A kind, old woman notices you at the merchant's market and offers you a place to stay for the night, as well as a nice meal. Not wishing to show bad etiquette, you decide it would be best to follow the old hunched crone, that and the fact that you haven't eaten in days.
Upon arriving at her home, a strange, golem-like creature drags you down into the cellar, where many others are chained up against the walls. A large set of books, pots, test tubes, and ingredients lay strewn across a table on the far side of the room.
Clearly not what she made herself out to be, the old woman straightens her back up and removes her old, wrinkly face like magic. Underneath is a much younger, but still vile looking woman. You're not sure if she's a witch, or just some sort of alchemist, but either way, you need to escape.
It becomes even less clear when you inspect the golem closer and notice it's made up of human flesh. A composite abomination!
Does you have any magic of their own? Or will you rely on your persuasion skills instead?