The visitors
“ Do you think it's a drill, sir?” Knight asked him.
“On opening day?” Fokker said frowning. “Rick, you'd better wait for me here.... Sit in the cockpit and see the controls I'm coming by in a little while.”
Rick was happy to accept and Knight avoided laughing, Fokker was skipping protocol with his baby brother.
“Nice to meet you, Rick, I hope I can see you again and still be friends," Knight said.
“You can kiss him later," mocked Fokker and pulled him by the neck like a cat, they rushed to Fokker's command post.
Fokker was talking on the tele-com and Knight could see the cowboy's face tighten like he had never seen it before.
Fokker ordered his pilots to board their veritechs, he'd give them instructions once they got upstairs.
“Guys, I think we have enemies we need to take down," Fokker once told them, "all the veritechs were in the sky.
Knight swallowed saliva, it was the first time he'd ever gone into combat.
“I thought it was a terrorist attack," Knight said. “So we're being attacked again by the Anti-Unification League? Or is it another group?”
“Neither one of them," Fokker answered very seriously.
“From what quadrant does the enemy come?” asked one pilot.
“None," replied Fokker, who apparently did not decide how to make the enemy's nature known to his pilots.
“So... they're coming from... upstairs?” said one pilot.
Knight knew he had been trained to fight giant humanoid aliens, after all, he was a veritech pilot, the elite elite of the elite, not just a fighter pilot, he had been entrusted with this information along with other pilots, but he hoped to have his first fight in the somewhat distant future, not so suddenly.
“And I, who was getting nervous about facing the Reds (Anti-Unification League),” tried to joke with Knight.
“None of that, kid, now you're going to have to prove that your training wasn't a waste of money, you're going to have to face the Greens," Fokker told him.
The "Greens" had named the race of humanoids who apparently owned the space fortress after the aliens in the ancient science fiction movies (Little Green Men).
“All right, guys, they're already on the radar... get ready," Fokker warned them, Knight swallowed saliva and concentrated to the max.
The ships were very different from the UFOs shown in the movies or in the comic books, and their intentions were not at all friendly.
“Why the hell did these greens travel from one end of the universe just to fight?” Knight complained.
The battle was intense, but the speed of both sides was even, no, in fact the veritechs were faster and their drivers better.
Knight heard how Fokker was talking to Rick, apparently the ace of aces, had decided to join the battle.
“Hey Rick, I know you're the super ace (I'm serious and no offense), but don't you think it's a little risky?” Knight said to him.
“Hey, it was all a mistake, before I knew it I was in the sky and surrounded by enemies," Rick excused himself.
“All right, Rick, don't worry, I'll find you a "highway exit"," Knight said nervously, but suddenly Rick's ship was hit by a green's gunfire.
“Rick!” Knight and Fokker shouted, but there was nothing they could do to help him as several greens were chasing them at the time.
“Sir, we have to do something!” shouted Knight.
“I know, but to do that we have to get rid of these greens!” Fokker replied.
The greens were persistent, but they killed them all or at least the first wave.
“...And it is causing more damage than the enemy, when it crashed in the middle of the street, it even knocked down the Nue animation studio” Commander Hayes criticised Fokker on the tele-communicator.
"NOOOO, they made good animes in that place!" thought Knight in alarm.
“Well, I'll take care of it," Fokker said with a smile on his face that indicated he wasn't angry with Rick, but proud of the destruction he had caused.
"Fokker's a weirdo," Knight thought.
“Well Knight, will you come with me?” Fokker invited him, and Knight gladly accepted.
The pilots didn't find it hard to find Rick.
“He's right there, just past what's left of Nue's studio," Knight reported, somewhat sad.
“I used to love his anime as a child," said nostalgic Fokker, "now I'm really angry, Rick Hunter.”
“Did you watch anime, sir?”
“And I still do, but now I prefer the hentai," said the man without blushing.
“Excuse me for asking, sir, but what about commander Claudia?”
“Listen Knight, not only does a man live by bread," said Roy while laughing, "if you want to be a real man, don't let a woman tell you what you should or shouldn't watch, or else she will tell you what you can or can't touch, or lick....”
“Yes, sir," Knight replied shyly to the mans horrible advice.
Fokker and Knight arrived at Rick's place, and the cowboy ordered his subordinate to cover for them while he repaired his "little brother's" veritech.
“Repeat the transmission, which was what you said after the line of defense," said Knight on the telecon, which only transmitted sound because of the interference.
“I repeat, the Greens have crossed the line of defense, and now they are in town, we need reinforcements near the underground shelters," said a voice on the tele-communicator.
“Sir, the Greens have entered the city, it seems they have mechas like us!” Knight informed Fokker.
“I understand, and how they are," asked the commander.
“They tell me they are like eggs with legs.”
“All right, from now on we'll call these enemies "eggshells", Roy said seriously.
“Rick, say goodbye to your friend," said Roy, but in that case several moment mechas attacked the group, thank goodness Knight was covering the sector.
“Hurry up, Rick, run!” Knight shouted and Rick grabbed Minmei with one of the mechanical arms of his veritech in guardian mode and escaped from the place.
“Sir, they're getting closer and closer, more and more eggshells.”
“Take it easy, Knight, we'll do a side sweep and then we'll get out of here.”
After stopping the first offensive, the two veritechs switched from batloid to fighter mode and rushed to find Rick.
“Sir, Rick's telemarketer just went off.”
“Give me coordinates, Knight.”
Knight transmitted the coordinates to Fokker and both pilots went to help Rick.
“Well Knight, same as before, I'll get Rick and you cover my ass.”
“Yes, sir," Knight replied and stood on a corner of a destroyed street, the smoke from the numerous fires made it impossible to see anything with his naked eye, so he had to rely on his instruments.
As the smoke dispersed in a strong breeze from the ocean, the enemy lashed out again at the pilots.
“I got Rick and the girl, let's get out of here!” Fokker ordered and the veritechs took a low flight and were about to pass over a high slope, when two enemies were already waiting for them.
“I got it, sir," said Knight and shot down the aliens with accurate fire.
“Good aim, Knight.”
“Thank you, sir.”
“SDF-1 bridge to Commander Fokker, you are instructed to approach SDF-1 and await instructions," reported Commander Hayes.
“You heard Knight, let's get out of here.”
The two veritechs went to the SDF-1 and upon arrival, Fokker ordered Rick and Minmei to remain in place.
“Knight, I want you to do me a favor," Fokker said.
“Whatever you say, sir.”
“You see... I want you to go back to Macross Island and bring Rick's plane back.”
“Of course, sir! We can't leave Rick's plane there abandoned," he replied and Fokker was amazed.
“You don't mind going back to where the enemy is?”
“No, sir, it will be my pleasure to help you and Rick," said Knight.
“All right, go down to the runway and get the plane back, if the bridge interrogates you, you play crazy, don't answer them, I'll explain later," Fokker instructed him. And Knight, just call me Roy.
Knight descended to the island and recovered the plane without any problems as the enemies had apparently withdrawn, at least for the time being.
“Sir... Roy," Knight said shyly, "I've already brought the plane, it's right in the mini hangar, so no one will suspect.”
“Well done Knight," said Fokker and went to Rick and Minmei.
Friends and the girl took a military jeep and went to Rick's plane. Roy drove recklessly so that Rick and Minmei would be cuddled, Knight silently cursed Roy for his dangerous driving, and when he slammed on the brakes, he almost went ahead of the jeep.
Roy showed the plane to Rick and he thanked him warmly.
“Don't thank me Rick, but Knight, he's the one who got the plane back," said the man and Rick thanked Knight, who turned red like a tomato when he saw his hero thanking him from the heart for the plane.
“All right, boys, you stay here," said Roy to Rick and Minmei, "don't you dare walk the ship or you'll get lost.”
Having said that, Roy and Knight returned to the main hangars to receive orders, and were charged with covering the ship with possible greens or eggshells (Lisa and the other girls did not like the term in the least) until the ship landed on Macross Island.
“All right, guys, hold on tight to the balls we're leaving Kansas," Roy told his pilots, "the ship will perform a direct transposition operation to Oz (the moon).”
Knight and the other pilots swallowed saliva, knew what a transposition operation was, but had never experienced it, scientists told them it was a sure thing, but still.
Suddenly, the whole sky seemed to be stained with psychedelic colors.
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