Zach's POV
There was a knock on the door to my office. I looked at the time and smirked.
"Right on time, Malik." I mumble to myself. I get up from the desk and open the door to see Zayn standing there with Ashley beside him, her head facing the floor.
"Zayn, Ashley. Nice to see you."
"Zach. I brought her just like you asked."
"Thank you, Zayn. You've done well. You may go now. Tell the others not to bother me."
Zayn nods and then backs out of the room, leaving Ashley and I alone.
"Ms. Stone, do you know why you're here?" I ask, walking around her.
Angrily she replies, "My brother made a stupid bet with you and you won."
"That is correct, Ms. Stone."
"Why do you want me, Zach? I don't know what I ever did for you to want me."
"Well, you know I've always been friends with your brother. So I've always been around you. I've known you since you were in diapers."
Ashley blushes furiously, her face going completely red.
"And throughout the time I've known you I guess I fell for you. Hard."
"But Zach, I don't like you. I never will like you. Even if you force me to stay with you for the rest of my life." Ashley replies.
"We'll see about that. Now let's go. I have to show you your cel- room."
"What were you going to say before you said room?" She asks.
"Nothing. I was saying room."
"No you didn't. You were going to say something else and then you quickly changed it to room."
"I forgot how annoying you were." I mumble under my breath.
"What was that?"
I shortly reply, "Nothing."
. . .
Ashley's POV
I decide to let it go and just follow him towards my 'room'. I wish I wasn't here. I wish I was with Harry, at his house just talking or laying together in his bed.
"I know you're thinking about Harry, Ashley. It's why you're so quiet. Please know that he won't be able to find you. No one knows about this place besides me, Zayn, and the other people who work for me."
"Harry will find me. He'll always find me. That's what he told me. He promised that he'd always find me."
"Well Mr. Styles doesn't always keep his promises. I doubt he'll keep this one. He's probably already hooking up with some random girl he found at a bar. He's probably forgotten all about you."
"No, Harry wouldn't do that. He cares about me. I bet him and Louis are looking for me right now. He probably even has Niall and Liam out looking for me too. He'll find me. I believe he'll find me."
"I wouldn't put your trust in him, babe." Zach says, opening a door to a room that holds a small bed, closet, vanity, and mirror.
"Is this the room I'll be staying in?"
"Yeah, this is it. I'll see you in an hour for dinner." Zach says, turning to leave the room.
"Wait! You're just going to leave me here? What am I supposed to do for an hour?" I ask, annoyed.
He had gone through all this trouble to get me here and now he's just going to leave me here for an hour until dinner? I don't think so.
"I don't know. Think of something. I didn't bring you here so I could entertain you, I brought you here so you could entertain me. So think of something to do for an hour." He says before walking out of the room.
"Fuck you, Zach! Fuck you!"
"You will be soon enough!" I hear him yell from outside the door.
I make a disgusted face before falling onto the bed, screaming into a pillow.