After dropping Alfred off at the court, Samuel and I head to the nearby convenience store. “Sister, I’m going to walk around, you can get whatever you can afford.” I let a dry chuckle surpass my lips before nodding briefly.
In case you were wondering why no one is staring at my brother and I, it’s because we call off our ears and tail once we know there’re other people outside. We are the only hybrids after all. I shake the thought out of my head and realise I’ve arrived at my favourite aisle: the candy aisle.
My plum essence spheres glue to the near thousands of varieties of sugar. An abrupt laugh brings me out of my selections. “Oh—sorry.” The stranger says whilst laughing loudly, how rude. “Yes?” I turn around, only to be engulfed by a pungent, fresh, mint scent. It was disgusting, horrid; slowly I felt myself sinking into it. My eyes darted up and down the stranger’s figure.
Fluorescent orange eyes gazed dreamily at me, enlightening my dull, grape coloured ones. A messy mass of flocculent chestnut hair stayed puffed on top of his head. I stood silent. Who was he? “What do you want.” I demanded, taking a step back. “Woah, chill. I–I just thought you were…cute.” He blushed and I thought the world stopped. His smile was as vibrant as his eyes, but was his intentions the same..?
”C-cute?!” I shrieked, not loud enough to alert my brother, but loud enough for him to hear. He chuckled again, but this time it felt more calming, “Pyro, nice to meet you!” He chimed.
-Pyro’s P.O.V-
Her scent is hypnotic, poisonous flowers picked at her and nearly sent me into madness. I shouldn’t though…she looks different to other Omegas. She even acts different! If you can’t tell, I’m an Alpha, which makes it very dangerous to be around her.
I pulled down my orange hoodie and swooped my hand through my hair. “Midnight Belladonna.” She mumbled, letting her crow-coloured hair to drape across half her face, making her seem even cuter. Suddenly, another scent clouds between us; it’s musky and dense, we both turn to face the person.
I hear Midnight let out a sigh of relief, “Sister, are you do—“ Sister? He’s an Alpha, judging by his scent. The stronger the smell, the more likely it is to be an Alpha; that’s part of why I say Midnight isn’t a normal Omega. I look up at her ‘brother’ they look nothing alike, but I guess there’s a way. His eyes flare red, and he lets out a hiss.
“Samuel Belladonna.” Midnight says, he looks at her and calms down for a brief moment before glancing back at me, “Head to Alfred Sister, you know where he is.” He tells her strictly. Midnight nods quickly and walks away.
“You.” “S-Samuel?” I shake, yes I’m an Alpha but dominance is something out of the question, her brother glares at me, red eyes glowing. “What do you want.” “What?” I suddenly seemed to gain confidence, feeling the room become tense.
”Follow me.” I stay silent, deciding whether to listen to the creep or not. For the sake of my safety I agree, letting him drag me into an alley. “What are you?” He says quietly, I tilt my head, surely he doesn’t mea— “Creature.” Well okay then.
Wolf-whistling, a pair of fluffy, pale yellow ears form on top of my head, along with a long, bushy tail of the same tone. My eyes glow as well, facing my opponent, “An Inu. You?” he sighs, letting me observe the black ears and slim tail.
A neko.
”Is your ‘sister’ a neko too?” I asked, putting air quotes. He nods then tells me I can be friends as long as I don’t reveal my hybrid to her as for her safety. I agree, as long as I’m close to my Omega I’m fine with it.