Harry's POV
I woke up to an unfamiliar room before recognizing it as Louis' bedroom. Getting up, I stumble a little, my head was pounding and my mouth tasted like alcohol. Putting two and two together I remembered waking up around midnight next to Ashley.
. . .
I woke to Ashley's head buried in my chest and my arms wrapped around her tiny body. I carefully untangled myself from her and quietly walked out of the room.
Feeling like going out for a drink, I grabbed the keys to my Range Rover and locked the door to the house. Ten minutes later I arrived at a local bar and started drinking away all my thoughts and problems.
Before Louis had gotten to the bar to pick me up I had gotten into a fight with some random guy that was there. He had made a rude comment about Ashley when he saw a picture of her on my phone.
Louis had come in the middle of the fight and had to pull me off the guy and restrain me before getting me into his car.
By the time we arrived at his flat I was probably already passed out.
. . .
"Harry? You okay, mate?" Louis asked when I entered the kitchen.
"Yeah, just a little hangover. Nothing that won't go away in an hour or two." I reply, sitting down at the table with him. I looked up just in them to find Eleanor pushing a plate of food my way.
"Here Harry, have some breakfast." Eleanor said, pushing a plate of eggs, bacon, and hash-browns my way.
"Thanks, El."
After finishing breakfast and downing two Advil's with water I make my way back home, but not before Louis warns me about Mia's visit.
Mia and I had dated for about a year. She had been getting clingy and always wanted to know where I was going so I had broken up with her about three months ago. She didn't understand that I never wanted to see her again and I could never get the key back. Mia had always come up for surprise visits to try and make me go out with her again. Apparently this morning was one of those visits.
I will definitely be getting the silent treatment from Ashley. If not that then yelling. Lots of yelling.
. . .
Ashley's POV
It was around 10 AM when Harry got back to the house. I was still pissed that he led me on like that, if he was tying to lead me on at all.
"Ashley, I need to talk to you." Harry says once he enters the guest room.
"Go away." I mumble into the pillow.
"No. Ashley, I need you to listen to me."
"Go away, Harry! I don't want to talk to you." I yell, turning to look at him.
"Do. Not. Yell. At. Me." Harry seethes out.
"Don't tell me what to fucking do."
"Ashley Stone if you curse at me one more time you will not like what you have coming."
"I don't care anymore Harry! Do whatever you want. Kill me for all I care. I don't want to hear your bullshit anymore, I know about Mia. I know about her being your stupid girlfriend. So just stop with all this shit about you liking me. I can't take it anymore!" I scream.
"That was the last straw, Ashley. I'm done with your tantrums. You will not be coming out of this room for a week. You will get supervised bathroom breaks every two hours and I will bring you breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And maybe, if your attitude is good, this punishment will only stay a week and not become longer." Harry says, getting off the bed.
He walks out of the room and slams the door, locking it. I scream into my pillow and tears start streaming down my face.
I just wanted to go home. I wanted to see my parents. I wanted to see Nick. I just wanted to get away from Harry. I wanted someone to find me. I wanted someone to take me away from all of this. But most of all I wanted Harry and his stupid gang to go to jail so they could stay out of my life forever.