Placing the napkin on the table, I push out my chair and stand up. I feel really bad with the way my and Zach's conversation had ended so I wanted to find him and apologize.
I walk out of the dining room and turn down one of the hallways, hoping to bump into someone that would know where he was. I turn the corner and see someone walking into a room.
I speed up and call out, "Hey! Wait a minute, I need help finding someone."
The person stops and turns around slowly. I can make out the outline of a girl which means it isn't Zayn or, thankfully, some perv.
Once I was close enough the girl turned and tried walking away. Quickly, I grabbed her arm which made her stop in her tracks. She turned around and I gasped, letting go of her arm.
She coughs and runs her hand through her hair. "Yeah, hi Ashley."
"Zayn was right. You really did sell me out to Zach didn't you. I bet you weren't even my friend, you were just pretending. Who knew you were such a bitch?" I spat.
"Sorry to break it to you love but yeah, I really was just pretending to be your friend to get Zach to you. So, really, you have no friends at all." Allyson spits out, smirking at me.
I roll my eyes and turn to leave. When I turn and start to walk I bump into someone.
"Sorry," I mumble, moving to go the other way.
I stop, tears forming in my eyes.
"Harry," I cry out.
Harry opens his arms and I run into him. He then closes his arms, trapping me inside his strong embrace.
. . .
Harry's POV
"I told you I would find you, Ashley." I tell her.
"I know Harry. I never doubted you."
I take a deep breath.
"Ashley? I have something I need to tell you."
She looks up at me. "Yeah, Harry?"
"Ashley, I lo-" I get cut off.
"Harry, we gotta go!" Liam shouts from down the hall.
I nod and see Ashley looking at me confused. She only knew one of the guys standing down the hall and that was Louis. She hadn't met Liam or Niall yet. Looks like there would need to be introductions later.
"C'mon, love. Introductions later, leave now."
She nods understanding and takes my hand into hers. We run over to the others and then we all run towards the exit.
Liam, Niall, and Louis went first since all three of them had guns. Their job was to protect Ashley and I and my job was to protect Ashley. So hopefully those three did their jobs correctly so I could do mine.
We passed all the corners without meeting anyone. It was when we were right at the exit when the trouble came.
Zach was right there with Zayn, Allyson, and one of his other workers. The worker, Allyson, and Zayn stood behind Zach with their guns pointed right at us.
Liam, Niall, and Louis got closer together in front of Ashley and I, making sure there were no open spots. I moved Ashley behind me, keeping hold of her arm so she couldn't be taken without me knowing.
I heard Ashley gasp and then felt her move into a kneeling position. I turn around to see her face to face with a little girl.
In a soft voice Ashley says, "Stella, sweetie, I need you to leave. Okay? Can you do that for me, love?"
Stella, as I've now just learned her name, shakes her head and shivers. She was scared, I could tell. I've babysat two of Louis' younger sisters before so I knew the certain signs they gave off.
"Ashley, I think she'd be better off staying here with us. We can take her with us too if you'd like." I whisper into her ear.
Ashley nods and carefully picks Stella up, holding her in a protective way on her hip.
"Guys, we've got a kid with us now. Be careful." I mutter to the lads. They nod, signaling that they've heard what I said.
It was then the gunshots went off. Zach's workers had fired at us. Niall, Liam, and Louis fired back.
They had us turn in a circle so we were now by the exit and Zach and his workers were where we were before. It had worked itself out perfectly.
The six of us carefully backed up towards the door and pushed it open. I ran with Ashley, Stella now in my arms since I would be the strongest to hold her while running. Louis, Niall, and Liam were right behind us still shooting at Zach and his team.
I opened the drivers seat and got in, setting Stella on Ashley's lap once she was in the passengers seat. I opened the trunk to the van from inside so the boys could get in, quickly closing and locking all the doors once they were. Thankfully, the van was completely bulletproof so we were safe.
Stella was huddled in Ashley's lap and all we could hear besides the bullets rebounding off of the van was Ashley's voice trying to soothe Stella.
"Hey, Ash?"
"Yeah, Harry?" Ashley asks, breathlessly.
"I love you."
"I love you too."