Ch.19: The Next Generation: Dusk
Sun streamed into the apprentice’s den, as dawn turned into a beautiful day. The apprentices woke up and cleaned themselves before scampering out of the den towards the fresh-kill pile.
Once there, they each picked out a mouse and ate by the fresh-kill pile.
“I can’t wait until we start training today! I’m going to learn some fighting skills!” Bumblepaw exclaimed delightedly.
“I’m learning how to hunt today. Beat that!” Blossompaw meowed.
“So are me and Bluepaw,” Blackpaw told Blossompaw.
“Hey, maybe we’ll get to do it together!” Sootpaw meowed happily to the other apprentices.
“That would be great!” Thistlepaw meowed.
“Very,” Bluepaw agreed.
Slinkpaw and Sootpaw were silent.
Hazeltail, Mousewhisker, Spiderleg, Dovewing, Lionblaze, Leafpool, and Foxleap padded up to them.
“Are you ready?” Lionblaze asked them.
They looked up at him.
“Are we ever!” Bluepaw exclaimed.
“Then let’s get out of here,” Leafpool replied.
The seven apprentices scampered after their mentors to go training in the forest of the Sundrown Place.
Graystar watched, as the seven apprentices and their mentors left, disappearing out of the Gorse tunnel. He remembered being that age. Loving every minute of the forest and when he couldn’t wait for his training session. The best part he remembered was spending that time with his friends Firestar and Ravenpaw when they had been apprentices. He missed Firestar and Ravenpaw. Ravenpaw lived on a farm with Barley. The farm cat was several moons away. Graystar was too old to travel that distance.
The old, gray tom padded slowly down the high ledge towards solid ground and the nursery to see how the elders, queens, and kits were doing.
He padded in. As he padded inside, the two kits jumped on him as they meowed, “Graystar!”
He fell on his side and a tortoiseshell she-cat kit sat on his other side. Her name was Tawnykit. The other one, a golden tabby-tom named Firekit sat by him. They looked at him as they mewed at their leader. Tawnykit asked the first question. “When are we going to be apprentices?”
“We want to hunt and learn how to fight!” Firekit announced.
“In a moon. You two are getting big,” he mewed back.
“Now get off of him,” Poppyfrost told her kits.
They scampered away from him.
“Learn some respect,” she added.
He got to his paws.
“They’re alright, Poppyfrost. They’ll learn when they become apprentices. I assure you.”
“They better. Or else we’ll have troublemakers for warriors.”
“Don’t fret,” Sandstorm mewed. “Look at how Squirrelflight turned out.
“That one was a pawful,” Ferncloud agreed. “But she turned out to be a trustworthy, loyal, and honest warrior.”
Graystar padded over towards the back of the nursery where his mate, Millie, sat in her nest.
“Millie,” he mewed in greeting.
“Graystar,” she purred.
They rubbed heads and purred at eachother at the same time.
The kits padded over to Poppyfrost and sat in the nest with their mother. Their mother wrapped a tail around them.
It was a dark night, as the leader of Thunderclan slept in his den. He was having a dream from Starclan.
He was in the forest of the Sundrown Place, when his old friend came to him. Firestar stood on the border between Thunderclan and Windclan.
“Greetings, Graystar.”
Graystar dipped his head in respect to his best friend.
“Greetings, Firestar.”
“Graystar, my friend, something has happened and will happen.”
“What is it?” Millie’s mate questioned.
Firestar spoke.
“Four will come
The litter of Fire
And the Raven’s helper and friend
A dark heart will come
The Fire’s litter will join the Thunder
And Shadow
Will join
And blood will spill blood
And Thunder
And the Fire’s litter
Will fight.”
The flame-colored tabby started to fade away.
“No. Please don’t go, Firestar.”
One the tabby was fully faded, a voice spoke.
“That kittypet always leave when you have questions for him. All of Starclan does. And you’re getting tired of it. Aren’t you?”
The gray tom spun around and fear went through him, going down his spine, making his ears go flat and making him cower. Once again, he felt like an apprentice, scared of Tigerstar who stood in the shadows of the Dark Forest, glowing yellowing eyes staring at him, as if Tigerstar was mocking him. A growl escaped the dark tabby tom of evil and darkness.
“Well, I hope you enjoy your world, because it’s going to burn like fire and be destroyed like a flooded forest. And guess what? Firestar isn’t around to stop it,” he announced before disappearing further into the darkness.
Graystar awoke at sun high the next day with a start, realizing what he had to do. He quickly sat up, licked his fur into place, and then came to stand on the top of the highledge.
“Let every cat old enough to catch his prey be seated here for a Clan meeting!” Graystar announced.
Once every cat was seated beneath the Highledge, he began, looking down at his Clanmates.
“Starclan came to me last night. I must leave to go bring a few old friends home. Diamondtail will be in charge while I’m gone. Sandstorm, Jayfeather, Stormfur, Sorreltail, and Squirrelflight will join me. Leafpool will be the Medicine cat until we return,” he announced so all could hear.
There were murmurs between the clan cats of Thunderclan.
“Why Leafpool? She lied to us all,” Dustpelt mewed in anger. “Even her own kits,” he added.
“That was many moons ago. I thought we had all forgiven her and moved on,” the leader answered.
“I for on agree with his decision,” agreed Ferncloud.
“Yes. Let’s put the past behind us,” Longtail agreed with the Queen.
“Thank you, Ferncloud, Longtail.”
They dipped their heads in respect.
“We will leave as soon as this meeting is over and Jayfeather has all he needs for this long journey.”
“This clan will be in good paws,” Diamondtail told him.
“I know it will,” he answered.
He made his way down the rock wall.
All the cats excluding the travelers, Tawnykit, and Firekit went back to what they had been doing before the meeting was called.
Firekit and Tawnykit ran up to their father, Lionblaze who sat by the warriors’ den.
“Do they really have to leave?” Tawnykit asked.
“I’m afraid so. This wouldn’t be the first time.”
“What do you mean?” Firekit asked.
“Let me tell you a few stories. There was a time or two that Leafpool went on a journey. Then there was time when six cats went on the journey to find Midnight to find out where we were supposed to go after twolegs destroyed the old forest.”
“Who were they?” Tawnykit asked.
“Squirrelflight, Stormfur, Feathertail, Brambleclaw, Crowfeather, and Mudclaw; Stormfur and Feathertail were the only warriors. The others were still apprentices.”
“Who are Feathertail and Mudclaw?” the tortoiseshell asked her dad.
“Feathertail was Stormfur’s sister. Their mother was Silverstream who was the daughter of Bluestar. Feathertail, Sivlerstream, and Stormfur were of Riverclan. Mudclaw was of Shadowclan.”
“Who was their father?”
“Graystar was Feathertail and Stormfur’s father. Silverstream was his mate until she died kitting them. There was a feud between the two clans, so for a time, until they became apprentices, old enough to remember him, Graystar joined Riverclan. Then, when he was searching for us, he met Millie and she became his mate. He had to find us after twolegs captured him. He came back to us just in time to join us at the Gathering with Millie at his side. I don’t know the full details. I wasn’t born yet. But I do remember traveling to the mountains and meeting the Tribe of Rushing Water. I was an apprentice back then.”
“Really?” she said.
He nodded his head.
As he told that story to his two kits, the travelers got ready to leave.
Before they left, every cat wished them farewell.
It was a gorgeous day at sun high in unfamiliar territory, as Princess and Smudge tried their best to find the Clans’ new home. They had to. Thunderclan was their only hope now. Their twolegs had abandoned them. Thunderclan would be their home now.
They headed out of the new twoleg place knowing Barley and Ravenpaw were friends with Firestar. They figured they would know where they had gone and help them on which direction to go. They only knew that they would’ve followed some kind of sign from Starclan.
Meanwhile, the six cats trekked through unfamiliar land. There were trees and hills all over the place.
“Where exactly are we going?” Sandstorm mewed to Graystar.
“The old territory if they’re still there. We must bring Princess, Smudge, Barley, and Ravenpaw home to us.”
“Why?” Sorreltail wanted to know.
“Firestar gave me a riddle and I figured it out. It’s a prophecy. They’re going to help us.”
“With what?” Squirrelflight asked.
“A battle.”
A few moments later, a gray tom with green eyes came out of the trees.
“And you are?” he asked.
Graystar spoke, looking at him.
“I’m Graystar of Thunderclan. We’re just passing through.”
“I’m Harlie; nice to meet you, Graystar.”
Harlie bowed his head in respect.
A black she-cat with yellow eyes and a white she-cat with emerald eyes came to stand at his flanks.
“Graystar, this is Belle and this is Flo.”
He gestured with his tail.
“Yes. We know Flo from the horseplace,” the gray tom told Harlie.
“How’s Daisy?” Flo asked.
“Wonderful. So are her kits.”
“Do you need a place to stay? We have plenty of room,” Belle offered.
“I’m sorry, but we must get going,” Graystar said.
He dipped his head to her before leading his five clan cats towards his old home.
Princess and Smudge padded into Barley and Ravenpaw’s barn on the farm.
“Barley?” Princess called.
The two travelers stood in the entrance to the barn.
“Ravenpaw?” Smudge called.
Two tabby toms, one with amber eyes, the other with amber eyes and a mouse in his jaws came from the hay loft and now padded towards them. The younger tabby set his mouse down.
“I’m Ravenpaw. This is Barley. What can we do for you?”
“I’m Princess and this is Smudge. We’re looking for Thunderclan. The clans moved several seasons ago. Can you help us?”
“You’re Firestar’s sister and Smudge is his friend. I’ve heard of you.”
“We can help you. Follow the signs of a dying warrior and falling star,” Barley replied.
“Is it too much to ask of you to come with us?” Smudge asked.
“Not at all,” Ravenpaw said.
“But first, we must eat our fill of mice. It’s not healthy to travel on an empty stomach. Ravenpaw can teach you how to hunt, “the old tom told them.
After they ate their fill, they headed down the cornfield path out of the farm. Then they dashed across the thunder path and started on their journey, heading in the same direction as the clans had taken.
When they were far away from the forest and heading up and down slopes, they saw a young cat. Ravenpaw and Barley knew her well, as she approached.
“What are you doing?” she asked, looking at Ravenpaw.
“We’re heading towards the new territory. This is Princess and Smudge; Firestar’s sister and his old friend. They need to find Thunderclan. It’s the only place they can go. They were abandoned. What are you doing here, Hollyleaf?”
“I ran away. I can lead you guy home. I know the way.”
“We would be happy for an escort,” Barley answered.
“Decides, you’re the closest we have to a Medicine cat if something happens,” Ravenpaw added.
So she led them onward towards the Sundrown Place.
It was a beautiful day, as Graystar lead his friends onward towards even more unfamiliar territory. Every paw step brought them closer to the old forest.
They stopped when they saw familiar faces.
The cats stopped in front of Graystar and the others.
“Graystripe. Greetings. It’s been too long,” Ravenpaw greeted. He then bowed his head in respect.
“Yes. It’s been many moons. It’s Graystar now. Firestar hunts with Starclan now. Come. Let’s go home,” he meowed to Ravenpaw, and then added the last part to all four of Thunderclan’s friends.
Hollyleaf watched from the shelter of a few trees afar, as the cats padded away towards home.
It was a long journey home, but they made it and were greeted cheerfully by their clan. Then Graystar held a clan meeting. He announced to his clan why Ravenpaw was alive and, with approval, he made Ravenpaw a warrior by the name of Ravenclaw. Barley decided to keep his name and become an elder, while Smudge became Russetpaw with Cloudtail as his mentor. Princess was renamed Whitepaw with Dovewing as her mentor.
After the new cats had been greeted, Graystar and Cloudtail took their apprentices out of the camp for a training session. While they did that, Ravenclaw silently stood at the entrance to the gorse tunnel to start his vigil. Barley got acquainted with Mousefur, Sandstorm, Purdy, Speckletail, and Longtail whom were the elders.
Meanwhile, Jayfeather padded towards his Medicine den. It had been a long journey for him, so he needed some rest.
A moon later, the prophecy Firestar had given Graystar came true. All four clans had to battle against Blackpaw whom had become a warrior named Blackheart. He was up against four clans with rogues at his flanks. It wasn’t hard to see that he had long become an ally to the Dark Forest cats.
When battle had ended, Blackheart had been killed so the rogues had fled. Many cats had lost their lives, but their clans still stood strong as ever.
Soon, the clans went home to their own territories with their fallen friends. They shared tongues with their clan mates for the last time before the elders took their bodies to bury them. It was sad, but they knew that their fallen clan mates were hunting with Starclan. The clans would move on as always after a moon of sorrow.