least a year to complete them.”
“One year?” Claudia said nervously.
“It is not a question of building the maginot line, which can be surrounded. We are talking about a fortress city with robotech defenses that would assure us victory over the Zentraedi Zone of Control.”
“How many resources," asked Global.
“Until we destroy Manaus, I fear I will need almost 100% of all available resources.”
“100%? It's impossible, Knight!” shouted Claudia.
“You have them, Knight," Global interrupted, "after all, according to Dr. Lang, the satellite will be operational in two to three years.”
Global then excused himself from the officers and asked to tour the facility alone.
Claudia and Knight entered a factory satellite elevator with worried gestures.
“Claudia, what's wrong with the Admiral?”
“It's work, he's exhausted.”
“He got very old in two years.”
“He's got cancer, Knight.”
Knight held the bridge of his nose with both fingers and pressed hard as he closed his eyes.
“How much time does he have left?”
“I'm... less than a year... Oh Knight.”
Claudia broke down and Knight hugged her and comforted her as best he could.
“Does Lisa know?” Knight asked and Claudia shook her head.
“And I guess the other commanders, including Lang, don't know either.”
“Lang knows, but not so Maistroff and the other high commanders.”
“Claudia, we must not only deceive Manaus, we must also deceive the high command in either South America or North America.”
“You're right.... But how will we do it," said Claudia, who kept on hiccuping. Knight felt his heart tear as Claudia was always so strong but now she looked so vulnerable, like the time Fokker died.
“Do you think the satellite manufactures can build at least one ship?”
“No, it's impossible, the satellite factory is too damaged.”
“Claudia, I don't need a work of art, I just need a small, well, small ship by zentraedis standards, but intimidating enough to fool everyone. I need an exact replica of SDF-1 built.”
“An exact replica?”
“It does not have to be exact, instead of the Daedalus and the Prometeus, it can have two Armour fortresses. It doesn't need to be even 50% operational, I just need it to fly in from South America and set a course for Central America and the Caribbean and then head to Macross City.”
“An SDF-2”
“Exactly Claudia, only in this way will we gain time with Manaus and the high command of the RDF.”
“I'll tell the Admiral.”
“Please Claudia, I know he'll listen to you, you have to convince him... Because we don't have time anymore.”
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