There was too much noise. I immediately go to grab the controller, blindly reaching until I felt the object under my touch. I fumbled with the control for a few seconds before getting a good grip onto it, then pointed it towards the tv to shut it off. It didn't take long for me to notice that the noise wasn't coming from the tv. Turning my head, the book I was reading just hours ago, fell off my head and onto the ground. I was unaware of the fact that I still had no clothes on until I felt a cold breeze it my skin. I didn't remember opening a window before I had fallen asleep. Getting up, I noticed it wasn't the window that was open, it was the door. Stumbling over to the door, I go to close it, before turning around to walk to the kitchen. There was a sudden thud, before I was knocked over by wind. I didn't know what was happening. In the entire year that I've been stuck in this world, with no one around, this had never happened. The wind blew everywhere, knocking picture frames down and blowing paper all over into the air. I couldn't breathe, I felt like the life was getting sucked out of me. As sudden the wind blew in, I felt my self go under, and everything went dark.
When I woke up, I was in a forest. I felt the dirt under my hands, as I gripped onto the ground beneath me. It felt cold, and damp. Snapping my eyes open, I took in my new surroundings. I could see huge trees from where I laid. Sitting up in utter confusion, I tried to get up, only to notice I was in a dress. A terribly unfashioned one at that.
"Are you okay?" a female voice asked from behind me. Turned around I was meet by a concerned tanned girl. It had been a very long time since I've spoken to someone in a year. Opening my mouth, I go to say something, but found that I couldn't figure out what to say. "Ma'am?" she called me.
"W-who are you?" I managed to get out.
"My named is Tatia, are you okay?" she asked me again. Ignoring her question I look around us. We were surrounded by old housing and waggons. Confused I asked,
"Where are we?" she looked at me confused.
"We're in a village." she said simply, unsure of what I meant. Unsure of what was happening two people ran pasted her, one with braided blond hair and another one that she assumed to be younger, with long shaggy brunette hair. The girl looked to be around her age if not slightly younger
"Come on Henrik, our brothers are fighting again." she laughed, holding her dress up so she wouldn't trip over it as she ran. The boy followed behind her, before I found myself following them. The two children walked up to a home that was bigger than the rest where two men not much older than me were sword fighting. The man with the dark hair seemed to be enjoying himself thoroughly as he jokingly teased what I assumed to be his brother.
"Oh look sister had arrived to watch my fast approaching victory." he said with a smile, I finding no trouble noting his accent. I wondered for a second,
Am I in England?
The blonde hair man smiled at his brother, as I quickly switched my gaze to him. His blue eyes beamed in delight as he took a glance at his younger sister and brother.
"On the contrary Elijah." the blonde started before he jumped forward, wielding his blade, that Elijah warded off with his own before they continued. Something about his accent was too familiar. As if I've heard his accent from somewhere. Upon hearing two people approaching, I had to tear gaze from the blonde man to see a two much older couple approach. The blonde woman watched silently, whilst the man looked in what seemed to be in rage and disgust. Hearing a rip, I flicker my gaze from them over to the two boys sparring, just at the right time to see that the blonde at cut off his brother's belt.
"She's come to laugh at you." he finished with a slightly smile on his face, his brother realizing his loss. I could help but smile at the two as everyone laughed. All expect for the older man.
"Relax Mikeal, Niklaus means well." she reassured him, taking the attention from the spar to them. The look on the mans face was enough to silence everyone as he growled,
"That's precisely my problem" he then moved toward the two brothers. The smile that Niklaus once had was now replaced with a frown, as his father took the sword away from Elijah. The boy backing down, knowing of what was to come if he were to aid his brother from their father.
"So, why don't you teach me some of those moves young warrior?" his tone was patronizing. Frowning, I watched his father lunge forward with his sword, Klaus barely being able to block it successfully.
"Father, we were, we were just having fun." His voice convulsed, finding it hard to look his father in the eye.
"We fight for our survival, and you find time for fun! I want to have fun, teach me! Come on!" He yelled. I desperately wanted to intervene but somehow I knew, if I did, it would only make matters worse.
"Father it was nothing." He said softly, trying to calm the older man. Despite his lack of effort to fight back, it didn't work and Mikael lunged again. Klaus wasn't able to keep up and barely blocked himself in time for each attack. On the third strike, Mikael knocked the sword from his hand. Instead of stopping, he grabbed Klaus by the shirt and threw his foot under him, knocking Klaus to the ground with a large grunt. As I watched the faces of his family, I noticed that as terrified as they were that none of them were willing to stand up to the abusive male. Without thinking, I jump in, before Mikael could lay another hand on him. Both in shock, Niklaus looked up at me, as I used myself to separate the horrible man from his son.
"Stop it, leave him alone!" I yelled, finding the strength to glare up at the older man. Mikael looked shocked at first, seeing as no one has ever spoken back to him that way before. Recovering from the shock, I soon found myself fallen over with a bruising cut on my cheekbone.
"You better do well in keeping your whores in check, young warrior." he snapped, before marching off with his wife on his tail. Once he was gone, Niklaus was quick to his feet as the rest of his siblings crowded around me.
"Are you okay?" I heard the young blonde girl from earlier ask. Niklaus had come up to me, examining the damage that I had taken for him.
"I-I'm fine." I stuttered out, turning my head away from the man. It was completely unlike me to me shy and unconfident. In fact, it was extremely unlike me to let myself get hit by a man like Mikael.
"Rebekah go get this young girl a cold rag-" Elijah started to say but was cut off by Niklaus.
"No, I'll take care of her. After all I am the reason why she was stuck by father." he said, picking me and into his arms. I suddenly felt awkward, but at the same time it had felt somewhat right. Not even a few minutes later, I found myself walking besides Niklaus, as we went further into the woods. He lead us to a small spring that was surrounded by green wildlife. You could practically hear the birds whistling and chirping in the background as he stared at the waterfall that spilled into the light blue water.
"It's beautiful..." I whispered causing him to turn his head in my direction, as if his human ears had heard what I said.
"Indeed, it's quiet a lovely scenery." he admitted, his accent sounding lighter than before. Finding a large root sticking out of the ground, I sit on it, taking in the view in front of me. I took a breath in, letting myself forget for a few seconds on everything in my life that's lead me here. The brunette's question, caused me to jump out of my trance when he asked,
"Who are you?" My eyes widen in confusion. Not sure about what he meant.
"Wh-what do you mean." I ask, Ugh damn my stuttering, I cursed at myself for being WEAK! Niklaus turned himself to me, looking my straight in my eye, full of curiosity. There was also this murderous look in his eye, that made me feel a shudder go up my spine. He walks up to me, and places his foot near my thigh, before he leaned onto it, looking my straight in the eye.
"Who are you?" he asks again, before adding, "More specifically, what are you? A vampire, werewolf...witch?" a fire sparked in his eyes when the word witch rolled off his tongue. Being the girl that I was, I tried to play dumb.
"I don't...know what you're talking about?" I say slowly, he scoffed and turned away me, taking his foot of the root.
"Don't play dumb, love." He says, " I can hear your heart beating a million times per second." he exaggerates. My eyes cast downwards, inwardly kicking myself for being so nervous.
"Did my mother send you hear?" he suddenly asks, leaving me perplexed. Standing up, quickly I reply,
"What? I don't know what you're talking about. I just woke up here." he shook his head before chuckling.
"Haha very funny mother, what kind of joke are you getting at?" he looked up into the sky, almost as if he was talking to someone. Taking a step back, I turn to run, only to find him standing behind me. "Now, where do you're going hm?"
"Stay the hell away from me!" I tried to shove him away from me but he only grabbed onto the sides of my arms, holding me in place. His eyes started glowing golden, as veins appeared under his eyes.
"Why did my mother send you here?" He asked, gripping harder onto me. Letting out a cry, I try to wriggle my way out of his hold.
"I-I don't know who you're talking about? You're hurting me!" I yell, letting out another cry of pain, proving my point. He immediately let me go let go of my arms, letting me pull back from him. He asked softly this time, his eyes now back to normal,
"Ester send you here didn't she?" before I could answer, I felt myself collapsing, onto the ground before everything went dark.