An overwhelming sense of panic set in, her whole body tense with fear.
'Is there...someone in there?' She wasn't sure she wanted an answer.
'I...I...don't understand...' Her thoughts leapt from one conclusion to another, heart rate beating a mile a minute. White dots started to edge into her vision and her limbs shook from shock. She gazed down at her shaking fingers, seeing them a little differently for the first time.
'Who...are you? What are you?'
'Child, do not panic.' The voice said, and instantly her senses began to dull, the sensations she'd been reeling in slowly faded until she was relatively back to normal. Her heart wasn't beating so fast and her breathing had returned to a steady rhythm. Her eyes flicked to the door, making sure there wasn't someone witnessing this event. Though, nothing was happening physically.
'Who are you?' She questioned again, and this time a feeling of peace overtook her. She calmed down considerably.
'I am called Nemesis. As to what I am, that is a bit more difficult to explain.'
In place of the fear, anger began to seep into her calm persona.
'Well, at least try to explain.' She crossed her arms over her chest, slowly coming to terms with what was happening.
'Ok, some being is trapped inside my head and I'm officially going insane and I don't know what to do and...'
'I can hear your rambling thoughts. Please be calm. It is quite distracting.'
Summer facepalmed. Of course the thing inside of her could hear her thoughts…
'Alright...' She tried to keep her mind from losing control again. The last thing she wanted to do was piss off the being inside her. Who knows what it had the capability of doing? 'So...Nemesis, was it? What exactly are you doing inside my head?'
'To tell you the reason, you must know the beginning of my story.'
Summer glanced around at her cell. There wasn't really any place to sit comfortably for long periods of time, as she felt that this story was going to be a long one. Deciding that the best place would be her makeshift bed, no more than a few blankets thrown on top of each other, she lowered herself down and prepared to listen.
'Just start from the beginning.'
'Very well...'
Many centuries ago, on an island that no longer exists, there lived a very powerful tribe of native peoples. These people were known for their kind hearts and great weaponsmithing. They lived on the land they inhabited, never taking more than they needed. Spirits of ancestors and gods past lived in delicate balance with their love of nature. We were immortal, but we did perish by physical means.
They were a very superstitious people, believing in tales from old wives to curses from angry spirits. We protected the mortals of the earth, but they knew only vaguely of our existence. Natural disasters were the effects of our quarrels. Rain was our sorrowful tears. The sun reflected our happiness. They lived in peace with other peoples, but they were among the most prominent and feared.
These tribal warriors were fearless, strategic at heart, and quite terrifying. Thousands died by their weapons. Their land and culture were kept safe by their protection. I was one such warrior.
I was strong and clear-minded. I did not rely on others to protect what I had. But I was young and impressionable. I made mistakes…
I fell in love, fell for a man whose attention was rapt on the mortal women with no strength, no clear sense for what life really was. Unfortunately, I could not see it at the time.
I chased him, pursued him in an attempt to gain his affections. To a degree, it worked. We spent afternoons walking along the river, talking mostly. He always seemed so happy to be around me.
He was always outgoing, fun-loving and just childish in general. Life's setbacks meant nothing to him. The sun was his favorite, mostly because of its color and how warm it felt in the summer. I preferred the moon and the stars. they were cool and calm and so very far away.
He said he loved me, and like a child I believed him. His smile always dazzled me, distracted me from his eyes. I should have watched his eyes. I should have seen the way they always shifted away when he said it.
Maybe I should have stayed home that day, maybe I should have believed him when he said he was visiting his brother. Maybe I shouldn't have been nosy, or jealous, or scared. Although, maybe he shouldn't have lied, maybe he should have stayed at home, maybe he should have just died.
She was a pretty brunette, with pink lips and blue eyes. Her eyes matched the color of his hair, like the bright sky. Her dress was simple, her hair pinned up on her head in a small bun. From the bushes, I could hear him whisper something in her ear, her delicate laugh following after. He took her hand, guiding her near the river where we had spent so much time talking. So much time...bonding.
In my anger, I pondered going after them, humiliating the girl and letting his treachery be known. But I was naive. I was hopeful, constantly thinking wishfully. The next day I forgave him, believing his apologies and empty promises to stay faithful.
It only took a week before I witnessed the next incident. This time, it was a redhead. She was prettier than the last.
My heart had had enough, I'd never love another man again. I would guard my heart for the rest of my years. I vowed to get my revenge. I screamed that I would kill him, and he escaped with the girl. Oh, how I wanted to squeeze the life out of her with my own hands.
But I wanted him dead even more.
In the tribe, the elder could perform a ritual that bound the soul to the earth until their desired task was done. I requested this ritual, telling of my woes and strife. The elders agreed, and it was performed the next day. That way, even if I died before him, I would have my vengeance.
I wasn't aware that Iapetus did the same until after my death. After my body was released of the mortal bonds, I unleashed my anger onto the island, Mount Olympus, killing everyone who lived there in the process. Iapetus died, but afterwards I felt his presence in the spirit world. I was enraged, and I vowed to put an end to him for good.
Summer sat in silence, taking in everything Nemesis had said. It was very unbelievable, but Summer found herself believing it all the same. It was so unreal...it just had to be true.
'I still don't understand why you're inside of my head.' She was much calmer than before, finally accepting what was happening as true. Whether she was just imagining this or not, it wouldn't matter in the long run. She was still on her way to the Doctor's.
'My soul cannot exist without a physical form, a body, to reside in. I occupy a host at the point of their birth. When they pass on, I move on to another host, born at the exact time of the previous host's death.'
The voice was sounding very tired, as if speaking was difficult. Summer thought that maybe the being was just as weak as she was.
'Is there any way for the cycle to stop?'
'Once I exact my revenge upon Iapetus, my soul will be at peace once more.'
Summer thought of something then, a very scary thought, but it was a question she had to ask nonetheless.
'When you get your revenge and your spirit is put to rest...will I die with you?'
There was a pause, and Summer's heart sank.
'I do not know. The elders were not specific on the details at the time of the ritual.'
Oh. It seemed her whole life was a big combination of unknowns and what-ifs. She wasn't sure what to do now, sitting in her cage on Viper's ship, now armed with the dangerous information she had. Still, Summer smirked a little.
'You and I are pretty similar.' She thought, stretching to try to get into a more comfortable position. 'We both want revenge on someone who's hurt us.'
'If the time of your revenge shall come before that of mine, I will lend you my power.'
Summer's eyes opened of their own volition. Help from a supernatural being? That could definitely be beneficial.
'You'll help me?'
'Yes, but there is something very important you must understand.'
Whoever Nemesis was sounded pretty serious. Summer's eyebrows furrowed.
'Ok, what?'
'My existence must be kept a secret at all costs. There are many people who wish to use my power for their own purposes. This 'Doctor' you so fear is one such person.'
Several things clicked then. Why the Doctor had always urged the fact that she was sick when she felt fine, why Viper had taken such a vested interest in him, and why she'd had to remain on the run her entire life.
'So...how do people know about you to begin with?' When the voice answered, it sounded very frustrated.
'My great deeds and the performance of the ritual was recorded on what you mortals call the Poneglyphs. Displays of my power have been recorded as well.'
'Well, nice going on that one.' Summer's sarcasm returned, and she didn't find herself afraid of the consequences of back talking a vengeful spirit at all.
'These were unfortunate incidents.' Summer shook her head, hearing the hinted amusement in the voice as if the woman were proud of these events. It seemed even ancient warrior spirits could feel sass.
'Either way, there's nothing we can do now since we're stuck on this ship.' She shifted once more, still unable to find a semi-comfortable spot on the blankets. 'Might as well deal with things as they come.'
Summer closed her eyes and tried to rest her body. The past day or two had been stress-filled and agonizingly painful. She figured a little sleep wouldn't do her any harm.
Unfortunately for her, the pain of missing her namaka was too great.
She furrowed her brows, the ache in her chest flaring as the name of each friend passed through her mind. Blake. Parker. Penguin. Shachi. Liam. Reid.
'These feelings of longing and yearning...you are missing your pirate acquaintances, aren't you?' Nemesis asked. Summer sighed deeply.
'Yeah...It's been so long since I've seen them. I just wish I knew if they were alright...or at least what they were doing.'
For a long moment, Nemesis didn't answer and Summer started to think that maybe the woman hadn't heard her. But that was ridiculous. She could read thoughts and was literally living in her head. She had to have heard-
'Your friends are safe.' She was startled out of her thoughts by Nemesis' voice.
'How could you possibly know that?'
'There are times when I can see through another's' eyes, if only for a moment. It takes a large amount of my strength, so I cannot do this often.' It definitely sounded like it. The voice was significantly weaker than before, almost like a whisper.
'What are they doing? Where are they? Is Reid awake?'
'Cease your questions, child.' Summer could almost feel the patience from the spirit depleting. Suddenly, she felt like a child begging her mother to buy a small toy from a store, being told no and scolded for her behavior. 'They are preparing for an attack, though on what I do not know. The one with the spotted headwear is giving orders. They all carry weapons, and the polar bear holds a nodachi. I do not know where they are, and I do not know of this Reid you refer to.'
A large weight was lifted off of Summer's shoulders at this information. She hadn't realized how much she'd worried about her friends until she was told that they were alright. She could have cried in relief.
In the quickly changing scenarios that were being presented to her, Summer felt as though the alignment of the world had shifted, the odds turning ever-so-slowly in her favor. She had regained her sanity, her friends were alright, and this new and powerful being was now on her side.
She'd thought that her life would continue being one long, endless version of hell, but maybe hell wasn't so bad after all…
"Jean Bart-ya, report." Law said into the den den mushi. The navigator cleared his throat loudly.
"There are numerous pirate ships docked along the southern coast of the island, all of which carry at least one high-bounty pirate. There's bound to be several other long-term residents as well."
"Any Marines?" Liam asked, sharpening his blades one last time. His eyes never left the metal.
"Negative." The snail replied. "The radar isn't picking up any Marine ships in the area, though there could be some in the town nearby as a standard guard."
"No sign of any Yonko?" Law asked, thinking that their presence would cause him unnecessary trouble. He didn't want one of the Emperors in his way.
"Negative. For being a well-known pirate's den, there doesn't seem to be any activity from the Yonko or Shichibukai."
Law nodded. "Then take us near the ships but stay submerged until the sun sets."
"Aye, Captain." Both men hung up the den den mushi and Law looked up at his men.
"We've gone over this before, so you should all know your jobs. Do not make your presence known. Do not kill unless absolutely necessary. This operation will take some time, so be cautious and patient. Understood?"
"Aye, Captain!" The men responded, raising their weapons in the air in agreement.
Law turned, heading to his own quarters to grab one more thing. He hadn't planned on taking them in the first place but last-minute thinking made him change his mind. The men conversed in the mess deck behind him, and the sounds slowly faded away into a distant murmur.
Opening the door, he glided inside and went straight to the table beside his bed. He still thought about turning around and leaving them behind, but he had developed a strange attachment to them ever since…
Taking Summer's daggers from inside the drawer, he fastened them to his belt and, closing the drawer once more, swept out of the room. He was half excited for what was to come.
The pirates of Rocky Port wouldn't know what hit them.