Horrid mutts..I only requested they come over because I hurt Sister. Even though I’m the head of the house and hold a duty to protect the members of said household, I still feel bad when I injure my family. Midnight’s still a kid; it’s not like I don’t tru—alright fine, it’s basically because I don’t trust her.
What if she tries to explore this new information?!
What if she goes around showing people she’s a harmless Neko?!
What if—!
”Sis–Sister!” I jolted, I wasn’t expecting her to come down first... “Br–Brother, I—can we—“ she sighed, her galaxy toned irises filled with shiny specs. She took a deep breath, I scanned over her shivering body, she looked so small, scared. I reached towards her–“STAY AWAY—!” Sister..Is..Is she CRYING??? The floral scent radiated stronger with each tear she shed, each wail she cried; it was getting suffocating. If she keeps this up she might get a fever. “Sister please.” I tried to calm her down but she sprinted off, leaving me to shower in guilt.
-Pyro’s P.O.V-
Me and Mako are just roaming around my Omega’s room, her brother invited us for some reason. I have no idea why to be honest, but I’m happy I can spend time with her. “Pyro.” Mako called me, his husky ears and tail appearing.
“Yeah?” “Do you smell that?” He asked, trying to lower his sweet scent. Suddenly a wave of strangling flowers hit me. It reeked. And I knew exactly who it was.
-Third Person P.O.V-
Both Inus knew exactly who the hanahaki-like scent was coming from. The problem was, why? They were both Alphas themselves and so knew nothing about why Omegas’ scents increase.
Midnight, however, knew exactly why. Samuel and her had run a number of check-up tests when she was a kitten and she may or may not have stolen the records for ‘further research’. Truth was, when experiencing a strong emotion,–negative or positive–an Omega’s scent will increase, that with pain and stress as well.
She heaved tears nearly evaporating from the heat of her body as she fled up the old, dull oak wood stairs. In fact, she forgotten that Pyro and Mako were in her room as she burst in, slamming the door shut with her body weight.
“Midnight!” The two boys called out in alarm, they both cared immensely for her; along with Mako knowing his boundaries since Pyro had already claimed her as his. They both rushed over, sitting on either side of the shaking Neko.
She let out her ears and tail, sniffling and sobbing. “Hey..hey..” Mako soothed, gently running his palm on her twitching ears. “It’s okay..shhh...” he repeated, Pyro watched attentively, recording what to do in case Mako wasn’t there. Amber eyes followed Mako’s hand as it drifted down to Midnight’s lower back, pulling her in for a hug.
The poor Neko cowered into that hug, placing her tightly clutched fists on his chest, lowering her head to listen to his heart beat. The husky was significantly taller than her so finding the thumping sound was no difficulty. While whispering sweet nothings into her ear, in attempt to calm her down, Mako looked at Pyro, he signalled him to come closer, which he did.
The atmosphere was quiet and peaceful, yet tense and worrying. Midnight relaxed slowly, her breathing calming down as the time passed. Pyro inched closer cautiously, afraid he might scare the Neko. A different ending to faith met him when he felt a soft grip wrap around his wrist. Looking down, a light blush spread across his tan skin.
Midnight’s tail curled around Pyro’s wrist gently while she stopped shaking in Mako’s arms. She was still unstable, but was getting better. “Are you okay..?” Mako lowered his voice, putting away his ears and tail. When the curly haired girl didn’t respond, Mako looked up at the latter.
”Try doing what I just did.”
Strawberries into oranges, (cause I literally have no other words to describe eyes of all things) Pyro nodded, reaching out to hold his Omega. “Hi.” He mumbled, smiling down at her. She looked up at the Alpha, giving out a light purr. “..you can look..around..my notes are on the..table..” her frail voice explained, it was so soft that Pyro had to move his ear closer to hear her.
He dictated the instructions and Mako nodded, exploring and reading about. There were a lot of scriptures and theories, ‘What happens to Omegas when ill?’ ‘Alphas and Omegas 101’ And so on. Gently, the floral scent subsided, leaving an even swirl of spring baked, peppermint tiramisu.
<Samuel’s Room>
Samuel laid on his bed, the thoughts of his previous actions replaying in his mind on repeat. What have I done?! If Midnight gets sick it’s all MY fault! He felt his heart racing, maybe not from over-excercise or tiredness but from the restlessness he felt. He sprung up; frantically smoothening his crumpled, coal coloured dress-shirt and rushing over to his slanting stack of notes.
There had to be something he could do to regain his sister’s trust.