I woke up frantically, looking around at my surroundings.
"It was just a dream," I mutter to myself. "A dream that had actually happened seven years ago."
I sit up in bed as the door to the room opens slowly. I turn my head to see Harry entering the door carrying a tray of food with our two year old Zoe on his hip and our adopted daughter Stella, who was now twelve, standing next to him.
Everything flooded back to me. Harry and I getting married, adopting Stella, having Zoey, seeing my parents and Nick again. It all just came straight back.
"Happy Birthday, babe." Harry said, with a smile on his face.
I put a smile on my face and Harry sends me a knowing look. Stella runs over and jumps on the bed.
"Hi mummy! Happy Birthday!" She says happily.
"Hi princess." I laugh, giving the top of her head a kiss.
Harry brings Zoe around to me and I take her into my arms.
"Hey baby girl." I say softly.
Zoe gives me a smile and gurgles, her small hand grabbing onto a strand of my hair. I laugh and carefully move her hand out of my hair.
Harry sits down on the corner of our bed after placing the tray of food on the nightstand.
"Stella?" Harry asks.
"Yes daddy?"
"Could you take Zoe to her playpen, please? Then watch her very carefully until mummy and I come out?"
Stella nods and takes Zoe from me, being very careful. She walks out of the room and Harry gets up to close the door. He then walks back and sits next to me.
"You had the nightmare again, didn't you love?" He asks soothingly, pulling me into his side.
I barely nod my head but he knows the answer to his question already.
"You know that they can't get to you, right? Zach's dead and the rest of them are in jail."
"I know. I just," I pause to take a breath. "It was traumatizing for me."
Harry sighs and pulls me closer, resting his chin on the top of my head. "I know, babe. But think of all the good that came out of it."
I smile softly. "I never would've met you if it weren't for Zach and Nick making that bet."
"That's right. And?" Harry says, encouraging me to go on.
"I never would've seen Stella. Never would've been able to save her. And you and I wouldn't be married. And we wouldn't have Zoe either."
Harry smiles. "That's right, babe. Plus you would probably still be friends with Allyson."
"That's true." I say, nodding my head.
"So you see, more good things came out of this than bad things. You just have to focus on all of the good things instead."
I rest my head on his chest. "Yeah, I guess there were more good things than bad."
"You know I'm always right, baby doll." Harry says.
I laugh and shake my head. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say, Styles. Come on, Liam and Louis are coming over soon with their wives and kids. We have to get ready."
"Alright, I'll tell Stella to get dressed and then I'll dress Zoe. You just make yourself look pretty."
I raise my eyebrow at him and cross my arms over my chest.
"Not that you aren't already pretty." He says quickly
Laughing I say, "I know babe. I was just teasing you."
Harry laughs and rolls off of the bed, standing up. "I knew that."
"Uh huh. Sure you did."
Harry sends me one of his famous cheeky grins before he walks out to get the girls ready.
"I love you, Mr. Styles!" I yell out.
"I love you too, Mrs. Styles." I hear back.
I smile and then start getting ready.