I feel so stupid..I need to find Mako! That stupid husky. If it wasn’t for him, Midnight and I could’ve been closer! Now she’s gonna think I’m weird and stalker-ish.
I sigh sadly, walking out of class and looking for Mako. There’re many random corners and corridors in our school so it wasn’t new to find him hiding there. He was looking at the wall in front of him, listening to music. I just wish that the music wasn’t too loud, “Mako!” I yell, and he gently pulls out his earphones to respond to me.
I walk closer to him, letting my Shiba ears and tail come out. “Pyro…” He smirked, letting out his black and white ears poof out, (I know ‘poof’ isn’t a word 😂 Inus will have simpler English is all) along with his long, thick black tail with a white tip. I growl angrily, my head looking up to meet his.
“What do you want Pyro?” He barked. “What on earth was that?!” I shouted back, he knows what I’m talking about! His smirk became bigger as he shrugged his shoulders. “You like her, don’t you.” He said, I glared at him, “What do you think!” Suddenly, a familiar purr took over.
-Midnight’s P.O.V-
I was strolling around with Winter when she decided she had to go to the loo. I nodded, notifying her on my adventures elsewhere; she laughed and passed me a nod before heading off. Okay, first stop, Samuel.
I love my brother, even if he’s an arse, he’s still someone I look up to, plus, Alfred has Sports practice to attend to. “Brother?” I peered up at my Neko brother. He stopped talking to his friends for a moment before lowering his head to me, pushing up the bridge of his glasses. “What is it, Sister?” “Can I borrow your notes? I’ll place them back in order.” I questioned, gaining a hum of approval from him. I smiled and headed off.
In case you were wondering, I don’t really like my Brother’s friends. They’re always very aggressive and tend to annoy me by bullying others. They don’t dare touch me though, knowing very well if they did either my siblings or I will screw them into the ground. I close my eyes a purr contentedly, softly singing the lyrics of a song to myself.
Once I picked out the notes I was interested in reading, I decided to look for a tranquil hallway to settle in. I don’t mind being alone, I actually find it better; I can be myself and I don’t need to wait for anyone before I move on. On the way, however, I saw something I know I shouldn’t have.
Pyro and Mako.
Haha..I must be hallucinating right..? A trick of the light, it must be! If not I wouldn’t have seen this. Yes, our family is the only hybrids that exi— okay no. I breathe shakily, snuggling into a small hideout between the lockers. Pyro’s ‘ears’ flickered, had he heard me purring?! Oh no..I stay as quiet as possible, crouching further into the sandwiched space.
“Pyro. Are you dreaming or something?” Mako’s voice resonated in my head; I must be dreaming, this isn’t real! Or could it be..—NO! It isn’t! I felt like my own mind was going to rip my body in two. Pyro as a Shiba Inu. Mako as a Husky. What wasn’t going on?! Breaking my thoughts, Pyro speaks, “No..Mako..you…you don’t hear that?” He asked. Okay now I’m sure they heard me.
In a facade of cluelessness, I pretend to stumble forward, throwing my papers on the ground. “Midnight!” They call out anxiously as I catch a glimpse of their ears and tails before they vanish. “I’m okay guys, no worries.” I smiled before helping myself up and dusting off. Now I know I’m not dreaming.
I don’t say a word about what I saw, rather I just act as if nothing happened and likewise they do too. The rest of the day went on as per normal.
<That Night>
-Samuel’s P.O.V-
Alfred is in his room, sleeping. I groan tiredly, gazing in a dream-like state at the mountain of paper I have to re-arrange. Maybe Midnight is still up? She’s the one always complaining too; ‘You’re so messy!’ ‘Your room is atrocious!’ I chuckle deeply as I replay the memories in my head.
Cracking my knuckles I exhale sadly, I can’t protect her forever, neither can Alfred, but I don’t dare to tell her that there are other people like us in the outside. What if she gets hurt?! What if she gets kidnapped?! I just don’t know anymore...a knock on my door drags me back down to earth.
“Sister..?” So she is still awake. “Brother…are you alright..?” She scanned my face, apparently I was tearing up slightly. I nod, brushing it off as just a yawn, “Since you’re awake Sister, come and help me sort out this.” I ordered, pointing to the stacks of disorderly layered notes and files.
“...Yes Brother…” She agrees, pushing away her suspicions.
In no time, the room was nearly tidy, the stacks were minimised as well, since we threw out so much. I was about to usher Midnight out when she asked me a question that made my senses malfunction (Samuel.exe has stopped working) “Brother…are…are we really the only hybrids..?”
”Sister.” My voice went hoarse; I didn’t mean for it to, it just—came out like that. I turned to see her near shaking in either fear or confusion. “B-brother..” She shakily whispered, she must’ve thought I got angry at that question. I’m not the slightest bit angry! At her anyways. “Sister, please head to your room...” I responded, my tone relaxing dramatically.
She nodded swiftly, scurrying away to her room as soon as I demanded. Tears returned back to my eyes as memories flooded into my mind, draining it. I took off my glasses, tip-toeing up the stairs to Alfred’s room. “Brother.” My voice low as I flipped on the lights. Alfred groaned and rolled over so that his face sunk into the soft pillow. “Alfred..wake up..” I repeated, falling onto the grey and maroon striped blanket he had wrapped himself in.
“Mm..what is it Sam..?” He mumbled from the pillow. “Alfred this is serious! It’s about Midnight.” At the mention of her name, I noticed how quickly Alfred sat up, donating all his attention to me and listening attentively. “Did you tell her anything about hybrids..?” His eyes widened, “Not at all! Brother I promise you.” He fired, then his voice grew quieter, “Why..?”
My breathing got heavier as I repeated the exact actions and words she had shown me. “No..! She can’t know!” Alfred cried, “I know. But the sorrowful thing is that we can’t protect her forever.” I admitted, he nodded, breathing also heavier. We sat in silence for a brief moment, debating if we should question around or let the thought go as just a simple question she had decided to ask.
Conclusion: We are going to ask around.
A/N: Over-protective brothers 😂👌🏻 Anyways, I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far, and if you have any requests then please do comment them or DM me.