Author's Note: Part of this chapter might slightly exceed PG, but it should be okay. If you think it is too much for PG, please speak up and tell us! We will make any necessary changes. Now, enjoy.
Blake tossed and turned in bed, unsure of the concept of sleep. She glanced at Weiss and Ruby, wishing that they'd shut up so Blake could attempt sleep. Since the night of the train robbery, Blake hadn't stopped to think about Adam, but the day's events made her think again.
Blake turned and faced the wall, not wanting to look at her new "friends." Surely they wouldn't become monsters. Surely, they wouldn't become heartless, soulless killers. Blake shook her head. Thinking about this was bad.
Behind her, Weiss pointed out a mistake to Ruby. Just shut up! Blake thought. She sighed, adjusting her bow, and fell asleep.
There was no comfort in sleep. Adam's face appeared above Blake's.
"Hey girl, do you want to join me?" The young bull Fanus asked.
"Sure," Blake answered, taking the boy's hand.
Blake saw herself joining Adam in his adventures, little by little, seeing him change from the revolutionary fighter to the killer she had left, and for good reason.
Blake continued to toss and turn until eventually exhaustion overcame her and she gave into the sickly sweet comatose of sleep.
As her eyes became wary, the world began to fade to black, and in its place was a memory of a time she has always simply wished would be forgotten. Yes, these were the memories of Blake and her history with the White Fang.
Blake briefly glanced over her right shoulder and saw Adam, only he was just standing there eyeing her expectantly.
Blake remembered exactly what had happened that day, after all this was not the first time she has had this recurring nightmare, nor would it be the last she was certain.
After just a moment of silence that felt like an eternity Adam finally spoke up. "It is time," Adam spoke in a flat, almost monotonous tone, a tone that made Blake shudder.
Despite her unease Blake returned a mischievous grin. This is merely a dream after all, she told herself.
"Okay," Blake said, running off into the distance, Adam following closely behind.
Eventually they found what they were looking for, the train fast approaching, she jumped onto it, using her blades to keep her from falling off.
Once on her feet Blake looked at Adam and with a subtle almost imperceptible nod Adam opened up the roof hatch and jumped in.
Blake smiled with false sincerity. I am cursed to relive the day of my betrayal for the rest of my my life, Blake thought to herself.
With only a moment's hesitation, she jumped inside the car, landing on her knees. She got up and looked around.
"Looks like we'll be doing this the hard way," Adam said.
"Don't be so dramatic," Blake said.
The Atlesian Knights powered on. As Blake looked around, she saw something that really disturbed her. Not just disturbed her, but rocked her to her very core, shattering all boundaries she had built up. At a second glance, the Atlesian Knight were no longer faceless, soulless heaps of metal. They were her friends.
Blake looked utterly destroyed at the sight of Ruby, smiling her innocent smile, Weiss looking proudly ahead, Yang looking geared up, and Angel, unsure of herself as ever.
All this truly disturbed her, but it was nothing compared to what happened next.
"They are the enemy, my love. If we are to have peace and equality, then end them!" Adam said in a very harsh tone. "They are a disease that has infected Remnant, and we are the cure. You are either with us or against us. You cannot run. You must make a choice." Adam smiled in a way he only did near the end. "Will you spare these vermin, or will you help create our perfect world?" Adam laughed maniacally. "This is one choice you cannot run from, my love."
Blake wanted to side with her friends at any cost, but what came out of her mouth shocked her. "As you wish, my love."
With Blake's mind still reeling from what she just said, she stepped forward, walked up to Ruby, her best friend. I'm so sorry, Blake thought.
Blake stabbed Ruby in the chest. Blake swallowed the bile rising up from her throat, watching in horror as her friend dropped to the ground, a look of utter betrayal in her eyes, with tears of sorrow flowing down Blake's cheeks as Ruby breathed her last breath.
With a simple flick of the wrist, Blake finished Weiss. Still unable to control her body, Blake killed Yang with a single shot.
When she got to Angel it was different, however. Not only did she have control of her body again, but Angel actually attacked her. Blake just stood there as Angel struck her with Mortensis. Blake gasped, feeling a sharp pain in her chest. She tried to scream, only to find her words unable to come out. She coughed, tasting a metallic taste in her mouth. She watched Angel's look of regret through a lens of tears as everything faded to white.
Blake woke up with a start. She glanced around the room to be sure her friends were still alive. Finding her precious team still sleeping in their beds, she let out a heavy shuddering sigh.
Blake walked up to Ruby, happy to see she was not just unharmed but also having sweet dreams. "Yes, Mom, I would love another cookie," Ruby muttered through a haze of sleep. Blake smiled slightly in an almost motherly way and gave Ruby a light kiss on the forehead. Ironically enough, this small act of compassion elicited a single tear to roll down her chubby childish cheek and resting ever so softly upon her pillow.
Blake thought back to her dream for a moment. I think I understand what my subconscious was trying to tell me. In order to protect the ones I care for they must never know, Blake decided. I will NEVER put them in danger by dragging them into my painful past. It was my decision to betray the one I once loved. It is my own burden to bear. I acknowledge it was inevitable. He had changed too much. His core beliefs shattered and warped beyond recognition, warped by jealousy and hate.
After pushing her thoughts of guilt to back of her mind, Blake gently nudged Ruby awake. Time to put on my mask, Blake thought as Ruby shifted for moment before realizing that it was time to get up. She bolted upright and looked at the time. The clock said 7:45 am. They still had time left before class.
Ruby stretched out her arms, yawning in the most adorable, innocent way possible. She absently started wiping the sleep from her eyes. Ruby glanced around the room, her eyes eventually and lazily falling upon Blake, who smiled slightly, warming Ruby's heart.
After a quick shower, Ruby and her team went downstairs to the cafeteria. Blake looked at Ruby, admiring how the light reflected off her glistening wet red-black hair. The color of Ruby's hair briefly made Blake think of Adam.
Blake shuddered at the thought. There is no way Ruby would turn into the monster Adam became, Blake thought for a moment, before deciding, I would rather kill her if it came to it then let her become the monster he became, but I hope I never have to. I do not know what it is about her, but I sort of pity her. I know that all the silliness and the jokes, while sincere are there to hide inner turmoil. I see the slight pain in her eye, ever so subtle, so subtle in fact that a normal person would not notice. She looks like someone who has suffered a great loss.
Ruby, despite her social awkwardness, noticed Blake staring at her. "Um... Blake? What are you doing?"
At that remark Blake snapped out of her trance like state. "Ruby, have you ever lost someone close to you?" Blake asked.
Ruby's smile slowly faded away. "My mom," she replied, almost whispering. "I never really knew her. Dad always said she was nice though." Ruby stopped to wipe the tears that had started forming on her eyes. "One day she left and just never came back. They never even found a body."
Blake looked at Ruby with sympathy. "How do you stay so happy all the time when you had to deal with loss so young?"
Ruby gave Blake a sweet, sad smile. "Dad always said Mom was a very happy person, so I decided to honor her memory by always looking for the brightside in any situation," Ruby forced a smiled. "I refuse to let my loss control my life, even though I miss her every day. Even now, certain things will remind me of what I lost and a stray tear will escape." Ruby paused, wiping her nose on her sleeve, "I have taught myself to be grateful for what I do have and not to fret over what I don't."
Blake walked over to Ruby and wiped the tear from her eye. "You are not alone," Blake soothed. "We are your family now."
Angel walked up behind Ruby. "Hey, I lost both my parents. If you ever need anyone to talk with, just ask, okay?" Angel offered with a smile.
Weiss, who usually did not do anything other than berate Ruby, was even coming to offer support to their "fearless" leader. With all this emotion, even Weiss had started to feel even a pang of guilt about how she had been treating Ruby these past few days.
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