Khun Diaw is jolted awake in the middle of the night because of the nightmare haunting him since he was young. He often dreams that he strolls in the garden by the river and a puma jump at him. He sometimes wakes up then. Also , the dream sometimes drags on until the puma gets shot and its blood gushes all over his body. It sometimes reaches the point where the shadowy figure holding the gun appears in the farther most of his vision. He tried to make out the face many times but always woke up first. There is nothing more than that. So this dream is simply a typical nightmare repeatedly replaying when he is asleep
Tacha's father once said it was his childhood trauma from when he visited the mansion of his father's friend who had a puma and got scared to unconsciousness by it. Nonetheless , in his dreams , it never felt like he was afraid of the puma. He was... startled by its jump. Now , he's unsure if it was shock from the jump or the death shot
His delicate back is drenched in sweat. He runs his slender fingers through his wet hair and gets out of bed. As soon as the light is on , he sighs.... The reflection in the mirror displays him frowning. His body is soaked , and he looks terrified like he was just on the verge of death
The slim figure steps out of the bedroom and turn on all the lights until the top floor of the fancy car showroom in the center of the city is illuminated. He stops short in the middle of the quite apartment before walking over the glass wall and pressing the button to fold up the curtain. There are few cars ons Sukhumvit Street after midnight
Though his name is Khun Diaw... He ais afraid of being alone
The lean figure pulls his knees to his chest and leans on the glass wall as he always does when waking up from the nightmare. The sound of a show re run breaks the silence of the luxurious apartment... Khun Diaw loves this place because it is void of people. At the same time , he hates this place because its frighteningly quiet and lonely
He wishes he could return to England... He wishes he could be with Kuea Keerati. Having Kuea Keerati as his best friend saved him from the nightmare. Kuea was always bright and active and continually dragged him along to do whatever he was up to. Their dorm room was full of music and Kuea's chatter , but they both had to grow up
The more he look at the engagement diamond ring with a fancy shank on his left ring finger , the more deeply he sighs. Khun Diaw was eighteen back then. His engagement with Phayak was the talk of the town for days. On the engagement day , he was dressed in white attire and dolled up by a makeup artist and a hair stylist early in the morning... He was aware way before his departure to Thailand that the would be engaged to Phayak , though he had never exchanged word with his fiance
In the grand ballroom of the five star hotel in the center of Bangkok , it was decorated with fresh white flowers and chandeliers. The rows of beautiful white chairs facing the stage were occupied by countless honored guests. The flashes from the photographers and journalists stung his eyes in every step he took up the platform
Among all participants , Tacha Wongteerawit knew only his father , stepmother , and step siblings. The man sitting with his legs folded to one side before the exquisite tray... was his fiance with a deadpan face like in the photo his father sent him when he was in England. He was in the same kind of white attire
Phayak Chatdecha Chen
He was different from what Tacha had expected. His fierce eyes and permanently frowning slanting eyebrows made him unapproachable. Khun Diaw had never associated with anyone like this before.... so Phayak was so scary for him that he couldn't meet his gaze. Tacha dropped his pretty round eyes to his hands or only turned them to the elders and photographers calling him
The engagement ceremony when Khun Diaw was eighteen was held successfully by professional organizers. He didnt have to say a word throughout the ceremony , and neither did the man beside him... All Khun Diaw heard was his fiance's curt low voice one time when he asked for his hand to put the engagement ring on , and Khun Diaw quickly picked up the other ring on the tray to put on the strong hand holding out. Phayak's hand was hot and bigger than his
There was no interview of the young fiance the media was interested in , given that it was an engagement between two influential families. There were only steps including photos taking , expressing gratitude to the elders' blessings and putting his folded handson Phayak Chatdecha Chen's chest to show respect in order
Khun Diaw tried not to make a single mistak. His nervousness turned into a surprise when he felt the soft touch on his head ashe showed respect to the older fiance. When he withdrew his body , he saw his fiance's big hand lowering to his side. Khun Diaw wasn't sure how he felt but it wasn't an awful feeling. Not at all...Phayak might not be as scary as his appearance
The engagement ceremony was followed by the press conference of Phayak taking on the position of the president of the Chen's Car Dealership and officially opening the new F1 circuit , the largest one in South East Asia.
Khun Diaw sat on the couch on the side while listening to Phayak's low voice presenting his vision on his first day as the president and explaining the project of developing the F1 circuit to bethe F1 factory in Thailand... Phayak was far out of reach as if he belong to a different world. Had it not been for the ring on his left ring finger , Khun Diaw would have thought he was dreaming
To an eighteen year old teenager who had graduated from high school for less than a month , the project worth billions of baht sounded so epic that his heart drummed. When Phayak finished his speech , there was resounding round of applause. Khun Diaw stepped forward to be photographed beside him again , then the engagement ceremony was over
Khun Diaw worry and excitement from having no idea of what to say to his fiance vanished in the wind since Phayak led his body guards out of the hotel as soon as the formal ceremony was over. Khun Diaw was left in the luxurious suite room with a private swimming pool and a 180 degree view of Bangkok
The media released the articles of the dreamy engagement ceremony. Two influential families were joined together like destiny. The image of the high class cold man putting the ring on the younger guy resembled the scene in a romance novel...
Behind all of that , Tacha was crying alone in the fancy suite room with his knees up to his chest
He was left by himself on the first day of their official engagement
YEars have passed by from the engagement to the wedding day.
The wedding ceremony in the next month of Phayak Chadecha Chen and Tacha Wongteerawit will be the national grand ceremony many are anticipating. Their love is as beautiful as the ending of a romance novel. Two influential families are on in both wealth and images. The grooms will stand side by side , a perfect match. One groom is the president of the renowned car dealership of the country and the owner of the biggest F1 circuit in Southeast Asia. The other groom's influential family owns the auto part import company. Besides their mutual business benefits , their love began when one groom was only eighteen
The glamourous wedding invitations designed by a famous designer have been sent to over three thousand honored guests , whit a note in parent theses that they refuse to receive money envelopes. They have gone all out and splurged on the preparation. Everyone is jealous of the future groom , the soon to be son in law of the Chens. Gifts and blessings have continuously been delivered to the Chen Mansion by the Chao Phraya River. The atmosphere is full of joy... as if
"Your tea , sir."
"Thank you."
The sweet voice of the staff member in the first class airport lounge snaps Khun Diaw back to reality. His lovely face is visibly painted in worry. Hia yi must have been awake as its already ten... However , Phayak didnt come home last night , so he probably had no idea KHun Diaw was gone. There is nothing to worry about. The maid will find out about his absence because he doesnt have breakfast and lunch as he's supposed to . He can't bring the furry Chihuahua with him , but she will be fine. The maid will feed her food , water and snack every day.
Everything has gone smoothly so far. He left his phone and all the valuable objects gifted to him by Hia Yi at home. He brought nothing except... the engagement ring he couldn't bring himself to take it off
When he was going to leave it on the nigh stand , he teared up... so he had to bring it. Hia Yi wouldn't mind the loss of one ring. It should be fine to keep it. To Hia Yi the ring might mean nothing , but it means everything to Khun Diaw
He is about to travel across the continents with a suitcase , a wallet with a reasonable amount of cash , and his passport. Even Kuea Keerati , who booked the ticket and took care of everything , is not there to see him off in fear that the hia will know... Bot Hia Lian and Hia Yi mus tnot find out about this
All Knun Diaw knows is he is going to start his new life ins Switzerland. Kuea Keerati has booked a hotel for a month for him to adjust to the new environment. After that , he will move the college dormitory he has applied for a short course in. The student visa will allow Khun Diaw to live in a foreign country for a while. He will think of the next step after graduation
The decision to go to Switzerland hasn't been made on a whim. It took Khun Diaw over six months to find a college , apply for a course and get a visa. Everything went well to the point he could book the plane ticket... Finally , he is waiting to board the plan in the first class airport lounge
Its the right decision... He asked himself repeatedly if its saddened him to leave it all behind , and the answer was yes. Of course , he was sad... They would never meet agian from now on. He wouldn't get to see the deep frown or the man annoyed with everything in the world. Still , sadness urged him to start a new. No one would choose to be sad forever... Khun Diaw wanted to stop crying
The engagement with Hia Yi came with a dozen pages of conditions. Khun Diaw signed the contract for the first time when he was eighteen , with the lawyer clarifying each condition one by one. Their engagement was all for the sake of the businesses. He was forbidden to meddle , interfere , betray , or damage them and had to stay in his own place. Right then Tachan realized...
Hia Yi didnt want to marry a person. He wanted to marry a doll