After a while, the Vale Police Department did show up, and with them, Weiss and Yang. Blake immediately stood up.895Please respect copyright.PENANAx2YR1LGbhX
"I want you to know that I am no longer affiliated with the White Fang, I-" Blake started.
Weiss held up her hand in the universal shut-up sign. "UB-BUB-BUP! I don't want to hear it. Do you know how long we have been searching for you? Twelve hours! That means I have had twelve hours to think about this, and in those twelve hours, I decided..." Weiss paused, adding dramatic effect. "...I don't care. What you did in the past doesn't matter, as long as you promise you are no longer affiliated with them."
Blake was taken aback by this. "No, I haven't been for-" Blake tried to say.
"UH-BUB-BUP!" Weiss interrupted. "I don't want to hear it. All I want to hear you say is that next time something this big comes along, you will come to your team for help and not some-" she paused, restraining herself from saying what originally came to her mind. REALLY saying something for her. "-someone else." she said, looking at Sun fiercely.
Sun just stood there uncomfortably, rubbing the back of his head and and laughing in a similar manner.
"I'm still not quite sure how I feel about you!" Weiss said accusingly to Sun, restraining herself from being as racist as she usually acted towards Faunus.
Blake sighed in relief. Sun only shrugged.
Later that night, Professor Ozpin asked to speak with Blake.
"Sir, the student you requested to speak with is here," Glynda said.
Ozpin gestured over the holodeck. "Let her in," Ozpin instructed. The door opened. "Ah, Miss Belladonna, please do come in." Ozpin said, gesturing to an empty seat.
"You wanted to speak with me sir?" Blake asked, deadly calm.
"Why, yes. Actually, I wanted to ask you a few questions about what happened tonight."
Blake gave a plain look. "Ask away. I have nothing to hide."
Ozpin nodded. "Yes, but first I would like to let you know how proud I am that you made it to this school. Most people spend most of their lives at combat schools training for our rigorous entrance exams, while you are on of the few who did not, and you passed with flying colors."
Blake gave a slightly uncomfortable look, almost imperceivable to the untrained eye. "Well, I grew up outside the kingdom's walls. If you don't fight, you don't survive."
Ozpin grinned slightly. "Well, survive you most definitely have. So, what were you and your friends doing at the docks tonight?"
All the blood drained out of Blake's face. "We were just at the wrong place at the wrong time," Blake said simply, her hands shaking. "I happened to be wandering around and happened upon the operation."
Ozpin smiled a friendly, non-threatening smile, despite the fact that he knew exactly what happened and was fully aware of the fact that she was lying right to his face. He was not mad, however. Quite the contrary, in fact.
"I see," Ozpin said, quite impressed of how cautious she was. "Now just one more thing. Why do you wear that bow Blake? Why hide who you are?"
Blake glared slightly. "Because I want people to see me for who I am, not what I am."
Ozpin nodded. "Miss Belladonna, I am proud to be the headmaster of the first academy to accept students from all walks of life rich, poor, male, female, human, Faunus."
"With all do respect, you may be willing to accept me for who I am, but your Species is not," Blake argued.
Ozpin gaze a slightly disappointed look. "Yes. I am fully aware of that, but we are constantly making strides to lessen the divide."
"With all do respect sir, your species needs to start making some bigger strides," Blake glared.
Ozpin sighed. "Okay. That is all Miss Belladonna. You may go, unless there is something else you would like to tell me." Ozpin relaxed his expression. "Is something on your mind Blake?"
Blake swallowed the lump in her throat "No. There is nothing else to tell."
Ozpin eyed her with a mix of suspicion and amusement. "Are you sure?" he persisted.
Blake grew slightly irritated. "I am positive."
Ozpin sighed deeply. "Alright. You are free to go, but just a word of advice. If you are going to lie to me, at least work on your poker face," Professor Ozpin said, smiling. "I was able to read you like a book."
Blake shrugged, and with that, she left the room.895Please respect copyright.PENANALpsl8S9CNC