On it lay the boy with long, pale green hair and soft brown eyes.
He was covered with bandages, plasters and uncovered cuts and bruises, but was looking a whole lot better than before.
Ian stared at him, trying to visualize what he would look like all grown up.
He and Louise were planning to adopt him and raise him, almost as their own, but still bearing in mind the fact he really belonged to Jacob Starling and his wife.
But suddenly, he felt compelled to ask a question - a question he'd never asked the boy before.
"Do you... have a name?"
The boy looked down.
"Father always called me 'Child'..."
"Then how about... James?"
The boy shook his head vigorously.
"Then I name you James Starling, boy on a mission to find his father's true murderer; mischief-maker in Heaven, but Angel on earth; sent here as a punishment, only to commit a good deed...
"You are James Starling, Angel Child."