Harry's POV
"What the fuck do you mean by Zayn's going to take you?"
"I- Harry-."
"No. Stop. I want the whole truth from you. Not some sugar-coated version. I want the whole fucking truth." I say, my fists clenching.
You probably didn't know this but I have anger issues. The simplest thing could set me off.
"Zayn said that he had a way to take me away from you. A way to take me back to my family. But Harry, I don't trust him and I don't think you should either." Ashley says and shoves the piece of paper in my hand, running up the stairs.
I open the paper expecting to see something addressed to Ashley but it's addressed to me instead.
Keep your girl safe, you never know when she could be snatched from right under your nose.
- Zach
I don't hear anything upstairs that makes me want to believe the letter. She had to be okay. There's no way anyone could get in if Ashley couldn't get out. Right?
Just to be safe, I run upstairs to find her lying on my bed watching TV. The news came on interrupting the show. It was a report of the current whereabouts of Ashley and the reward her parents have set for the person who brings her back to them.
"Ashley Stone, age 17, is still missing. There are no known places of where she could be. Recently her parents, Elaine and Richard Stone, have put up a reward for the person who brings their youngest child, and only daughter, back. If you think you've seen the sightings of this girl (picture shown of Ashley on screen) please call the number given below immediately."
The news report shuts off and the TV show that was interrupted starts playing again.
"They're looking for me."
"Ashley," I start.
"Harry, they're looking for me. They're actually looking."
"Ashley, please. You can't do anything stupid. I've "kidnapped" you for a reason, and that is to keep you safe."
"But Harry, they're still looking for me! They think I'm still alive!"
"Love, you are alive. If you weren't we wouldn't be talking right now and you wouldn't be breathing." I chuckle.
Sarcastically she responds. "No, really? I didn't know that. Thank you Mr. Styles for pointing that out to me."
"You don't have anything to worry about, Ashley. Your brother knows that you're alive and that I have you. He's involved in all of this. He's helping me to keep you safe. You can't ruin what we've done so far by doing something stupid." I say, making sure she's watching me closely as I tell her this.
"Nick knows?" She whispers, looking at me with wide eyes.
"Yeah, he knows. He uhh.. He owes Zach something and, um, that's why I had to "kidnap" you."
"What does Nick owe Zach? Wait no, how does Nick know Zach? How do you know Zach?"
"Well, I know Zach because of your brother. He knows Zach because they are, or, were, friends."
"Harry, you didn't answer my other question. What does Nick owe Zach?"
. . .
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Nick's POV
Zach and I were hanging out together in our dorm playing cards.
"Hey, Nick. How about we make this interesting. Say we put up some bets."
"Uhh, okay. Sure. If I win you have to give up having one night stands for a year and pass every girl over to me."
"Okay. If I win I get Ashley."
"What? No! Dude, she's my sister."
"Deal or no deal?"
I looked down at my cards and I had pretty good ones. I would probably win.
. . .
"Harry, man, you got to help me." I say over the phone.
"What's up man? What did you get yourself into now."
"I may or may not have bet Ashley against a game of cards with Zach and he may or may not have won."
"How could you have been so fucking stupid?! You know Zach always wins at those things, especially when there's a bet on the line."
"I know, I know. I was stupid. Harry, I need you to take Ashley. I need you to protect her. Please, Harry."
Harry says through the phone, "It's a good thing I like you, Nick," and then hangs up.
. . .
"And that's what happened."
"So I'm not with my family right now because my stupid brother made a bet on me?"
"Pretty much, yeah."
"I'm going to kill him when I see him again. If I see him again." Ashley mumbles the last part.
"You'll see them all soon, love. Don't worry. And I'll help you kill him if you'd like."
She smiles a little. "Thanks, Harry. You know, you aren't so bad after all."
"I know," I say and smile cheekily at her. "I got to go make some calls. Will you be okay up here alone for a little?"
"Yeah, I'll be fine."
"Okay. See you later, love."
I shut the door and walk downstairs, taking my phone out. I dial Louis number and wait for him to pick up.
When he picks up I tell him everything about Zayn. Minutes later there's a scream from upstairs and the only person up there was Ashley. I tell Louis that I'd be right back and set the phone down.
I rush upstairs and open the door to her room, only to find her gone.