*Two Weeks Later*
'How much longer til we get there?' Summer wondered, walking back in forth in the small space available in her cage. She'd memorized the steps it took to cross each section of it. Two and a half steps to the left, turn, two and a half steps back, turn. Repeat. Hours upon hours of the same action.
It was necessary. Her muscles had been reduced from the peak they'd achieved during her time with the Heart Pirates. She had to try to at least work them a little. The simple walking back and forth and stretching daily she'd forced herself to go through was enough to burn her limbs to the point of tears. She hated it.
'Law would be furious if I came back in this condition.' She thought, turning once more in her cell.
'How will I escape when I get to the lab? There's no way they'd give me the freedom I used to have. They'll probably post a guard with me the whole time.'
She stopped walking and began a series of squats, ignoring the almost audible protest of her joints and muscles. Her measured breathing was the only thing audible in the room. That, and the creaking of the ship. She'd decided that she hated the overwhelming smell of salt in the deep hull of Viper's ship. She much preferred the sweaty metal smell of the submarine.
Her stomach grumbled, her body still unused to the regular servings of food she was being treated to. Well, maybe that was an overstatement. The food was subpar at best, cooked too long, dried out, the wrong texture, flavor, or color, and slightly stale. She missed Casper's meals, his secret love of sweets that he never let on to. Oh, what she'd give to see a piece of chocolate cake.
Knowing Law, she wondered with a smirk, he was probably just as restless as her. He was never one for being helpless. Imagining Law, or at least what she thought looked like Law, stubbornly flailing around helplessly in his little submarine was both humorous and saddening. Her friends were so far away, and so in the dark. It would be a miracle if they made it in time to rescue her.
That's why she planned to rescue herself.
She'd done it before, she could do it again. There had to be weak points in the security of the lab. After all, her 14-year-old self could do it. By God, her 23-year-old self could too.
She tried picturing the layout of the lab, ingrained into her memory from years of wandering the halls in search of a way out. The kitchen, her room, the piano room, the lab…
She shook her head. Best not to think about that one.
Glancing up, she could barely make out the fact that there were no top bars to hang down from, only the wooden ceiling. She scowled in disappointment. There went the opportunity for pull-ups. Her arms needed some serious training.
Her hands ached to hold her daggers. She'd left them on the bed at the infirmary before Kid had taken her. She hadn't really thought about the redheaded supernova for awhile. There were no ill feelings towards him, per se, she just hated the fact that so many people were apparently able to catch her so off guard.
It damaged her ego greatly, but she was not going to admit that.
She had time, not a lot, but there was still time. She would use it as best she could.
The girl was growing restless, constantly moving around in her close quarters. The movement was growing progressively annoying, but nonetheless seemed to stir her from her deep slumber. The damage to her host's psych slowly began to repair itself with her increasing resolve. She felt the strength returning, bit by bit around her, bringing herself a new environment in which to thrive…
The darkness subsided, faded away into the dark recesses from which it came. It slithered back to her locked memories, forbidden to reemerge. Now, free of the burden of the girl's fears, she awakened, thirsty for action and blood, always mindful of her eternal revenge.
The problem of revealing herself was quickly becoming prominent. As the girl recovered her mental strength, the decision came closer and closer to being made. Unfortunately, there could be drawbacks. The girl may still go insane, unable to deal with the sudden shock. She could commit suicide, or resort to self harm, and that would never do. She needed a body in good physical condition.
She was so close, so near to her goal, she could never throw this body away. Her previous incarnations had never been so imminent to her success. The girl had to remain alive and intact.
Which still left the question of revealing herself. If the girl knew, she would know of the power which she contained. Her knowledge would aid in her quest. But how to do it was the problem.
How do you tell a young human, little more than a child, that they are not fully human?
Quite troublesome indeed.
Summer's ability to speak had returned, only after numerous days of pathetic croaking and having to exercise her voice. Those days had been filled with what could have passed to be crazed mutterings. The fact was, unless she used her voice, it wouldn't heal, much to her regretful experience.
With the presence of food came the hunger for more. Half starved before, her mind was preoccupied with the need for food, in any condition and quality, as long as it was edible.
Just as Viper had promised, she also got what could be considered a shower...of sorts. They stripped her to her bra and panties, left her to stand on the top deck, and then proceeded to throw buckets of cold, clean water at her. It wasn't exactly a pleasant experience, but she much preferred being clean over living in her own filthy body.
The men would always laugh at her pathetic attempts to escape the freezing water, but she didn't mind much. Their presence and feelings towards her didn't frighten her anymore. She was no longer the 11-year-old beggar who'd been whisked off the streets for pick-pocketing a pirate, no longer intimidated by Viper's glares and laughs and smirks.
'You can't hurt me any longer.' She told herself, clenching her fists tightly.
'You have become quite strong.' A part of her said, and she smirked a little.
'You are so right, me. Now, if only Law would admit that.'
'There will be great challenges in the future, but you must learn to overcome anything in your way.'
Something about this voice...it didn't sound normal. It didn't sound like her at all, now that she examined it. Summer's smirk slowly began to fade away, replaced instead by a slightly frown. What...was this?
'The darkness must be messing with my head. I'm just hearing things.' These kind of things didn't happen...right?
'There is something you must know.'
'Is this...normal? Am I really just thinking to myself like I always have?'
'Do not be afraid.' Despite the warning, Summer started to get a sense of panic. What was this? Who was this?
'Am I going crazy? After all these years of torment, have I finally cracked?'
She stumbled on her feet, from the stress of thinking her mental capacity had been compromised and the physical exhaustion from working her muscles. Easing herself to the ground, muscles protesting the whole way, she cradled her head in her hands, tears coming to her eyes.
All those years she'd been debating with herself...was it really herself at all? Had she ever been mentally stable at all? Was she even normal?
An overwhelming sense of panic set in, her whole body tense with fear.
'Is there...someone in there?' She wasn't sure she wanted an answer.
Arriving In: 7 Days