After eating, Amna and Salim were the first ones to get up.
"The pizzas were delish." Amna said cleansing her mouth with a wet tissue then threw it in her empty plate.
"That's 'cause you actually ate all of it this time." Abdullah joked. His sister was always on some kind of diet that she read about in a fitness magazine.
Oscar grinned. Abdullah loved teasing his sister.
"Very funny, Abdullah." Amna said rolling her eyes.
Salim kissed her on the cheek.
"Let's have an after dinner party." He rubbed his lips on her neck.
"Sure. Abdullah give me the house keys." Amna outstretched her hand.
Abdullah crossed his arms. "I was born earlier than you. I make the rules."
"Wanna see what's gonna happen to your face." Salim threatened pulling up his jacket sleeves to reveal his biceps.
"Okay. Take 'em. Just don't hurt me." Oscar hastily handed him the keys.
"Good boy."
Amna grabbed her boyfriend by the collar.
"I'm the only one allowed to tease my brother."
She pulled him towards the glass door and then they exited the restaurant.
Oscar stared at the door with after them. Abdullah noticed the downtrodden expression on his friend's face.
"Oh. Just get over her."
"I'm way over her."
"Yeah…right." A smile spread across Abdullah's face.
Polly came over to them.
"Here's you go." She said handing him the bill.
Abdullah stared at her as if seeing her for the first time in his life.
"I'll pay it. How much?" Oscar asked.
Polly told her the amount and after he had paid her, she left the two friends sitting alone.
Oscar gave his best friend a devilish grin. "Look who's not over someone."
Oscar's house was not too far away from Pizza 4 U. He and Abdullah walked slowly to his place.
"Man. It's freezing." Abdullah rubbed his cold hands together.
Oscar glanced at him then stared at the ground. His sneakers were making squeaky sounds against the footpath. It was one week after Christmas and the snow still covered all of Martyr Town.
Adullah was always a great companion to him. Oscar's parents had died in a car crash a year ago. After that incident, Abdullah and Oscar's friendship grew even further. Oscar now lived with his Aunt Leona who was his legal guardian now.
Oscar rubbed his palms against the sides of his notebook. He used to adore winter until he heard the news of his parents being killed due to a snow storm.
They reached Oscar's front yard.
"Okay man. I'll see you later." Abdullah said walking away.
"Don’t you want some chocolate or something?"
"Nah. I have to finish reading that palmistry book."
"What does my palm say?"
"That you'll never lose your virginity!" Abdullah yelled running away.
Oscar laughed. I hope that he's lying.
He walked to the front door. What's that? He saw a diary lying on the doormat.
He picked it up and dusted snowflakes off it.
"Dear Diary." He read the title on the cover.
It was dark brown in color and medium-sized in width.
Oscar looked around to check if the person who had put it there was somewhere nearby. The coast was clear.
He opened the book. On the first page in what seemed like handwritten text were the words, The Diary of Samantha Nicole.
Oscar flipped to the next two pages. Blank. He browsed through the remaining pages. They were also blank. Suddenly, the front door opened.
"Oscar, you're home!" Aunt Leona greeted.
Although she was thirty-five years old she looked much younger. She had maroon-highlighted hair and an attractive face. Her hair was set in a bob cut.
"Yeah. I promised I wouldn't be out too late."
"Very good."
Oscar observed how fashionably dressed up she was.
"Going to a date?" Oscar asked with an eyebrow raised.
"Possibly." Aunt Leona replied with a teasing smile.
She was Oscar's mother's youngest sister and his favorite Aunt.
Aunt Leona stared over the shoulder of her nephew.
"Here's not here yet." She said with a glum expression.
She moved aside to let Oscar in.
"Who's the lucky guy?" her nephew questioned her hanging his coat on a nearby stand.
"Your boss? Isn't he supposed to be married?"
"He got divorced a day ago." His aunt said closing the door behind them.