“A Night Conversation With Maybelle”
Act 3
(Curtain opens)
Night. 8:35 pm, Thursday, November 9th ( The curtain opens to reveal Theodore sitting in the study, drinking and smoking a cigar. He is lost in thought, reflecting on the events of the day.)
(Maybelle enters the study )
Is there anything I can't get you before I turn it in sir?
No, Maybelle thank you, Maybelle?
Yes, sir?
Why don't you set down a spell, you look tired.
Thank you, sir, I will
I know we don't chat as much as we used to.
Yes, sir, you've been busy, with your law practice and schooling and such.
I was wanting to let you know, that I never forgot your kindness and loyalty to our family.
Thank you, sir.
I remember the talks we had when My brother and I were children.
Maybelle: (looking down with modesty )
Yes, sir I did enjoy our talks, you boys had a lot of questions.
Theodore: (smiling)
Yes, we did, we learned about the world through your eyes Maybelle.
You both did wonder about a lot of things.
I'm sure you have fond memories of Sebastian and me.
Maybelle: (smiling)
Yes, sir, One time that I remember, is the time you boys painted one of your father's bloodhounds yellow.
Oh, yes I remember that, Father was not pleased.
Oh, no, he was not, I think all of Fairhaven could hear your father yelling at you boys.
Theodore: (agreeing)
Maybelle, where were you born, before making your way to Fairhaven?
Maybelle: (looking down at the floor)
I was born in Fayetteville, North Carolina sir on a cotton plantation. My mama and I were slaves there.
Did you and your mother have to pick cotton?
No, sir, just my mama did, but when I was old enough about 12 I reckon, I became a house girl. I worked for the Von Barrens. Thomas was the master and Margaret was the lady. The name of the farm was Newberry Estates and it was right next to The Cape Fear River.
Maybelle: (staring at the fire in the fireplace)
The work was hard and the Misses screamed at everyone including the Master. She was an awful person, but from what I can remember, he wasn't much better, He liked to whip the slaves if he thought they weren't working hard enough.
Theodore: ( frowning )
That sounds so dreadful Maybelle, I'm sorry that you went through that.
Maybelle: (lost in thought)
Thank you, sir, I too am sorry.
I wish you would have a better childhood.
Maybelle :
Me too, sir
I hope things were better here with us, Maybelle
They are sir, much better.
Is there anything else, you would to say?
Maybelle: (looking ashamed )
Yes, sir, there is.
Theodore: (speaking sternly ))
Go on Maybelle, don't be afraid, Whatever we discuss will not leave this room, I promise.
Maybelle: (with tears in her eyes)
Well, I remember the master, used to smile at me when I was young like 12 or 13 and I guess the Misses saw this and she got jealous of me, I remember one time, pouring the Misses a glass of water and a couple drops hit the table and the Misses slapped me across the face and told me to clean it up. Then that master told me to come out to the barn with him to carry some supplies in the barn, so I did when we got in the barn with supplies, he put the supplies he was carrying down and locked the barn door and then he attacked me and he wouldn't let me go until he was finished.
Theodore: (looking angry))
My God, Maybelle that's awful
Maybelle: (crying )
That went on for years sir.
Theodore: (still angry)
I promise if this man was, still alive, he wouldn't be after I was done with him.
Maybelle: ( still crying )
Thank you, sir, but no need The Lord beat you to him, the last time he attacked me, he died during the attack and I ran away and kept on running like a mob of people were after me.
Theodore: ( walks over to Maybelle and hugs her. )
It's alright Maybelle, you will always be safe with us.
Maybelle: (sniffling)
Thank you, sir, for your kindness.
Theodore: (sadden))
You're welcome, but you must run off to bed now, it's getting late.
Maybelle: ( still sniffling)
Yes, sir good night
Good night Maybelle.
(Curtain closes)
End of Act 3