An old man wearing a dark-gray long coat and a black cowboy-hat was digging the ground next to a tombstone in Martyr Graveyard.
Every shove took a lot his energy. He rested his shovel and took a deep breath. It was nearly midnight. More than half of the moon was already visible. Clouds had partially covered it.
The wrinkled man stared at the moon as if fearing it. With all his strength, he dug a little more until the whole area in front of the tombstone was open like a pit. The long-haired man took out something from the pocket of his coat—a book with a dark-brown cover.
"Mystic Dave!" Oscar yelled.
He and Abdullah came running from the entrance of the graveyard.
Mystic Dave's eyes shined against the glow of the moonlight. It was as if he had stars in his eyes.
"I'm sorry, kid." Mystic Dave apologized.
"Why did you try to steal my diary?"
"Your diary!?" Mystic Dave started laughing coldly.
Oscar and Abdullah exchanged equally confused glances.
"Remember when I told you it was the diary of the dead. Well, it's not. It's the diary of the undead." Mystic Dave continued in a hoarse voice.
Suddenly, Mystic Dave's mouth opened in utter horror.
What's he looking at? Oscar wondered.
Oscar turned around. Abdullah gazed like a zombie at him. Blood dripped down his open mouth.
Abdullah's body shook as if it was being stabbed by a knife. Blood shot out from his mouth and onto Oscar's face.
Abdullah tumbled down and fell face-first onto the ground.
Oscar stared at the fallen body then looked up to see a familiar face.
"Samantha?" Oscar gasped.
And there she was wearing a dark-gray sweater over black denims. Her dark-brown hair flew across her due to the frosty breeze.
Oscar glanced at her upraised hand. The fingertips were covered in fresh blood. Abdullah's blood.
Samantha had an evil look on her face. Her grin seemed more vicious than pretty to Oscar.
"Surprised to see me, Oscar darling?" she asked.
"Samantha stay away from him!" Mystic Dave shouted from the pit.
"Shut up, Dad!" Samantha called.
Oscar glanced back at Mystic Dave for a moment.
"He's your father?"
"Yeah and this is the perfect time for a family reunion." Samantha joked menacingly.
"You're not my daughter. Not anymore." Mystic Dave said.
In a flash, Samantha was out of sight.
"Let go of me." Mystic Dave warned.
Oscar turned around. Samantha held him in a headlock.
"Y-you were just here." Oscar muttered.
"Darling haven't you figured it out yet?" Samantha asked.
"She's a goddamn vampire!" Mystic Dave yelled struggling to break free from her grasp.
A vampire? Oscar couldn't believe what Mystic Dave had just said.
Mystic Dave let go of the shovel in his grasp. He took out a wooden stick which was sharpened at one end. "She needs to feed. But she isn't like any other vampire. Only the bite of someone who truly loves her underneath the full moon keeps her alive for a month." He explained.
No, this can't be happening.
A drop of blood fell on Oscar's sneaker.
Abdullah, it's my fault you're dead.
"She's gonna kill you too!" Mystic Dave exclaimed.
Samantha opened her mouth to reveal her bloodthirsty gangs and she slowly reached for her father's neck.
Mystic Dave tried to break free. "Ahhh!"
But it was no use. She was stronger than him. Her fangs pierced into Mystic Dave's neck. She drank his blood. Drank it to her heart's content.
"No!" Oscar ran to save him.
In another flash, Samantha appeared in front of him.
He gazed at her blood covered lips.
"Don't you want a taste?" she asked grinning diabolically.
She looked up at the moon and so did Oscar. It was full.
Samantha grabbed Oscar by the throat. She lifted him slightly above the ground.
"Look at that cute face. I could just eat you up." She teased.
Oscar struggled but finally gave up. He stared at the full moon. Its beauty made him think about a new poem. A poem he might write in the afterlife.
Suddenly, the sound of a gunshot startled Oscar.
Samantha let go of him. He fell with a loud thud on the ground. He gazed at her. She held her stomach in pain. Another gunshot. It was fired at her leg. She knelt down. Skin as pale as a ghost's. Her eyes dilated.
Oscar got up from the ground. He stepped away from in fright. Samantha suddenly regained her composure and leapt onto him. He fell backwards onto the ground with her on top of him.
Her mouth was only an inch away from Oscar's neck. He could feel her cold breath—it felt like death.
Another gunshot. This time straight on her forehead. She collapsed beside him on the ground. Oscar moved away from her and ran towards Mystic Dave.
The shop owner was lying on the ground. Lifeless.
A 30something year old man with a handsome face appeared standing beside Samantha's fallen body.
"Are you okay, Oscar?" Mr. Gregory asked. He was holding a pistol in his grasp.
Chief Jeremy and Frederick came running down the graveyard to where Mr. Gregory was standing.
Did you get her?" Chief Jeremy asked Mr. Gregory, panting.
Officer Frederick took out his pistol and aimed it at Samantha's back.
"Just to be sure."
He shot her. No reaction.
"Who are you?" Oscar asked.
"My real name is Agent McGrath. I've been following this one for months." Mr. Gregory explained.
Suddenly, Samantha plunged her teeth into Officer Frederick's ankle. He yelled in agony.
Agent McGrath shot her twice in the chest. Nothing happened. Frederick's blood was increasing her strength.
Chief Jeremy tried to pull Samantha away from her.
Agent McGrath shot two more bullets then started to reload his gun.
Samantha jumped up. She punched Frederick on the face. He fell backwards. Out cold.
Chief Jeremy took out his pistol. Samantha grabbed his wrist causing him to accidentally shoot Agent McGrath on the arm.
"Damn it!" Agent McGrath lost hold of his gun.
She then wringed Jeremy's wrist so that the pistol was pointing at his forehead.
Samantha pulled the trigger and he fell backwards onto the ground.
Agent McGrath tried to reach for his pistol but it was too far away. Samantha kicked him unconscious.
Oscar got up. He slowly stepped back.
"I thought you loved me, Oscar." She said getting closer and closer to him. "I used to communicate with you using my thoughts. Whenever your blood appeared on any page of the diary, I could talk with you telepathically.
"Those were the happiest talks of my life." Oscar replied. "And I still love you."
In a second, Samantha was right in front of Oscar again.
She looked more like a zombie now.
"How about a kiss?"
They both French kissed underneath the full moonlight. Oscar tasted the iron-flavored blood on her tongue.
They stopped.
"I guess you get the last kiss then." Samantha told him.
"And the last laugh too" Oscar stabbed the wooden stake, which he had been concealing behind his back, into Samantha's heart.
Her eyes bulged open in terror. Oscar didn't hesitate. He pushed it deeper inside.
She held him by the shoulders but eventually lost her grip and slowly descended onto the ground. Oscar tossed the stake away. He stared at her dead, undead body. After a few moments, her corpse turned into ashes and drifted away into the full-moon lit night.