After listening to that somewhat depressing, somewhat boring speech, Angel wandered into the corridor excited and nervous. Not a good combination, but Angel didn't care. She was too excited to be there and too nervous about trying not to fail the initiation.
Angel started to fantasize in her head about what life would be like when she graduated Beacon. She fingered her luggage, thinking of how happy she'd be when she went back home to see Fang. Oh, she missed him already.
Suddenly, Ruby accidentally stumbled into her knocking over her luggage. She looked at Angel apologetically.
"I am so sorry I knocked into you," Ruby said as she tries to help her pick up her books. "Please don't yell at me? It's been happening all day."
"Who in this world do you think you are," Angel asked, snatching her green notebook from Ruby's hands. It was an impressive sight, a six year old standing up to a 15 year old and winning.
"I said I'm sorry," Ruby said. "Do you need any help?"
"You humans," Angel grumbled, stuffing the rest of her stuff back into her bag. "Always so clumsy, don't even look when there's a Faunus in the way."
"You're a Faunus?" Ruby blurted.
"Yeah, you dim wit," Angel said. "I have wings, in case you were blind."
Ruby starred intently at the white wings on Angel's back. Maybe she didn't notice them earlier.
"Well, I've got to get to lunch, loser," Angel said. "Bye."
"Wait," Ruby said quickly. "I've just been abandoned by my sister, yelled at by some heiress, and then was yelled at by that again. Please sit at me at lunch."
"Hey Ruby," Jaune said, walking up.
"Looks like there's a loser who'll sit with you," Angel commented.
"Who's this jerk?" Jaune asked.
"Let's go," Ruby said, sounding hurt. "Just another Weiss."
"Wait, you talked to Weiss?" Angel asked. "And she was mean to you?"
"I sort of ran into her," Ruby admitted.
"Oh, no wonder," Angel whistled. "Stop being so clumsy, moron."
"Hey, it was an accident," Ruby said. Typical human.
"Yeah, if I wasn't a Faunus, you wouldn't have been so 'clumsy,'" Angel growled. "You stupid, specieist-"
"Hey, not all humans are like that," Jaune said, cutting her off. "Some of us don't care about that stuff."
"Yeah," Ruby added. "You have very nice wings. I wish I had wings."
Pain flared in Angel's mind. All of her fear of losing Max and Fang flooded back into her mind. Then she remembered Blake, and felt strong. "You don't wish you had wings," Angel said.
"Why not?" Ruby asked innocently. "They're beautiful." She was either completely clueless or completely clueless.
"Bye bye, losers," Angel said, walking away. "Have lunch by your selves."
"Wait," Ruby called.
"Let her go," Jaune said. "She obviously doesn't want to sit with us."
They walked away in silence. Angel shrugged and waked to the lunchroom alone.
Ruby stood in line for lunch, Jaune behind her. "You think there'll be something good for lunch," Jaune asked.
"Hope so," Ruby said. "I'd like to be staying here for longer than today, so I hope there's something good to eat."
They both got the lasagna, although Ruby sneaked a few cookies. They sat down and started eating.
"I never figured you to be a rule breaker," Jaune commented, seeing the cookies.
"But, it's cookies," Ruby said in a rough tone, a guilty look in her eyes. "Besides, I had a rough day." She gave Jaune with puppy dog eyes.
Jaune gave her a look. "Okay, I'll put them back."
"Hey, it's just cookies," Ruby said. "I love cookies. They're just about the only think I'd break the rules for anyway."
"So then it's okay?" Jaune asked.
"Um, no, not really," Ruby said uncomfortably. "Hey, I'll come with you."
"What do you think they'll make us fight tomorrow?" Ruby asked after she returned the cookie, though came back with a single one. The person in charge of selling them gave it to her just cause she liked her.
"Don't want to think about it," Jaune replied. "It'll make me sick. Again."
Ruby snickered. "Okay then. So, what doesn't make you sick?"
Jaune shrugged. "Hey, this lasagna's pretty good," eh said. "Maybe this place won't be so bad."
"What are you talking about?" Ruby scoffed. "It's already awesome."934Please respect copyright.PENANAuj6ckB7WdU