"No!" Oscar yelled as he sat up straight on his bed.
It was just a dream. No. A nightmare.
He stared at his palms. No blood. Thank god. He read the time on the bedside table clock. 10 AM.
He focused his eyes on his bedroom and gasped.
All the drawers of the computer table were open. A pile of books laid on the floor thrown out of the bookshelf. The closet door was open. Oscar noticed that the bedroom door was slightly ajar.
Someone was searching for something. But what?
I know!
Oscar lifted the pillow on which his head was resting on before. Under it was the book. Samantha's diary. Oscar opened it and checked the pages. Nothing ripped out. It was in pristine condition.
He took a deep breath. Thank God you're safe Samantha.
Oscar noticed something familiar lying on the bedroom floor. He got up from his bed to see it more clearly. It was just a shiny red colored stone. Oscar slowly lifted it up. He knew who it belonged to. It was Abdullah's gemstone!