"Hey, guys! Look at this!" Blake held up that's morning's newspaper, displaying the front page for all to see. "We're headline news!"
Indeed they were. There, slapped across the top page of the paper were the bolded words:
"What did they say?"
"Let me see it!" Several men tried reaching for the paper, but Blake slapped away the outstretched hands.
"Shut up and let me read!" He yelled, waiting for the others to quiet down before clearing his throat theatrically. Glancing down at the article, he read aloud the journalist's report.
"Though Rocky Port is known for it's less-than-upstanding criminals, pirates, and thieves washing upon their shores, never before has such blatant acts of sadism and cruelty been witnessed before…"
"Get to the part about us!" Penguin yelled, accidentally elbowing Shachi in the face. His friend glared and punch him back, robbing the mechanic of his breath.
"What the hell, man?"
"What...was that...for?" He said between breaths. Blake glared at both of them for the interruption.
"If you don't stop the damn noise, no one will get to hear it!" The two looked around at their crewmates, noticing the blatant expressions of 'if you ruin this for us, you're doing chores for a month.' They promptly quieted down.
Nodding satisfactorily, Blake went back to the paper.
"The next morning, dozens of wanted men stumbled out of their ships screaming in pain and agony. Local authorities were wary of the cause, but soon realized that each man was missing their heart. This discovery baffled Rocky Port's medical staff, even world renowned neurologist Kazime Hajim. "I've never seen anything like it." He said on the issue, "It must be the effects of a powerful devil fruit, but which one is left to be determined." In place of each heart, a cuboidal hole was left on the victim's body.
"Each man said a small group of men had attacked them the night before, but none of them had any recollection of their organs being taken. Researchers quickly launched an investigation into the possible perpetrators of the crime."
"You hear that, Captain? Apparently your powers baffle world famous doctors!" Parker called, directing his gaze towards the outwardly dozing captain. At his words, Law only smirked. In all honesty, he was quite enjoying the dramatic words of the reporter, making the people responsible for the crime sound almost ungodly powerful. Blake continued to read.
"Marine databases quickly identified several sets of fingerprints as those of crew members of the Heart Pirates. Locals did not report seeing or hearing anything unusual the night of the attacks, but with the positive identification of the evidence left behind, the Marines have determined that the party involved is none other than the Heart Pirates.
"If you see Trafalgar Law, Captain of the Heart Pirates, or any of the Heart Pirates' crew, please contact Marine authorities immediately. They are considered to be armed and extremely dangerous."
Blake closed the article in satisfaction, gazing around at the men. They all seemed pretty well flustered.
"I guess we're famous now."
"I just can't wait to give my interview." The men were mocking the journalist who wrote the story, joking around. Blake stood up from his seat and wandered over to the captain.
"Here, I know you like to archive the papers." Looking up, the captain took the paper from his hands. Blake returned to the group of men and joined in the playful banter. Out of boredom, Law flipped through the rest of the pages, eyes scanning the headlines for anything remotely interesting.
One caught his eye and he smirked at the title.
He chuckled lowly and glanced at the rest of the paper. Though he doubted there would be anything regarding Summer, he checked anyway, also looking out for the name on her old missing person's poster, Jamie Bristle. No signs of either name came up, though that wasn't too surprising. The Marines may not be the smartest of organizations, but they were at least smart enough to keep their secrets...well, a secret.
"Casper, what's for dinner tonight?" Shachi asked. The old cook stood at the back of the mess hall, idly watching the crew continue their childish mockery. He looked to the heavens and sighed deeply.
"If there is a day where food is not someone's main concern aboard this submarine, I will have died and gone to hell." He shook his head with a chuckle. "A vegetarian dish."
"Aww, what's the point in anything vegetarian? Meat is the only good kind of food." Penguin pouted, skulking off to go back to work. Shachi reluctantly joined him.
Seeing this, Law decided that playtime was over. Standing, he brushed off his hoodie and addressed the crew. "All of you, back to work. Report for dinner at seven."
"Aye, Captain!" Many answered. They quickly dispersed and headed off to, hopefully, do their jobs efficiently. Though some, two mechanics included, had a habit of slacking off when he wasn't looking. Shaking his head, he turned to the cook who hadn't moved.
"Are you sure this is what you want?" Casper asked seriously, inspecting Law's eyes with scrutiny. Law knew he was referring to the incident two nights before. With a sigh, the captain rubbed the sleep that threatened to overtake him from his eyes. He was tired of people worrying about his well being when he was perfectly capable of taking care of himself.
"We're pirates. What the world thinks of us doesn't matter." Casper examined his apron, inspecting to see how dirty it was.
"That's not what I meant exactly. Surely this will cause more problems for us? Being a Shichibukai isn't exactly risk-free. There will be many who will want to take that title away. With this act, things have changed."
"I've thought about all the possibilities, and this is the best choice." The cook sighed once more, crossing his arms. The young captain could be impulsive, despite his pension for well thought out plans and cunning.
"I'll stand by whatever decision you make, Captain. I don't question your judgement when it comes to the safety of this crew. Just know that sometimes the safest decisions produce the worst outcomes." Law pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to stop the incoming headache from getting to him.
"I'll do whatever it takes to accomplish our goal."
"And which goal is that? Finding Summer? Or finding One Piece?"
Law stayed quiet, pondering the answer even as the older cook smiled and walked back into the kitchen. He knew the young man would think on it awhile.
She could feel herself getting stronger, day by day. Each stretch of her muscle didn't ache quite as much as the day before, each sit up getting a little easier, bit by bit. A surge of satisfaction rose through her as she completed the fiftieth sit up in a row, far gone from what she could have done weeks ago, but by far better than what had been possible a few days ago.
Nemesis, as well, was getting stronger. The presence of the mysterious woman in her mind was growing larger and larger everyday. At first, Summer was worried that the spirit could take over her mind or something, but she quickly dispersed those fears.
"I am much more powerful as a spirit alone than by controlling your mortal body. I will not try such things."
Though Summer really didn't have any reason to believe her, there wasn't much she could do but go along with it. Whether Nemesis wanted to control her mind or not, Summer was defenseless against it anyway. Better just to believe what she said and continue getting stronger.
The only times she stopped her continuous work out was when Viper's men brought her food and when she was allowed outside for her one hour. They still kept her arms and legs chained, mostly to prevent her from attacking his own men, but more so so that she would continue to feel trapped, caged, imprisoned.
She smirked, thinking about Viper's ridiculous mind games. They may have worked to keep her frightened out of her mind the first time around, so many years ago, but now they seemed like desperate attempts to seem threatening. Summer almost laughed aloud.
She'd also recognized her lack of fear towards Viper himself. Individually, she'd always seem him as this satan-like force, capable of destroying her life with the snap of a finger. Now, however, he seemed like nothing more than a link in the chain of horror that her life turned out to be dangling by. He had no more power than the other people in the chain. The only person who could actually do her any damage, theoretically…
Was the one on top. And that would be the Doctor.
'Viper, you'll get what's coming to you.' Summer thought, beginning a set of push-ups in her cell. A cold smile crept onto her face. 'But I'll make sure you suffer the agony I did all those years...Doctor.'
Arriving In: 5 Days