Author's Note: You might know exactly what's going to happen, but you won't, 'cause there's a twist.
The next morning Ruby, up to mischief, snuck up on Weiss while she was sleeping and blew a whistle. Weiss bolted awake.
"Goood morning, sleepyhead!" Ruby screamed.
Weiss glared at Ruby. "Why, you little-" she screamed.
Ruby gave her the sweetest, most innocent look. "We are a team now, and as leader, I declare that this will be the most FUN four years of our lives!" she interrupted.
"BANZAI!" Ruby, Blake, and Yang screamed at once, and it was enough to get a small, subtle grin out of Weiss.
"Okay, now first on today's to do list!" Ruby said with a more serious tone. Her face lit up excitedly only for the joy to drain out of her voice at the next word. "Classes. Okay, at nine o'clock, we have Grimm hunting 101 at-"
"Nine o'clock?" Weiss interrupted. "It's eight fifty-five, you dunce!"
"Okay, to class!" Ruby said about ten seconds later, running. In a panic, team RWBY rushed out of the room.
The commotion caused both team JNPR and team AMGL to wake up and run after team RWBY, 'cause of course they were running late, too.
They made it to class, just in a nick of time. Professor Port was just about ready to begin his lecture.
"Now we begin a story about a handsome young man," Port said. "Me."
Ruby rolled her eyes, bored out of her mind. Angel, sitting just behind, watched intently, looking for a weakness in the professor's stupid story. Only Pyrrha seemed to actually be paying attention.
Chuckling, Ruby started drawing a picture of Port, mostly highlighting his, unsettling weight.
"Hey guys," Ruby said, showing her team her drawing.
Only Weiss didn't laugh. Typical.
Just then, Professor Port glared at Ruby. Hard.
Ruby glanced down, feeling a kind of bad about it. The professor continued his speech. Boring.
"A leader must be smart, a leader must be vigilant, and above all a leader has to work well with others," he said grandly.
Weiss shot Ruby a look, but she was too busy goofing off to notice.
Weiss glared at her, and Ruby started to pick her nose. You couldn't blame her. By that point in Professor Port's speech, only Weiss could be interested.
"Now, who among us thinks that they poss these qualities?" Port asked. Before Weiss could raise her hand, Angel did. Despite her injury, she came down to the front when called, ready to face whatever Port had in store.
Cardin snickered. "Look, the Faunus thinks she can fight as well as a human." Angel looked hurt by the blatant racism.
"Hey!" Pyrrha yelled. "That's not nice."
People snickered, but the Professor didn't say anything.
Angel advanced forward, changing into her battle uniform. A short pink combat skirt with a lacy blue and pink shirt, complete with her twin swords. Despite what Cardin said earlier, Angel looked very intimidating.
Angel stood in front of a large black cage, tensing up. She knew she was still injured, but from the moment she raised her hand, she knew she had to prove she could do it. To herself. To Max. To everyone.
Taking out his axe, Professor Port cut the lock off the cage. The door rattled a bit, then a Boarbatusk leapt out of the cage.
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