Author's note: Kind of longer chapter, but you guys deserve it for waiting so long. Hope you guys like it.
After class Ruby ran up to Angel and hugged her hard. "YOU DID IT!" Ruby exclaimed.953Please respect copyright.PENANA919JzOpbKv
Angel looked down at her feet. "Could you please let me go?" Angel asked, using all her patience. She didn't have very much of it left. It came out as a yell.
In shock, Ruby let go immediately, dropping Angel. Of course, she landed on her bad leg, yelping in pain. Frantically, Ruby started to apologize.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, you just scared me for a second, that's all..." Ruby said.
"It's okay, I shouldn't have snapped," Angel said, testing her weight on her leg. "Besides, I kind of asked for it."
Weiss walked by, and Ruby, oblivious to the fact that Weiss was mere seconds from snapping, friendly screamed, "WEISS! How are you?"
Weiss gave Ruby the hardest, coldest stare humanly possible. "How am I? How am I? I am doing just FINE! Unlike my CHILDISH leader!"
Ruby gasped, shocked of Weiss's outburst. Apparently, I am everyone's emotional punching bag today, she thought glumly.
"Weiss, where is this coming from?" Ruby ventured.
Weiss glared at Ruby in utter contempt. " How can you be LEADER when you take NOTHING seriously?" Weiss spat. "I should have been made leader, you have done absolutely NOTHING to earn your position!"
Ruby's face burned, genuinely hurt by this statement "Weiss... But, Ozpin-" Ruby began, but Weiss interrupted.
"Ozpin made a mistake!" Weiss fumed, hate dripping venomously from every word. "And so you know, I would NEVER be friends with such a petulant child such as yourself!" As if Ruby hadn't felt bad enough, adding insult to injury.
Just before Weiss could stomp off, Ruby spoke up. "But what happened to to all that talk about working together?" Ruby whispered. "I thought you believed in working as a team."
Weiss's look of utter hatred grew deadlier. "Not a team led by you."
Ruby's face grew almost depressed.
"Don't let her words bother you too much," Angel said, getting up. "She is just blowing off steam."
Angel walked off and Ozpin came up behind Ruby
"Is something on your mind?" Ozpin asked in genuine concern.
"Was Wiess right?" Ruby asked dejectedly. "Did you make a mistake?"
Ozpin almost cracked a grin. "I have made more more mistakes than any man, woman, and child on the planet, but as of now, I do not feel that my decision to make you leader was one of them. Do you think I made a mistake?"
Ruby looked Ozpin in the eyes, her silver ones glistening with recently shed tears. "Weiss was right. I haven't been taking my job seriously."
Ozpin set a sympathetic hand on her shoulder, sending her a reassuring smile. "It's only been a day," he reminded. "Just remember this: you are a leader now, and your team always comes before personal feelings."
Ruby nodded, taking what Ozpin said to her heart. With that, Ruby was off with a whole new confidence.
About the same time that Ruby was having this conversation with Ozpin, Weiss walked up to Professor Port. The professor, noticed something was troubling Weiss. "Come girl," he said in a joking tone usually reserved for his stories. "Confess to me your strife!"
Weiss looked the professor in the eye. "I think I should have been the leader of team RWBY."
At this remark, Professor Port just smirked like she was crazy. "Why that's preposterous!"
"Now why is that?" Weiss asked, indignant.
"I trust Professor Ozpin with my life!" Port replied. "He sees exactly what is in your heart, and knows your motivations, and while yes you are an exceptional fighter, you still lack basic humility. A leader must be humble, for if the leader is not humble then the team will collapse."
Weiss just stared at Port. When she didn't interject, Port continued. "I look at you and I see a girl who has gone her whole life and always gotten exactly what she wanted."
"That's not even remotely true!" Weiss insisted, her pride hurt. She slowly started to think about that statement, and came to a startling realization. "Well, maybe a little."
Professor Port, sensing a learning opportunity decided to jump for it. "Do you honestly think that acting in such a immature fashion would cause those in power to reconsider in your favor?"
Weiss lowered her head, realizing exactly what was being said and why. "No sir, it would only make them even more sure."
Professor Port grinned slightly as he noticed that his lesson was sinking in. "So, Ms. Schnee, instead of causing trouble, trying to be the best leader you can be, try focussing on being the person you can be. Do that, and you and everyone around you will be all the better for it."
Weiss nodded "Yes sir, from now on I will strive to be the best person I can be."
First I have to apologize to Ruby for my outburst, and make it up to her, Weiss decided.
Later that night, Weiss walked into the dorm after studying in the library to find Ruby passed out from exhaustion, Obviously, she had been working hard studying. The sight of how far she was willing to go in order set a good example made Weiss feel another pang of guilt on how she had talked to her earlier.
Weiss gently poked Ruby's arm, and the red hooded girl immediately sprung up so hard Ruby hit her head on the ceiling. She rubbed her head and started to apologize again.
"I'm so sorry, you see, I was up studying, and I got tired and was only going to close my eyes for a few sec-" she started to ramble. Weiss cut her off.
"How do you take your coffee?" Weiss asked.
Ruby was so caught off guard by this question that she started to stutter, unable to find words, the words of the English language bouncing in her brain like gumballs.
After about ten seconds of this Weiss said in a slightly harsher voice, which for her is showing restraint. "Answer the question!"
Ruby snapped out of it and blurted gracelessly "Cream and four sugars!"
"One sec," Weiss sighed, kneeling down by the coffee maker in the room, returning with a nice hot mug.
Ruby looked at Weiss gratefully. "Thank you, Weiss."
"I'm sorry for how I treated you back in the courtyard," Weiss said, "but just know that from now on, I will be the best teammate you have ever had."
With that, Weiss started climbing into bed, but decided to say one last thing. "That one's wrong, by the way."
Ruby started at the offending problem, kind of half sighing, half yawning.
Did it feel right? Are we a bit too far out? Tell us in the comments. 953Please respect copyright.PENANAfBSB5kyuuh