Zayn's POV
Harry and Louis should have gotten the package already. I'm surprised that they haven't thought to call me yet.
"Zayn? How much longer until we get there?" Ashley asks me.
"A few more minutes. Go to sleep."
"Why do you keep telling me to go to sleep? Why don't you want me awake?"
"There's no reason. You'll just need your rest for what's soon to come."
A worried look is set upon her face but is pushed away when she notices that I'm looking at her.
"Don't worry. I'm sure Zach won't do much," I tell her.
"Wait. You're taking me to Zach?"
"Yeah, said he wants you."
"Do you know why he wants me?"
"Nope. We don't ask questions, we just do as we're told."
"We? There's more of you?"
"Well yeah. There's me, Jake, Allyson, and Veronica."
"Allyson? Allyson who? What's her last name?"
"Allyson Martin."
"No, that can't be right. She- She's my best friend. She wouldn't want to hurt me. You probably got the wrong last name or something."
"I don't think so, love. Looks like your friend lied to you."
"But. She. I told her everything. It can't be her. It just can't be."
"Well, looks like you'll find out now cause we're here." I say, parking the car behind the building.
. . .
Harry's POV
Louis and I get back in the car and I open up the box.
"Lou, it's her phone. We can't track her down anymore! What am I supposed to do? I promised Nick that I would protect her, that I wouldn't let Zach take her."
"Harry, calm down. Everything's going to be okay. We'll find her."
"Okay, well he's probably taking her to Zach. Why don't you just call him? We can track his phone."
"Yeah. Right. I'll just call him."
I take out my phone and dial his number.
"Zayn speaking."
"Malik, where did you take Ashley."
"Ahh, Harry. I was wondering when you'd call."
"Wait, Harry? You're talking to Harry." I hear a distant voice say.
"Ashley? Malik, is that Ashley?"
"Yeah, that's her."
"Let me talk to her, Malik. Let me hear her voice before Zach kills her."
I give Louis a nod, notifying him to start tracking down the location of the phone.
"He's not going to kill her."
"Did Zach tell you that he's not going to kill her or are you just saying he isn't?"
"That doesn't matter. Do you want to speak to Ashley or not? If not, I'll just be going now since it's time to bring her to Zach."
"No! I want to talk to her."
"Okay, okay. Here."
"Ashley? Ashley, babe. Are you okay? Has he hurt you? I swear I'm going to find you, I promise."
"Harry, Harry I'm okay. He hasn't done anything to me. Harry, it's okay. I-I'll be okay."
"No, Ashley. I'll find you. Louis and I are tracking down Zayn's phone at the moment right now."
"Is that why you called? Do you not even really want to talk to me?"
"Love, I really do want to talk to you. I will find you and I will get you back to your family unharmed."
"Harry, if you don't it's okay. Don't think that it's your fault, okay? It's not your fault if you don't find me."
"I will Ashley. I will find you."
"Alright, Ashley. It's time to go. Say bye bye to Harry." I hear Zayn say.
"Zayn, no, stop! Let me say one more thing to him! Please!"
"No, it's time to go." Zayn says.
"Harry! I lo-."
She gets cut off as the call is ended.
"Damn it!"
"What happened?"
"Zayn ended the call."
"Doesn't matter, I got the address."
"No, that's not it. Ashley was saying something but she was cut off."
"What do you think she was saying?" Louis asks.
"It sounded like she was saying she loved me."