Antheia replied, with a perplexed look.
"But do you know who killed him?"
The boy looked a little sad, as if anticipating the answer.
"We will check the Book of Deaths," she replied brightly. "But first we must ask the permission of the Keeper."
"The Keeper?" Ian whispered. "What's all this going on about? What's the Land of the Undead?"
"The Keeper protects the Book of Deaths," the boy whispered back. "Which keeps a record of every human death since the beginning of time. The Land of the Undead... is what humans would call Hell."
After a fair bit of walking they reached a cavern covered with thick tree roots.
Antheia called out and a small being with pointy ears appeared by the entrance.
"I wondering if we could sneak a look into the Book of Deaths?" She asked in a particularly nice voice.
"No!" The thing replied. "His High Majesty has forbidden it!"
Antheia smiled sweetly.
"Oh... all right," it said, hopelessly.
It seemed Antheia's beauty had got the better of him.