Treyton hoped he could stall this moment as long as he could, but fate had other plans. He couldn't believe that Trinidad would be out in the open while he was with Maeve. Meanwhile, Maeve couldn't help but feel a bit of tension with the couple. The woman was beautiful; her silver hair was in a nice elegant bun. She wore golden earrings and a thin golden necklace that made her appearance shine. Her skin was light beige, with some light freckles on her chest and a bit on her face. She had some slight wrinkles on her thin pink lips and forehead. Although her skin had a youthful glow, her appearance showed maturity. She was tall since she stood at five feet and nine inches tall, but her heels made her taller. Her smile was noticeable; her teeth were slightly crooked but white. However, Maeve couldn't help but feel at ease. "Treyton, Garret, and I were going to visit you soon, but it seems fate had other plans." Trinidad then noticed Maeve, who looked confused but curious. "Are you going to introduce her to us?"
Treyton let out another quiet, wolfish, annoyed groan. "Maeve, I want to introduce you to Trinidad and her husband, Garret. You guys this is Maeve."
Before Maeve could speak, Trinidad went to her, got her free hand, and shook it. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Maeve. My gosh, you're such a pretty lady!" Trinidad then motioned Maeve to her husband. "This is the love of my life and my husband. Garret! He and Treyton have been friends since the Dark Ages!" Maeve was amazed by Trinidad's outgoing and loud personality.
When looking at Garret, Maeve couldn't deny that he was as handsome as Treyton. However, he was a couple of inches shorter than Treyton. He had a slight athletic build hidden in his long black trench coat and slightly loose red button-up shirt. He had dark brunette hair with a couple of silver strands; his hair was nicely combed. His eyes were light brown and glowed. Garret had a broad, clean-shaven face; a couple of wrinkles were under his eyes, the side of his mouth, and his nose. There were also a couple of age spots on his hands. "Oh, uh, nice to meet you, Garret," Maeve said, extending her hand.
Garret looked unsure whether to shake her hand. He glanced at Treyton, who didn't look too pleased. However, Treyton eventually gave a slight nod. Garret slowly took her hand and shook it. "Nice to meet you, Miss Maeve. As you know, I am Garret and a good friend of Treyton." They stopped shaking hands. "I must apologize for my wife. She sometimes forgets what boundaries are."
Trinidad gasped as if looking offended. "My love! How could you say that about me!? I'm the love of your life!" She then went to her husband and hugged his arm. "Though you have to admit that you love that about me!" Maeve watched the couple and noticed that Garret was introverted while Trinidad was extroverted; complete opposites. Although Trinidad was loud, Maeve could tell that Garret truly loved his wife. She could tell by the way he looked at her.
Treyton walked forward as he stood by Maeve. "Anyway, what are you guys doing here?"
"Well, Alpha, Trinidad and I decided to go get something to eat and then walk it down before we get back home." Trinidad and Treyton flinched when Garret called him 'Alpha.' The Beta realized what he said and looked away in embarrassment.
Maeve noticed the term and looked curious. "Alpha? Is that Treyton's nickname?"
"You could say something like that. I call him Beta."
"Well, those are interesting nicknames. Although, they kind of sound as if one is higher than the other. No offense!"
Everyone chuckled. "It's no trouble, Lun-I mean, Maeve. It's something we have been used to since we were kids. So what were guys doing?" Garret noticed the plate they were holding. "It looks as if you guys were making gingerbread houses."
"Y-Yeah, a friend of mind suggested taking a free baking class to make gingerbread houses. We had lots of fun!"
Garret and Trinidad then noticed Treyton's gingerbread house and how messy it was. Garret tried to refrain from laughing, but his wife was a different story; she laughed to her heart's content. "Oh my goodness, Treyton! What happened to your gingerbread house!? It looks like it came from an episode of CSI!"
The Alpha blushed, and Maeve giggled. "It's not that bad! Treyton did try his best!"
Trinidad's laughs died down. "S-Sorry about that! I couldn't control myself! Anyway, how long have your guys been seeing each other?" Trinidad knew how long but had to pretend not to know too much so it didn't make the situation awkward for Treyton.
"Not that long, only a couple of days," said Maeve.
"I see. Well, it's nice to see you, Maeve. Treyton can be a galoot sometimes, but he has a good heart. So, what other dates do you guys have?"
Treyton and Maeve looked at one another. "We are taking things slow, Trinidad."
"I know that! I was curious, that's all! Oh, how about this? You guys can go ice skating! Garret and I did that on our first date! You should've seen him; he fell on his bum more times than I could count."
Maeve and Treyton looked at one another. "What do you think, Maeve?"
"I never ice skated before, but it does sound nice to try something new. Also, I'm going to return to work next week on Monday, so I won't have much more time like I used to have."
"Well, that settles that! You should go to the Holiday Ice Rink in Los Angeles this Friday! It will be the first day of December, and I heard that the large Christmas tree near the rink will be lit up." Before the duo could respond, Trinidad beat them to it. "Well, I'm glad you guys are taking the plunge! Garret and I need to go! Hope to see you guys soon!" Then, she and Garret left the duo alone and stunned.
They watched as the couple walked away to their lonesome. "Well, that was...interesting. Your friend picked a strong and outgoing woman."
"Yeah, you can say that. She is a handful." Treyton looked at her. "What do you think? Do you want to go out this Friday? Probably when you go back to work, we might not be able to see each other as much often."
Maeve smiled. "I would like that."
"Can I pick you up? I can pick you up from a certain spot if you feel comfortable that way."
"Sure, there is a Starbucks close to where I live. I will give you the address. I had fun today, Treyton and I hope you did too."
"Of course I did, minus the mess I made."
The two said their goodbyes, and Treyton watched as Maeve got into her car and drove off. He smiled at the thought of seeing her again but would have to wait another day. "Good things come to those who wait." He wanted to throw his messy gingerbread house, but it was something he made with Maeve. "Maybe Aidoneus will want to eat this up." The Alpha went to his car and drove off back home.