-Camila's p.o.v-
After a long walk we finally arrived at a huge door. "That's huge!" Crystal stated in shock while I heard a boy chuckle..Ferble was it..? "What's so funny?" We asked them. The two Bens started laughing as well, "That's what she said." They laughed out, I hit their arms playfully. We saw a guard on the outside, guarding...(obviously XD) I was about to go up to him when Benjamin yanked me back, causing me to trip and fall face first onto the ground, getting the guard's attention.
"Stay here. You saved my life and now I'm repaying the favour." He whispered and hopped off with the other Ben and Ferble, leaving us girls to sit and kinda just chill out with each other, that including chasing Sam. "Stop it!" He yelled at us but we just laughed it off, running after them in a game of tag. A few minutes later we heard an ear-piercing scream which made almost all of us freeze in horror or gore. "What the Hell was that?!" Alan shouted out, "Language." Polly retorted, leaving Sam to roll his eyes and sigh. "Lets go!" I called out to them and we all rushed to the scene, that is..of Derrick getting a sword stabbed from his stomach till it poked out of the other end slightly, like a skewer on a BBQ.
No doubt he was dead, I mean, like, who wouldn't be right? Anyways, we all ran in, checking if the remainder of the boys were alright and if they were bruised anywhere, fortunately, they weren't so we headed back to the palace. As we were entering a flash of lightening struck and a beautiful glowing woman appeared in front of us. "You have done well child, I will grant your wishes." She said softly with a smile plastered on her face. I returned the smile and waited for everyone to wish until it got to me. (If you wanna know Benjamin's wish then you have to read 'Secrets of Shambhala!')
"And you, my child?" She asked me, I thought for a moment before holding my hand up, beckoning her to come closer, which she did, "I wish for all my friends, new and old to be happy and safe always." She smiled warmly and nodded, clicking her fingers to grant my wish. And with that, we headed back to our respective areas.