Upon arriving in town, a man stops you and asks you some questions. He is the King's most trusted assistant has been interviewing all comers and goers. He is appearing friendly, but you can tell he distrusts you, and is sickened by your like.
He asks you to deliver a message to the local graveyard, after which you'll be permitted into town, and then he passes you a small scroll. You do as he asks, delivering the scroll to the local gravedigger.
The man doesn't thank you or even look at the scroll. When you turn to leave, you feel his shovel smash into the back of your head.
When you finally come to, you find yourself in a large pit, along with several other people. You notice that a few of them are already dead, and those that are still alive are on their knees, begging the gravedigger above, who stands at the hole's edge.
He tells you the King doesn't want your kind around the living, and has decided that this was the best way for the local village to stop the spread of disease. He leaves you and the others at the bottom of the hole, no doubt to find more like you.
You must now use your surroundings or whatever you have in your inventory to escape the hole. If you rescue the others, I'm sure there'll be a just reward?