Author's note: More Ruby character development! Yeah!
After that liberating speech about the grandeur of the Forever Fall forest, Ruby walked over to team JNPR.
"Hi Juane, how are you doing as a leader?" Ruby asked. "Your team treating you well?"
Jaune smiles slightly. "Could be better, could be worse," Jaune said with a shrug.
Ruby smiled at Jaune. "Sometimes, I get the feeling that my team does not take me too seriously," she admitted. "Sometimes, when I talk, I think they are thinking, 'Oh, that is so cute, Ruby playing leader.' I don't know how to make them take me seriously."
"Try acting more serious than," Jaune said. "If you act more serious then you will be taken more seriously." It was such a simple answer that Ruby almost fell over by the simplicity of the answer.
"Well, thanks, see you around," Ruby managed after she some-what recovered.
After that little talk with Jaune, Ruby walked back to her team. "Okay team, we are running late, so uh... TO CLASS!" Ruby said, then ran out the door.
I really need to keep better track of time, especially if I want my team to take me seriously, Ruby thought. I need to show how serious I can be while in the forest.
Team RWBY arrived just in time to head out with their class. "So you finally decide to join us, Miss Rose?" Glynda said with a deadly tone.
Ruby immediately took an interest in staring at her leather combat boots, her face blushed with embarrassment. I am not off to a good start, Ruby thought.
As if to add insult to injury, Yang started trying to defend her, which in any other situation, would have been a good thing.
"Hey, go easy on her," Yang insisted. "She is still inexperienced at this. Give her a break!" Ruby blushed an even deeper crimson.
She might as well be vouching for free juice boxes and nap times, Ruby grumbled. Why am I being treated like a kid? I mean, I may be two years younger than everyone, apart from Angel, who's like six, but I am more than capable of handling myself.
Ruby looked around, seeing even Angel was smirking slightly. She sighed. Even Angel gets taken more seriously by her team. I need start acting more serious-Ruby stopped mid thought, then rethought where she was coming from. Feeling guilty about her obvious jealousy, she decided, I need to stop worrying about how much better everyone else has things and start worrying about myself, and what I already have. I need to be thankful for what I have, and what I have is a loving sister, good friends, and teachers who go out of there way to help me succeed.
After a moment, Ruby walked up to Glynda. "I am terribly sorry about arriving at the last minute. I promise I will try my hardest not to let it happen again. I beg your forgiveness," Ruby said humbly, even projecting herself as a sign of deep respect towards the teacher.
Glynda stared in shock that a student was actually listening to her reproof, so shocking that it took her a second to respond. "Well, just be more aware next time. Because next time we won't wait, we clear?"
"Crystal clear," Ruby humbly replied.
Seemingly satisfied with this response, Glynda walked off.
Angel walked up to Ruby and patted her on the back. "I think you made the best move."
Ruby smiled slightly. "Thank you Angel," Ruby said gratefully. "I am glad you are my friend."
Angel sauntered off and Ruby headed back towards her team. Weiss looked over at Ruby, shocked by how easily she was able to humble herself.