Law finished tying off the bandage of Shachi's arm, helping him to his feet to stand beside Penguin and himself. The two engineers were worse for wear, but he was pleased to see them both victorious in their battles. Especially so when he'd seen the fate of one such annoying redhead. The result was even more gruesome than he could have imagined, and he felt a bit of pride that his crewmen could handle their own and were seemingly unaffected by the sadism.
"Thanks, Captain." Shachi said, helping Penguin walk through the doors. His multiple blunt force trauma wounds were taxing on his stamina, and so had trouble walking. Thankfully one of their injuries were life threatening, the only thing concerning Law was some of Penguin's minor internal bleeding, but they would both make a full recovery. Even Shachi's shoulder hadn't sustained permanent damage.
"We must get back to the sitting room." There was a rumble, and the pirates glanced between one another.
"Those spirits must still be fighting." Shachi guessed as another tremor shook the manor. They headed back towards the way they'd come, hoping that Bepo and Summer were still alright.
Bepo was relieved when Law and the others emerged from the hallway. He sighed out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding, and helped the Captain sit the engineers against the wall in relative safety.
Immediately, Law's gaze scanned the area behind one of the sofas where Bepo had taken up hiding. "Where is Summer-ya?" Bepo swallowed. Then, he glanced at the two spirits.
"She…joined the fight."
His eyes widened. "What?" Looking over, he could see the blonde standing on the side with the violet-haired woman with her dagger out. The two spirits continued to battle, with Summer dealing blows at the man's feet. They were so much taller than her, and any wrong step could crush her instantly.
The man landed a particularly heavy blow, and the woman dropped to one knee. Summer saw this and ran to her side, apparently trying to bring her back to her own feet. The blue-haired man had stepped back and stood waiting, as if anticipating for her to give up. The woman looked exhausted, down on one knee with blood dripping down her face.
Still, the fact that his cook would put her life in such danger without his knowledge didn't help his mood.
'I will surely get her back for this.' He thought.
"Stay here." He muttered to the men, ignoring his injured arm as he picked up his sword and jumped over the sofa to join her side.
"You have to get up!" Summer said, pulling at Nemesis' arm with as much strength as she could. It had surprised her when she could touch the woman in the first place. They looked so ethereal, so ghostly, she was sure her hand would pass through their bodies.
Despite her continued efforts, Nemesis gently shook her head. "It is no use, child. My strength is leaving me. Iapetus is the stronger of us both." Her breathing was labored, her body struggling for every breath.
Angrily, Summer pushed harder at the woman. "Shut up! You've never let me give up, not once! Whenever I was weak you pulled me up, you made me get stronger, push myself harder. You can't die on me, dammit!"
The woman looked at her blankly. "I've come this far, after 400 years of searching, only to fail. I've fought. I've lost. What more could I do?" She asked with a sigh. Summer bared her teeth and punched her arm.
"You can stand up and keep going!" She moved in front of the woman's view, demanding her attention. "You told me you were doing this all for Laurel. That your unborn daughter was the reason you moved forward. Giving up means you are throwing away her value. You have to keep fighting. You have to win. You can't give up. Honor her memory."
Summer reached for the sword that Nemesis held loosely in her hand, forcibly closing her hand around it, begging for the woman to stand, to fight. "Do this for me, and for you."
Nemesis was silent for a long time, her heavy breathing the only thing Summer could hear. Before them, Iapetus still stood waiting, curiosity getting the better of him as he wondered if she would stand again.
Then, after Summer almost thought she'd simply sit there and wait for her death, the grip around the sword hilt tightened. Summer looked up into Nemesis' face, seeing a starkly white grin against the red liquid dripping down her chin.
"I suppose I never let you give up, that is true. It is only fitting you do the same for me." She mumbled, pushing to her feet with visible effort. Summer smiled, helping the warrior woman as best she could. Her immense height alone made it difficult, but still the blonde tried.
"Thank you, child." Nemesis gave a genuine smile, something that Summer felt she would cherish for the rest of her life. Seeing the stern woman happy, it was something akin to a sunset.
"Summer-ya!" Law's voice caught her attention as he ran to her side. His hands gripped her arms, and he looked her over for injury. "You could have been killed. What in the hell were you thinking? We have to leave now." He ordered, and she frowned stubbornly.
"I can't leave her."
"This is not up for discussion. We are leaving. Now." He gritted his teeth, squeezing her arms harder. She was about to open her mouth, but Nemesis' chuckle caught her attention.
"I'm afraid your leader is correct." She said. "You have played your part in my vengeance. The rest is mine to complete. Remaining here will only endanger your life unnecessarily."
Summer lowered her head. "But-"
"I'm afraid it is time we part. If you should ever feel lonely, you need only remember me." She turned away slightly, then spoke as if it was an after thought. "I was never a mother, but I have come to…care for you, human, as if you were my own. Please, stay safe."
Nemesis' finger lifted her chin, forcing eye contact. Again, she smiled a real smile. But when Summer looked, it was touched with a great deal of sadness. Nemesis reached down and touched the bird pendant around her neck, and it glowed for a moment before fading away. "Go, child. Live your life without limit. Find your happiness and never look back."
Law pulled her away, back towards the couch and the others, but she held steadfast. "I don't want you to go." Her vision blurred, and the first few tears spilled down her face.
Nemesis didn't reply, but straightened and faced Iapetus once more. Law pulled at her arm again, but she wouldn't budge. Then, with an exasperated sigh, he picked her up and threw her across his shoulder.
"What are you doing? Wait!" Summer called, trying to reach out for the warrior, even as her Captain brought her farther and farther away.
"We're leaving now! Bepo, take him as well." She heard him call, probably to the others. But Summer wasn't listening. She could only watch as the two spirits stood facing each other with stern expressions.
"Nemesis!" She called, crying out as they turned the corner and she saw the violet-haired woman for the last time.
It was only after the mortals had retreated did either one of them speak. It was Iapetus to first break the silence. He scoffed.
"Heh. Quite unfitting of you to show so much emotion to mere humans. If I remember correctly, you used to spite their very existence." Nemesis took up a defensive stance, a surprising calm sweeping her body, even as the blood pooled around her feet.
"Some…are different." She mused. Then, focusing her golden and white eyes to the man in front of her, she steadied her sword.
"Iapetus, we have both lived for hundreds of years. We have caused destruction and ruin, despair and hatred. Our mere presence garners chaos and war. The world of the gods was never meant to mix with that of the mortals." She said. "Let us put an end to all this now."
He grinned, flicking the tip of his sword off the ground in a ready position. "If you so insist. I have grown rather bored of occupying mortal bonds anyway. Perhaps the afterlife will be more amusing."
And with inhuman strength, their swords clashed again.
Summer was still crying when they emerged from the hidden doorway. The alley was empty, but the air seemed unnaturally still for the events of the night being so fast-paced. The pirates were out of breath, but still they ran on, keeping to the side streets and dark alleys to cover them from the sight of the main road.
Bepo carried James, who still hadn't awoken, over his shoulder. Law had shifted Summer into a bridal style position, to make it easier on his shoulder. She nestled into the crook of his neck. Her tears soaked into his hoodie, and despite his anger at her obvious recklessness with her own life, he didn't much mind her small moment of weakness.
They made it to the submarine without incident. The rest of the men were concerned as to the state of their nakama, but a few quick reassurances from Law had them calming down. He ordered everyone back to bed and helped the engineers, Bepo, James, and Summer into the infirmary. There wasn't anything physically wrong with the girl, and so he instructed her to sit and wait on a stool and sat against the wall. She didn't complain, and obediently did as he said without a word.
He thoroughly checked his men's injuries from their battles, and tended to them as best he could. Both would have to stay in the infirmary a night of two, but they would recover well.
James was another matter. Law really wasn't sure what to do with the man. Their deal hadn't mentioned saving his life, nor treating any injuries he may have sustained, so the only thing he could really do was wait until he woke up.
He cleaned his equipment and allowed his nakama to rest on the beds. Bepo had gone through the ordeal uninjured and had already gone to his room to rest as well. All that left was Summer. When he had finished cleaning everything, and finally seeing to his own wounds, he glanced in Summer's direction.
She was fast asleep, head leaning against the wall and arms wrapped around herself protectively. He stopped and took in the sight, unsure of how she would handle no longer having the…soul inside of her. After the events on Aspis, he wasn't sure how strong her psyche really was. This additional blow could be the tipping point. He truly hoped it wasn't.
He couldn't just leave her on the stool, so he gently picked her up without waking her and pushed through to the hall outside. His room was just a short walk away, and he entered silently.
He slowly placed her on her side of the bed, tucking her under the comforter. She groaned and shifted but didn't wake. Noticing her necklace still around her neck, he inspected it closer. The bird surely fit her; a creature whose destiny it was to be free, but the most beautiful and talented were locked away, caged. Slipping it from her neck, his hand touched the pendant. It was…unnaturally warm. He narrowed his eyes, seeing the violet jewels as the eyes glow slightly.
He set it to the side on the nightstand. With a sigh, he took off his hat and undressed, slipping into the bed himself. He should probably take a shower, but he was too tired to care about getting the sheets dirty at that moment. Right then, all he needed was sleep.
The aftershocks of that night would have to be dealt with in the morning, but Law was comfortable with having just a moment of peace in between the madness.