It was with a clear mind that Summer awoke from the confines of sleep, and she realized her situation as soon as her violet eyes had opened. Her internal clock told her it was morning, and was perhaps encroaching on the definition of afternoon. It was no surprise that she'd awoken in her Captain's room, as the events from before came to mind quite quickly. The very endearing scent, and the warmth against her body, all made her realize one very alarming thing.
Trafalgar Law was cuddling her.
He shifted, his arm brushing up against her exposed hip. Her skin tingled, and the urge to tense became unbearable. But, knowing him, he'd probably wake up as soon as she moved even a single muscle. Even without looking at him she was certain he wasn't wearing a shirt, since he had been without one when she'd fallen asleep.
He sighed, though she wasn't sure if he was conscious at that point or not, but his breath tickled her ear, setting her face to be tomato red no doubt. She gulped, trying to think of what to do. Obviously she had to get out of there.
…Or did she?
Frowning, she was struck but how odd the thought was. Why…why was she even so freaked out about it? Self-analyzing, Summer sorted through her thoughts. She'd certainly been through a lot; escaping the prison, winding up on the submarine, being forcibly enlisted into the crew, her eventual self-acceptance that she was a Heart Pirate. Images of her nakama and all the islands they'd visited, all their adventures…she smiled. Meeting Kat, which made her frown once again, being captured by Kidd, then by Viper, held captive once more in the lab…
Being rescued by her family…
She even had fond memories of the Captain, somehow. Despite his teasing and sadistic tendencies, he was still fiercely loyal to those who served under him. Sumer remembered how they'd went after Reid and Liam without hesitation, all due to Law's concern of his men. Analytical and cold at times, there was more to him than what the papers said.
Summer was sure there was a sad past hidden somewhere in him. The strongest of people came from the darkest of paths, as she'd come to discover. Sometimes in the moments he thought no one was watching, she saw true sadness and anger in his eyes. It'd always perplexed her of its origin, but she'd never asked out of curtesy. Her eyes lowered onto the black comforter.
'What are you running from?' She thought. Directed to the both of them, actually.
She was the one who came to him, troubled by a nightmare-stricken mind with no one besides him in her thoughts for comfort. There had to be something to that…It wasn't his fault she was currently curled up with the Dark Doctor.
In retrospect, being surrounded by the tattooed arms of the Heart Pirates Captain wasn't so bad, or surprising to say the least. It was becoming very clear to her now that he held onto some kind of feeling for her. What is was remained a mystery. Shachi and Penguin would sooner become celibate than her asking Law that question though.
"Your thoughts are quite loud, child. It makes it difficult to rest." Nemesis spoke up then, surprising her slightly. She smiled apologetically, despite herself.
'Sorry…just have a lot on my mind I guess.'
"Regarding your Captain?"
'Yeah…I just don't know if I should want this or not.' Even more surprising, Nemesis seemed to chuckle. Summer couldn't remember a single time she'd heard her laugh, but there she went.
"Love is a complicated ideal." She admitted. Summer had always been used to her dismissive opinion of love, and anything to do with trust, but she seemed genuinely amused. "The decision is ultimately yours, but I believe, in this circumstance, it would be wise to venture into the unknown. The grandest of treasures are often hidden by that which we cannot understand." It all sounded like some riddle, and Summer raised a brow.
'I'm not sure if I completely understand what that meant, but you've aways told me not to become attached to anyone.' She chuckled again.
"The threat of my discovery has essentially been eradicated, therefore I see no danger in making connections. Your nakama, as you call them, know of me already." Summer's eyes widened.
'They do!?'
"During a battle long ago, you requested I save your Captain's life. In that time, my existence was revealed to them." Summer thought back, but couldn't remember anything like that…
'So…they know I'm not completely…normal?' She questioned hesitantly. Her biggest fear was for them to think badly of her, even after everything they'd been through. But, if they already knew…
'That's actually…pretty comforting.' She thought, with a small smile.
"I believe you will find happiness in your nakama, as they find happiness in you." Nemesis said cryptically, before fading away into Summer's subconsciousness. It appeared that the spirit was finished talking, and she knew any further questions would probably go unanswered.
She was left to stir in her thoughts, wrapped up in the extremely warm comforter and the Captain's arms.
*The Middle of the Night*
He opened his eyes, frowning the next instant because he could have sworn he'd gone to sleep in his own bed. Sitting up, he inspecting the sandy beach beneath him. Scooping up some of the sand and letting it fall between his fingers, Law looked at his surroundings.
In front of him was the shore of a tropical island. At first glance there didn't appear to be any inhabitants, though it was only one section of land. The sun was beginning to set, almost touching the horizon, painting the sky a beautiful orange and pink. The palm trees swayed, gently rustling as leaves brushed against themselves. Then suddenly, Law smelled the smoke of a cigarette, and heard the huff of someone exhaling.
Turning behind him, his eyes widened.
"Cora-" He started, but the clumsy idiot tripped over his own feet and fell before his eyes. "Watch where you're going!" Law yelled, exasperated that he was still such a klutz.
"Oi, oi! No need to yell!" Corazon waved away Law's anger with his hand, scratching his head with the other. Law gritted his teeth, torn between wanting to punch him for not being careful and running up to him and giving him a hug.
"What are you doing here?" He questioned, standing up and pointing a finger at him. Corazon only chuckled, sitting up on the sand and relighting his cigarette.
"Well, apparently you felt the need to dream about me. Hey, will you call me Cora-san again?" He smiled in anticipation, a slight blush on his face.
"Pay attention!" Law demanded, remembering how frustrating it could be keeping a straight conversation with the man.
"Sorry, sorry. But look at you, all grown up." He smiled, leaning back to soak in the sunlight. "I'm glad you got away from Doffy. At least I didn't die in vain."
"You shouldn't have died at all!" Law cried, balling his hands into fists. Flashbacks of that day began running through his head, and tears threatened to fall. He, as a Supernova, wasn't supposed to cry but…being with Corazon again made it all not seem to matter at all. "Why did you risk everything for me? Some dying kid?" His voice sounded hoarse with emotion, and the man laughed loudly.
"That one's an easy one, Law."
"Is it because of 'D?'" Law didn't know why he was being so accusatory, but there were some things he really wanted an answer to. He'd wondered all his life, if it could really be possible."Is that the reason?"
"Are you sure you didn't hit your head or something?" Corazon asked in concern, his frown quickly being replaced by a goofy smile. "I did it cuz I love you!"
"Then why did you leave me!?"
Corazon sighed, standing and approaching him. Placing a hand on his head, which was without his hat oddly enough, he ruffled his hair. "Sometimes things have to happen that you don't understand, Law." His voice had changed into a low and gentle coo, comforting the young pirate's troubled mind. "I didn't want to leave you, believe that, but I did all I could."
"I'm going to kill him because of what he did, to stop the madness." Law replied quietly under his breath, fists trembling in anger. He paused, waiting for Corazon to respond but he didn't. "I can't forgive him."
"I wouldn't think you could." He took a long drag on his cigarette, letting out the smoke in a long breath.
"But I'm not dragging my crew into all of-"
"Are those tattoos?!" Corazon spit out his cigarette, grabbing Law's arm forcefully, inspecting the black marks on his skin.
"Would you focus for FIVE MINUTES?" He screamed, trying to shake the man's hold off.
"They look so cool! You really have grown up!" Tears began to pool in his eyes, and Law face palmed with his free hand. "You said you had a crew? Are you a pirate?" He asked excitedly, and Law realized that he'd completely lost the conversation. It reminded him so much of his own ridiculously childish crew. Perhaps Cora-san was the reasoning behind that…
"Yes, they-"
"What's your crew's name?" He had on that goofy grin again, and Law sighed.
"The Heart Pirates."
"You named your crew after me?" He shouted, tears now streaming down his face as he shook Law's shoulders. "I can't believe this, I'm so touched!"
"Stop shaking me!" Luckily, he listened, putting Law down gently. "You were a marine, shouldn't you hate the fact that I'm a pirate?"
"Law, I'm proud with whatever you decide to do in life, as long as you're free from anyone trying to hold you down. If sailing around as a pirate makes you happy, and you're not killing innocent people," Corazon gave him a pointed look, "then you should do what makes you happy." He smiled, eyes closed, and Law felt a surge of emotion. "What's your crew like?" He sat and lit another cigarette, waiting for Law to explain.
"We sail on a submarine, so I recruited a lot of mechanics and engineers. Penguin-ya and Shachi-ya are the best at fixing engine parts and-."
"They sound like idiots." He interrupted, grin still spread across his face.
"They can be." Law smirked, thinking about the two perverts.
"I'm assuming you took after your father, right? You're a doctor I hope?" Law nodded.
"My epithet is the Surgeon of Death."
"Oh! You even have a bounty! How high?"
"440,000,000 beli."
"EHHH?" He spit out his second cigarette, showing a face of utter surprise. Law rolled his eyes. "How is it that high? Are you killing innocent people, Law?!" He raised a fist like he was going to hit him.
"Only those who deserve it!" He yelled back, raising his own arms up defensively.
"Good." Was all he said, retrieving another cigarette, once again. "Now, any women?"
"Summer-ya is an assistant cook on-"
"No, I mean do you have a woman? Come on, Law. You're, what, 25? Get a move on." There was so much to explain when it came to Summer, and he knewLaw massaged the bridge of his nose, deciding he was indeed surrounded by idiots.
"I'm 26." Corazon didn't seem to notice. Of course. "And I suppose you could call her my woman…" He muttered, bracing himself for Cora-san's reaction. As expected he was grabbed and shaken around like a rag doll.
"I knew it!" He sang, dancing around like a fool, dragging Law with him. He'd had enough of the antics, and he squirmed in the man's grasp.
"Put me down!" Corazon did, and Law brushed himself off. Glancing back up at him, the pirate saw that he was deep in thought, a careful frown on his face. "What?" He inquired.
"I hope you haven't scared her away with all that anger. Do you love her?"
He was taken aback by the question, but it had been some time since he'd come to terms with what he felt. "Yes."
"And she loves you?" He took a moment to think.
"I believe so." It was kind of awkward having this conversation with the older man. After all, Law wasn't one to confess certain emotions. Love was one of them. Cora-san raised an eyebrow.
"You believe so? How could you not know for certain?" Then, a horrified look crossed his face. "You haven't told her, have you?"
"No?" He couldn't understand what the huge deal was.
"Law!" The man stood up, holding his forehead as if in disappointment. "You can't just let her stew about whether you love her or not. Women aren't dangerous in themselves, but thinking and analyzing women are probably the most violent things in the world! Besides, you can't let her get away. Go out there and get her!" He pointed in his face, and Law rolled his eyes.
"We'll see." Was all he said.
Corazon sighed, puffing on the cigarette some more. "I'm serious. Don't let her go." He turned away, and Law felt a sense of panic. "I think it's about time for me to go anyway."
"No, wait!" Law reached out, but Cora-san's hand being held out at him stopped his movements.
"I'm not leaving forever, Law. As long as you remember me I'll always be here." He smiled like a fool, pointing to his own heart. "See ya, Law." With that, he waved goodbye and began walking in the other direction. The next instant, his shoulder turned aflame, no doubt from him lighting another cigarette.
Law tried running after him, but the further he ran, the more Corazon faded away into the dying light.
He could tell she was awake from the moment she slightly tensed upon opening her eyes to find herself somewhere else besides her room. He wanted to laugh at her, tease her first thing in the morning, but he refrained. The thought of seeing how she reacted was much too appealing. Still pretending to be asleep, he brushed his arm across the exposed spot of her hip.
Nothing. Not even a shudder. Her even breathing simply continued. His brows raised in surprise. Was she actually…comfortable with this? Summer, who'd been appalled at finding herself in the same position only a night before, the same woman who supposedly hated him so much, was now suddenly so accepting. Law frowned, unsure what to do now that his attempted teasing wouldn't work. He hadn't expecting this outcome.
Accidentally letting a sigh escape his lips, goosebumps erupted on the back of her neck, and he smirked in spite of himself. At least he could garner some kind of reaction from her, regardless of how small.
His eyes drifted down, noticing that she'd trapped his foot between her crossed ankles. Her shorts were shifted up slightly, not exposing anything critical, but still giving him just a taste of what was hidden beneath her clothes. He could only see it at the edge of his vision, otherwise moving his head would give him away.
Deciding that it would be better for both of them if he made the first attempt at getting out of bed, since he knew she was stubborn enough to lay there all day waiting for him to do that anyway, he pretended to yawn and stretch out his arms.
"I know you're awake." He said, and she stiffened. He smirked, watching as she turned to face him. Rising to put on clothes, he gave her one more backwards glance. "I've been keeping a secret that I'm sure you'd love to find out. Get dressed and I'll show you what it is." And with that, he disappeared into his bathroom.