Maeve was in her room, applying the last remnants of her makeup. It was 5:30 p.m., and Treyton was going to arrive soon. When finishing her makeup, Maeve couldn't stop thinking about what had happened earlier in the day. She called Patrisha because she wasn't happy that her friend had spied on her.
At 11:25 a.m., Maeve got her phone and dialed Patrisha's number. There were a couple of rings; Maeve believed Patrisha might ignore her phone calls. As Maeve was about to hang up, Patrisha finally picked up. Both women were silent on each end, and Maeve tried so hard not to laugh. It was ironic to her that Patrisha was always the first one to answer the phone and would become a chatterbox. However, since Patrisha invaded Maeve's privacy, she knew her actions were wrong. Both were still silent until Maeve was tired of waiting. "Patrisha."
"Hey, Maeve. Sorry that I didn't answer. It's just that the more I had time to think, the more I realized what Persefone and I had done was wrong."
Maeve raised an eyebrow. "Wait, Persefone went with you?"
Patrisha became silent again. She didn't want Persefone to be blamed for her insistence, but the truth would be revealed. "She did, but please believe me when I tell you that I was the one who pressured her to come with me. Persefone wasn't comfortable, but I forced her. Please don't be mad at her. I'm to blame."
"Patrisha, Persefone is an adult and she could decide for herself. I'm hurt and upset at you both. You both have invaded my privacy and trust."
"I know, Maeve, and I'm sorry for that. I was just worried for you and afraid this guy may be acting to get to your good graces." Patrisha knew that Maeve didn't like others to worry about her, but Patrisha felt like an older sister figure to Maeve and couldn't help but feel protective. Yet, the older woman knew she had to let Maeve decide for herself.
The young woman sighed as she massaged her forehead. "Well, I'm going to return to work in the upcoming Monday, and I will talk with Persefone. However, I will tell you this. May this be the first and final time you and Persefone ever invade my privacy. If I need your advice or assistance, then I will ask. Will you at least respect that?"
"Perfectly. So, um, you have another date with the Treyton guy?"
Maeve smiled. "I will see you on Monday, Trish."
Maeve shook her head as she looked at her reflection and phone. She had gotten a text that Treyton was five minutes away from her home. It was time to go out; Maeve got her little black back that contained her Driver's License, Visa Card, and some cash, just in case she found anything interesting to buy. After her call with Patrisha, Maeve researched the Christmas Market in the Old Village of Huntington Beach. On a usual day, it holds different German markets that sell German groceries and clothes. However, when certain holidays arrived, like Christmas, the small village would be decorated, and people who wanted to make businesses could sell their products. Maeve exited the house and locked everything as she stood on the sidewalk, waiting for Treyton.
On the dot, he arrived. Maeve was happy to see him and entered his car when he stopped before her. Treyton drove on the road and toward the 605 freeway. The Alpha was happy to see his mate and to know that his ex knew the truth about Maeve's identity. Calista's words: "Be upfront with her. Tell her the truth." It was easier said than done, but he promised himself that he would bring up the topic so she would begin to question why the topic of werewolves was so important to him. While driving, he also couldn't stop thinking about Garret and Trinidad. He was still upset with them both, but more so with Trinidad since she had difficulty knowing personal space. Yet, the Alpha did feel bad for Garret but knew that this would be an excellent time to think of what it takes to be Beta. "I hope you are doing well, Maeve. Excited to go back to work?"
"Yes and no. I enjoy having time for myself but also miss my kiddos!" Maeve sighed as she looked out the window. "I also spoke with Patrisha and learned that she pressured our friend, our aide in our class."
"I see. I guess your friend and mine are very similar. I hope you two didn't get into a fight."
"No, I just told her to respect my boundaries and space. I view Patrisha not just as a friend but as a sister. However, every person has their limits."
Treyton made another turn onto the 405 Freeway, which led them to the exit that would lead them toward their destination. "I agree, and I also spoke with my friends. We had an interesting talk, but they've learned their lesson." The Alpha made a right to the exit, leading them to a long, curvy road where many business buildings were seen. On their right was a large black gate and a large sign that said, 'Old World Village.'
Luckily, a few parking spaces were left since more people would arrive later at night to get the Christmas vibe. Maverick parked in a spot close to the entrance and turned off his car. "Well, we're finally here. Do you want to get something to eat or look around first?"
"Maybe we can explore first to see what the stalls and what is selling. I want to get started on my Christmas shopping."
Treyton nodded, and they both got out of the car and walked toward the small village. The Carpenters were playing Christmas songs.
Maeve smiled when they saw the many small stores decorated with Christmas lights and other ornaments. Some Christmas trees in different corners of the village were nicely decorated, and there were also many stalls where people were selling trinkets and other things. The duo got in line to pay for the entrance, which Treyton volunteered to pay. Once they were done, they entered the village. They felt relaxed as they witnessed the small village filled with life and happiness.
People were feeling the holiday spirit. "Wow, I can't believe I never been here before. I was missing out so much in life."
Treyton chuckled. "Well, it's never too late to explore on what life has to offer. So I assume that you like it?"
"Of course! It feels like you're in Europe! So, what do you want to shop for?"
"Well, I want to see if I can find anything for my son. He loves photography and mythology, especially werewolves." Treyton thought it was an excellent start to mention his kind.
Maeve smiled. "Wow, he has good taste. I am into werewolves and mythology too!"
Relief hit the older man. "Then, there is hope," he thought. "Well, let's venture on to see what we can find." Treyton led Maeve into the small village; they held hands as they walked by the many small paths that led to many stalls. Maeve was surprised that the village had stores and other businesses, such as dentistry, piano, and language classes. However, she heavily focused on the stalls where German food and desserts were sold. There were also handmade jewelry, clothes, paintings, and other objects. Maeve was entranced with some handmade blankets and decided to buy one for her Mother.
Then, the duo found a stall where a professional photographer and artist was selling his work. Treyton bought a handmade painting of a pack of wolves and a photo of mountains. They returned to the car to put away the things they bought since they were too big to hold. Once done, they returned to the village. Treyton then led Maeve to the village's main building, where it was a decorated Christmas supermarket. Many fruits and vegetables, German wines, sweets, and more products existed. Maeve decided to buy a wine bottle for Patrisha since she loved wine, but she still had to think about what to get Persefone. "Hey, Treyton, want to get a bite to eat?"
"Sure, there's a small garden this way where there a stalls that sell traditional German food and drinks. Would that be okay?"
"Yup, I never tried German food." There was a door in the store that led to the garden; scents of food hit their noses. In the garden, there were rows of tables and benches where people ate in content. They looked at the different foods and desserts. Maeve decided to buy Schnitzel with macaroni pasta and sauerkraut. Treyton decided to get Currywurst with a chicken leg and potato salad; they also got their drinks.
When finding a seat, they sat and began to eat in peace. "So, what do you think about this so far?"
"Oh, it's so wonderful! This place is like a fairytale that I don't want to leave. I'm glad that we found some things we needed. Are you going to get something for your friends?"
"Maybe, but I don't know what yet. Believe it or not, they also like the legends of werewolves."
Maeve swallowed a piece of her salad. "Wow, I didn't know that. Why werewolves, though?"
"Well, we grew up and read a lot about myths and legends. We also grew up watching paranormal and supernatural movies. Werewolves were our favorite. What about you? Is there a creature that you like?"
"Hmm, it's hard for me to choose, but I do like mermaids, vampires, and werewolves. I was a Twilight fan when I was young, and Edward was my favorite." Maeve sighed as a blush formed, remembering her teenage years. She didn't notice Treyton's jealousy.
Maeve and Treyton stilled; the Alpha noticed a man standing close behind Maeve. He stood, feeling protective. "Who are you?"
The young woman stood and slowly turned around to see the man. She then got off her seat and walked straight to Treyton. "Treyton, this is Stephen, my ex."