Ch.16: Clan vs. Clan
I watched as the fight between all four clans roared on and my father and mother disappeared under a mob of Shadowclan cats.
Suddenly, I was blocked by a dark, tabby tom with blazing, amber eyes. He growled and then swiped a paw at me, claws extended.
When I looked back, he faded. After a moment, he vanished like a ghost.
Just then, I heard a yowl pierce the air. It was only a dream, but I ran to help fight. I know I had to help. Not only was it the warrior code, but I have special powers like Dovepaw and Jayfeather do.
Chapter 1
I woke up with a star, breathing hard.
Silverstream stood in front of me.
“You have to save them. You have to destroy him. If you don’t, horrible things will happen. Blood will spill blood, clan will fight clan, and Darkness will come.”
Then she faded and I got to my paws.
“Lionblaze, are you okay?” Graystripe asked.
“Lionblaze, what was that dream about? You’re just like Firestar when he was a warrior. Rolling around in his sleep.”
“Never mind,” I told him, padding out of the den.
The gray warrior followed at my flank.
I sighed.
I went over to the fresh-kill pile and picked out a juicy vole. I then sat down by a tree for shade. The old warrior sat down with a squirrel beside me.
We ate quietly.
When we were done, he padded away to the nursery. I guess to see his mate Millie.
“Jayfeather, come quick!” Squirrelflight yowled.
I looked around to see what the problem was. I found why she was so frantic. It was her mate Brambleclaw. He didn’t look too good and was coughing considerably.
“Brambleclaw is sick!” she wailed.
My brother raced across the clearing, herbs in jaws, towards the old tabby.
I went up to his mate.
“Calm down. Everything will be fine and…” I broke off when I saw the Shadowclan Medicine cat enter.
Little cloud came up to the former deputy.
Just then, Firestar came to stand by his old friend.
“Greetings, Little cloud,” my leader said, bowing his head.
“Greetings, Firestar.”
“What can I do for you?”
“Firestar, I’ve come to warn you about my Clan. I don’t want them to do it, but they won’t listen to me. They say they’re going to fight all of the Clans. They want more land. They think they can leave all but Shadowclan with very little land and get away with it.”
With that, he left our camp.
Our leader jumped onto the High ledge and every cat gathered around. All but my brother, the deputy, and Squirrelflight.
“Cats of Thunderclan. Shadowclan is planning to attack all three clans for more land. I’m not letting them take any Clans’ territory.”
Yowls of approval rang out from below.
After he jumped off, I realized that my dream had been of the future. Something that was near.
I ran to Leafpool.
“Let’s go!”
She ran after me, not knowing what was going on.
We stopped by the river.
“What’s going on, Lionblaze?”
“I had a dream of all four clans fighting. It sounds like what’s going to happen. I saw you and Crowfeather go down in a mob of Shadowclan cats. I have to make sure you two stay safe.”
“How do you know you have to do this?”
“Because Silverstream said ‘Save them.’ If I don’t, ‘Blood will spill blood, clan will fight clan, and Darkness will come.’”
We crossed into Wind clan territory.
“We have to tell Crowfeather.”
We were startled by a cat when he said to us, “Leafpool? Lionblaze? What are you doing here?”
“Crowfeather, is there a quiet place where we can talk?” she asked.
He led the way to some private bushes.
We went behind.
“Okay. What do you need to talk to me about?”
I told him everything.
Afterward, he spoke.
“What do you want to do?”
I answered him saying, “You two can run away together again.”
“Lionblaze, we’re not as young as we used to be,” Leafpool told me. “But I’ll do it if your father agrees.”
“I’ll do it,” Crowfeather agreed.
So the night before the battle, my mother and father ran away together.
Chapter 2
“I did what you asked, Silverstream. What do you want me to do with Tigerstar? How am I supposed to kill him?”
“Young one, it’s not the dead Tigerstar. It’s the living one.”
“What? Are you talking about Tigerheart?”
“He has been influenced. Let Tawnypelt know that it had to be done when you kill him.”
“I will,” I said, bowing my head in respect.
I woke up with the sound of yowling cats.
I padded out to see the commotion.
I heard yowling as the fight started.
Brambleclaw and Rain whisker who were guarding the camp, greeted me as I flew past them.
I sprung into battle.
In just a few minutes, I had made several cats flee.
I finally found the tabby tom I was looking for. He was fighting Night wing. I launched myself at him and killed Tigerheart all in a few minutes.
The battle was soon over by now.
I watched, as the Shadowclan cats fled and the rest of us headed home.
Chapter 3
A few days later, our wounds were healed and it was all back to normal.
At the Gathering last night, they had announced that Broken star and One-star were dead. Us cats now knew that Misty foot would soon be the Wind clan leader, and Tawnypelt would soon be Tawny star. She knew why I had to do what I had to do, after I had explained it to her. There were no hard feelings toward me for killing her eldest kit. And Crowfeather and Leafpool had come back.
While they were gone, they had fallen in love again, and Crowfeather had decided to be with her in Thunderclan. So now Crowfeather is Thunderclan. Leafpool has been assigned by Firestar, to teach him Thunderclan ways of hunting. So we all lived happily ever after in the forest.