The bell rang, signaling it was time for the last period of the day. Thankfully it was my free period so I just did all my assignments I had for that day.
Once I had finished my math assignment, I was done with all homework, leaving me twenty minutes to spare. After looking around for something to read, I gave up, deciding to just go home early.
I texted Allyson saying I was going to walk home and that my car keys were in her locker so she could drive to my house after school. She replied back seconds later with a simple 'okay'.
I put my keys in her locker then headed to the front office and signed out. Swinging my bag onto my shoulder, I walked out of the building. It was about a twenty minute walk from my house to school so I'd be home before school was even out.
I had felt like someone was watching me so I kept looking over my shoulder. I bet I looked like a freak.
. . .
Unknown's POV
I got a text from Allyson saying that Ashley was walking home early. Quickly, I got in my car and drove towards the school. I made it just in time to see Ashley walk out of the building.
I sent Allyson a quick thank you text before getting out of my car. I followed Ashley and hid somewhere every time she looked over her shoulder.
I watched her start unlocking the door to her house when some pervert walked up behind her and started grabbing at her body. My hands balled up into fists and I ran over to the scene.
I grabbed the guy by his shirt collar and pulled him away, backing him up into a corner.
"Don't. Touch. Her." I demanded through clenched teeth.
The man nodded and scurried away, scared. I turned around and looked at Ashley to find her staring at me. My eyes visibly softened as I walked towards her.
Ashley continued to look at me, but before I could reach her she opened the door and ran inside. Chuckling, I ran in after her.
I noticed that no one besides her was home and sighed gratefully.
"Get your ass out here right now before I do something you and I will both regret." I said sternly.
I heard a small whimper coming from the closet so I walked towards it and opened the door. I found Ashley cowering in the corner, tears falling down her cheeks.
Moving towards her, I picked her up bridal style and then pulled a cloth out from my back pocket. I put it up against her nose and I watched as she held her breath.
"Breath." I said.
I watched as she took a small breath and then immediately blacked out.