The boy whistled and, once again, the wolves drew away and fled.
Patrick grimaced.
"I was rather hoping not to use this," he began, loading the pistol. "But you leave me no choice. I simply can't have you spreading the word about Jacob's murder."
He pointed it at the boy.
Ian stepped forward and pushed the boy behind him. He stood up straight.
"Why did you murder him?"
"Revenge." Patrick replied. "My daughter was nearly killed in the fire as well. We were neighbors.
"If hasn't been for Jacob's stupidity, she wouldn't be in a coma at the moment.
"I had to. I'm not a heartless man, and I do feel regret for what I did - but I need to be there for my daughter when she wakes up.I promised her."
"I'm sorry," Ian said, without thinking. "We never knew. But we had to find out."
"I don't want to kill you two, but now I feel I can't trust anyone anymore. Jacob... was one of the most trustable people I knew. But he started the fire. I... wasn't thinking. I was so blinded by rage. And I'm truly sorry."
Patrick stepped forward. The pistol was now positioned right in front of Ian's chest.
Ian didn't back down.
Suddenly, the boy jumped out from behind him.
The next thing he knew, he'd been knocked out.