Beyond Coutarine Island’s reef, just outside the tropical storm in the human world, the figure of a bird flew over the waves and gracefully flapped its wings. It flew towards a raft – Ronda’s raft! The raft wasn’t empty. On it sailed Tracey, Merlin’s apprentice.
He sang a reprise for his “Soar” song a second time while he adjusted his sail. Wind blasted it, and he sliced through the ocean water as smooth as a knife. Tracey smiled, “Yeah! Now this what I’m talking about! Go, little baby! Go! Go! Go!” He actually was quite excited that he was sailing. Where he was, it was fairly sunny. The black clouds were behind him. Tracey had no idea what Makenna was going through right now. A clipboard with a check list on it rested next to him, and he read off it while he worked, “Food.” Tracey pulled a latch and opened a compartment that had food and water in it, “Check. Sail and tiller in good shape. Check. Paddle. It broke, but I don’t need a paddle to sail.” Merlin’s young apprentice turned his face in the direction of the wind, “Wind – 40 knots. Perfect for sailing.” Next, he lifted his free hand and skimmed it through the ocean, “Current – warm, so I’m going in the right direction.” Tracey took his hand out of the water and shook it, “Last but not least, ocean – a little rough, but that’s only because there’s a tropical storm behind me. Heck yeah! Now this is what I call sailing!” Behind him, he suddenly heard a screech, “Huh?” Tracey peered over his shoulder, and his golden brown eyes widened when he saw a familiar figure flying towards him, “Gina!” Sure enough, the flying bird figure was Gina. Tracey was so shocked that he let go of the main sail’s rope. It flapped wildly in the wind, and he ducked under it. Though Tracey was out of the storm’s path, it didn’t mean it wasn’t heading towards him. Gina gave her wings a flap and landed on the tiller of the raft. She watched as Tracey grabbed the rope again with his good hand, and he peered back to her, “What are you doing here?”
“No.” Gina spoke through telepathy, “What are you doing here? Why did you leave Coutarine Island?”
“Gina, you don’t understand.” Tracey explained, “There’s nothing left for me on Coutarine Island nor Merlin’s Island. The Bermuda Triangle is the only place where I’ll be happy again. The Octopus Man promised me.”
“But he’s gonna kill you!” Gina screeched.
“That doesn’t matter. What matters is that I’ll be able to see my parents again. I belong with them, Gina. I’ve already embarrassed myself plenty of times in front of Sensei, Makenna, and Ash.”
“You’re sailing into your own suicide though!” frightfully yelled Gina, “Tracey, think about this! You can’t die! You have your whole life ahead of you! You’re only eighteen years old!” Tracey narrowed his eyebrows to a stern position and prepared to argue back, but before he could, a clap of thunder suddenly exploded in the air, and it was followed by a flash of lightning.
Merlin’s apprentice gasped, “Oh no.” The tropical storm had reached Ronda’s raft. The wind instantly increased from 40 knots to 61 knots. Tracey wasted no time. He left Gina and dropped the raft’s main sail. The rain didn’t even start off slow. Heavy rain pounded Tracey while he prepared to steer through the storm. Thunder boomed overhead followed by bright lightning flashes. The Apprentice Fairy hurried back to Gina and shooed her off the tiller, “Get off the tiller! I need it to steer!”
“Whoa!” Gina shouted as the wind shoved her back, “The wind’s insane! This storm has to be just under hurricane status!” She tightly gripped the tiller with her claws.
“Ugh, for once I wish I had my paddle!” Tracey yelled, and he grabbed his head. He pulled Gina off the tiller before the wind could and hugged her close to his side. Ronda’s raft soared over the crest of a wave that appeared from out of nowhere and crashed heavily into the ocean. Tracey was thrown overboard, but he saved Gina at the last minute by tossing her back onto it.
She frightfully stared at the water and yelled, “Tracey!” Tracey soon came to surface, and he started to swim towards his friend. He wasn’t able to reach her and the raft though because BAM! Another wave slammed him. This one smacked the raft as well. Gina screeched and held on for dear life. Tracey was thrown onto the raft. He hit it with his chest and yelled. The waves shoved him and Gina forward. Knowing that this was probably it, Merlin’s apprentice hugged the tern close to him and closed his eyes. She did too. The raft flipped over, and its deck slammed into the ocean. A huge lightning bolt lit up the whole sky, and KABOOM! Here came the thunder.
Things weren’t much better over where Makenna Delling was, but she refused to give up on her search for the Crusha Fruit and Silvey. She dove underwater and tried her best to swim down to the Crusha Fruit. It was really hard though because she wasn’t a Merfairy. Not yet at least. Without fins to help her swim, she couldn’t fight the current. It kept on pushing her to surface. Even with her disadvantage, the Metamorphic Fairy refused to give up. Every time she tried to swim down to the Crusha Fruit, her face showed desperation and bravery. The sparkles surrounding her grew. This was because the ocean had recognized her bravery. Makenna had proved true bravery to the Atlantic Ocean, the requirement to become a Merfairy Metamorphic Fairy. It was time for the Chief Wave to reward her.
Underwater, Makenna closed her eyes, shook her head, and frustratingly yelled. “I am going to save you, Ash!” she promised in her head, “This storm will not control me! It will not defeat me! I am Makenna, Metamorphic Fairy of Seabrook Island!” As soon as she said this, her blue, horse head-shaped necklace pendant began to glow, and blue and pink sparkles exploded around her. The Metamorphic Fairy noticed this and asked, “Huh?” She peered down on her body, and her jaw dropped open when she saw the sparkles and her pendant glowing. The Chief Wave appeared in front of her underwater and created a clear, watery tunnel. It pushed her into it, and Makenna closed her eyes. It was here when it happened.
The Metamorphic Fairy opened her blue eyes and blinked. Smiling, she lifted her hands high over her head and covered herself in her own magic. Purple streaks appeared in her hair alongside the blue streaks, and it grew as long as her Crystal Metamorphic Fairy hair – it went down to her ankles. Makenna’s hair was pulled back in a low ponytail by a light pink, coral-like hair bow, and sparkly, blue mermaid studs replaced the surfboard ones in her ears. Her bangs were parted sideways. Covered in magic from her shoulders down, Makenna’s legs flew back, and she acted out a boomerang twirl. During the process, her polka dot top was replaced by a short, light blue and cyan dress that had a ruffled bottom. Makenna performed a midair jeté, and as soon as she reached split position, light blue tights and blue ballet slippers materialized over her legs. She lifted her right arm and clenched her fist. A pink, coral-like wristband emerged around her wrist. Makenna next grabbed a line of magic and wrapped it around the backs of her legs. Sparkles surrounded them. From the sparkles appeared blue and pink fins that attached themselves to Makenna’s legs. The wand she had as a Crystal Metamorphic Fairy also reappeared in her hand.
Finally, Makenna turned her back to the camera. Tossing blue and pink magic onto her bare back, she felt and watched as she popped large, sparkly, seashell-shaped fairy wings with dark blue borders! Thanks to her bravery, Makenna had finally become a Merfairy Metamorphic Fairy!
As she soon as she finished transforming, the Chief Wave let her go. The newborn Merfairy Metamorphic Fairy was thrown back into the ocean, but she stopped herself from flying all over the place.
It took Makenna some time to readjust to her surroundings, but when she did, she gasped when she saw herself, “Wow! Cool!” She now could talk and breathe underwater! The Chief Wave soon appeared in front of her, and Makenna’s eyes widened when she saw it. “Who-Who are you?” she asked.
“I am the Chief Wave,” the Chief Wave explained through telepathy, “Congratulations, Makenna Delling. You are now a Merfairy Metamorphic Fairy or in other words, a Level 4 Metamorphic Fairy.”
Openmouthed with astonishment, Makenna said, “Tha-Thank you. I-I can’t believe it. Caleb was right. He was right about everything. Do I really deserve this transformation though?”
The Chief Wave nodded, “You do, Miss Delling. Don’t sell yourself short. In order for a fairy to earn the Merfairy transformation, especially fairies your kind, they must prove true bravery to the ocean closest to them, and you have. You have exceeded the limits of true bravery. You deserve to be a Merfairy.”
“But what is this transformation?” Makenna questioned as she examined her hands.
“With it,” explained the Chief Wave, “you are a fairy, human, and mermaid all in one body. You now are able to explore both the sea and sky. You can swim to the deepest point of the ocean without being affected by temperature, water pressure, and oxygen levels. With the Merfairy transformation, Makenna Delling, you can travel to the bottom of the Puerto Rico Trench and Mariana Trench.”
“Really?!” Makenna’s eyes sparkled, “Even the Mariana Trench, the deepest point of all the oceans?!”
“Really and truly,” said the Chief Wave, “Congratulations, Makenna Delling.” It moved away from Makenna, and she cheered.
For a bit she danced underwater, but then her mind returned to the task at hand, “Oh right! The Crusha Fruit!” Makenna couldn’t forget about Ash. She had to prove that yes, she really did deserve this new transformation. How would she get to the fruit though if the current kept on pushing her back? That was the first thing she learned with the Merfairy transformation. Makenna’s underwater wings suddenly began to flap, and she yelled as she started to zoom all over the place in the ocean! Oh man, she would have to get used to this. With each wing flap, blue and pink bubbles escaped her new wings. Makenna sliced through the current like a pro. It no longer could push her back to surface – she was too strong. Then that meant…! “I can get the Crusha Fruit now!” Makenna yelled. She stopped herself from zooming and stared at the bright, green light of the Crusha Fruit buried in the sand. The Metamorphic Fairy moved her legs like a mermaid, and thanks to the fins on the back of them she was able to swim without much difficulty anymore. Makenna sternly swam down to the bottom of the reef where the Crusha Fruit rested and reached for it. She felt her fingers wrap around it, and she pulled it out of the sand. “Yes!” Makenna yelled as she held the berry up to her face, “I’ve got it!” Already she really liked her new transformation. Makenna looked up to surface, and she watched as the ocean lite up with lightning. She kind of didn’t want to throw herself into the storm again, but then she concluded that Ash needed the Crusha Fruit now. He had waited too long already. Makenna bravely nodded and kicked her legs. She swam underwater towards the beach and clutched the Crusha Fruit tightly in her hand. Wow, she really could swim a lot better now.
Makenna Delling soon made it to the shallow water, and she stood up. The beach was directly in front of her. She started to make her way in at a slow and easy pace. Unfortunately though, another huge wave crept up on her from behind and slammed into her back. Makenna was shoved out of the ocean covered in water, and she crashed into the sand. CRASH! She hit it with so much force that her world went black.
Returning to the section of the ocean where Tracey and Gina were, they floated freely next to the flipped raft and spit water out of their mouths. Gina rested on Tracey’s head and shook with fear. She was so scared that her feathers popped up.
Tracey tried to flip the raft back over, but it was difficult because the sail weighed it down. “Please turn over!” begged Merlin’s apprentice. His hand slipped, and both he and Gina ducked underwater. The current was so strong that the raft started to shoot all over the place. It headed straight in the direction of Gina and Tracey, but they didn’t see it coming. Tracey hurried shaking Gina to surface and hugged her to his shoulder. Peering forward, his eyes landed on the outline of an island in front of them. “An island.” Tracey mumbled, “Quick, Gina!” He took her off his shoulder and tossed her into the air, “Fly to it! I’m right behind you!”
Gina peered over his shoulder, and her eyes widened, “Oh no! Tracey, behind you!” Confused, Tracey followed her orders and turned his head. His own eyes widened when he saw Ronda’s raft heading straight for him. Tracey’s first response was holding his hands in front of him, but his quick thinking didn’t really work. The raft smacked him in the face and threw him underwater. SMACK! Above the waves, Gina yelled, “Tracey!” but Tracey didn’t resurface. The tern tried to dive in after him, but the wind was too strong. It grabbed her and chucked her like a baseball right in the direction of the island Tracey saw. Gina screeched the whole journey. Behind, one of the crashing waves came to life, and it dove underwater where Tracey had disappeared. The wave frantically searched the ocean for Tracey. It saw him. Tracey, who no longer was conscious, was sinking towards the bottom of the ocean. The wave swam to him and quickly pulled him to surface. It headed towards the island he saw and picked up Ronda’s raft when it passed it as well. The ocean turned it right-side up again and set Tracey down on it. It gave the raft a push and watched as it soared away. Ronda’s raft hit the island’s beach, and another wave pushed it up to a safer place. Once the magic water made sure Tracey and Gina were safe, it dove back into the ocean and disappeared in the depths, the depths of the tropical storm.
After what felt like forever, finally the storm calmed down and started to track away from Coutarine Island. The black clouds moved towards the horizon, but thunder could still be heard in them. The sun poked out from behind another cloud and shone down on Coutarine Island’s trashed beach. A few palm trees had fallen, and flowers and branches were everywhere, but besides that the island was luckily unharmed. The ocean was still pretty rough. It would take a day or two for it to calm down.
On Coutarine Island’s beach, Makenna Delling stirred and regained consciousness. “Oh man, what happened?” she groaned, and she slowly lifted her head. Opening her eyes, she checked her surroundings and tried to remember the storm. When she did, she gasped and quickly felt around her body for the Crusha Fruit. Makenna had it this time. Yes! It was buried in the sand next to her, and she quickly pulled it out. When she saw she still had it, the Metamorphic Fairy sighed with relief and hugged it to her chest. Standing, she brushed herself down and felt her dress. Makenna looked down, and she gasped when she saw her new attire, “Oh man! I forgot!” Her feet quickly took her to a pool of clear water on the beach, and she used it as a mirror. At the sight of her new transformation, Makenna’s eyes brightened, “Oh, I love it! I look so cute! Just wait until Ash and Tracey see this!” Just mentioning her friends’ names stripped her of her good mood, and it wasn’t long until Makenna’s face dropped. She reminded herself that if it wasn’t for her, Tracey wouldn’t have gone missing and Ash wouldn’t be sick.
The fairy’s dreaded thoughts next went to Silvey. Where was Silvey? As soon as Makenna asked herself that, she heard a small bark from further down the beach. Silvey popped up from behind another log, and she plopped down on her front. Though she looked pooped, she didn’t seem hurt.
When Makenna saw the fairy dog she yelled, “Silvey!” and sprinted to the log, “Silvey, are you all right?” She kneeled and reached for her back. Silvey soon opened her eyes, and she peered into the Metamorphic Fairy’s face. “I’m here, Silvey,” she softly spoke. Silvey stared at her. All Makenna could conclude was that she was astounded by her new transformation, or was she? Did she even recognize her? In case she didn’t, Makenna explained to her, “Silvey, it’s me. It’s Makenna. I just got a bit of a makeover in the ocean. Look,” She reached behind her back and drew the Crusha Fruit, holding it up to Silvey’s face, “I’ve got the Crusha Fruit. Now Ash can get better.” Silvey blinked. She moved her nose towards the berry in Makenna’s hand and sniffed it to confirm that yes, it was the Crusha Fruit and yes, the fairy holding it was Makenna Delling. It took her a minute or two to conclude, but Silvey finally figured it out, and when she did, she grinned and leaped into Makenna’s arms. The fairy fell onto her back and laughed. Silvey leaped onto her tummy and constantly licked her face with her tail wagging. “Oh, Silvey.” Makenna chuckled, “What do you think? Why don’t we deliver this Crusha Fruit to Ash together?” Silvey nodded and licked her again.
In just another five minutes, the fairy and her dog friend started their trek for Ash. Silvey followed close on Makenna’s heels and wrapped one of her feelers around her wrist. Momentarily they stopped so her fairy instincts could pick up on Ash’s location. Makenna closed her eyes and felt for him. She stood frozen for a few moments, and then something came to her – the aura of another fairy. It started off faint, but as Makenna followed her fairy instincts further down the beach, the aura grew, and that meant she was getting closer to the other fairy, Ash.
“I feel him.” Makenna told Silvey, “Ash isn’t far. He should, he should be right down here!” She scooped up Silvey in her arms and leaped into the sky. Makenna took her to another entrance of the jungle, and both their eyes landed on a small cave. The entrance of the cave faced the beach. “I can’t believe it.” Makenna told herself, “My fairy instincts really did lead me to him.” Ash’s aura was very strong now. The Metamorphic Fairy landed next to the cave and set Silvey down, “But, what about my transformation?” She really didn’t want to perform the Sunset Delay spell only because she had grown quite attached to her new look. Makenna just decided to show her true self to Alice and her family. She didn’t want Silvey to get involved though, so she gave her a mission. Makenna kneeled to the fairy dog and asked, “Silvey, can you run an errand for me?” Silvey nodded and listened carefully. “Can you run back to Merlin’s camp and bring him here?” Makenna added with, “Just tell him Makenna Delling sent you. Please, Silvey?” Silvey nodded again. “Oh thank you, Silvey!” said Makenna, “I’m so lucky I’ve got a friend like you!” Grabbing Silvey, she pulled her into a hug. After hugging, she set her down again and nodded, “Go get Merlin.” Silvey tickled her nose with her feeler and smiled at her. Makenna watched as she turned on her heel and sprinted deep into the jungle. Once she vanished, Makenna built up her confidence. She stood up and rubbed herself down, taking a deep breath, “You can do this, Makenna.” She dropped her seashell-shaped wings behind her back and gripped the edge of the cave. Makenna peered inside and nodded. She used her magic to create a blue cape which she tied over her shoulders to hide her wings. Once the cape was secure, with one more deep breath she stepped into the cave.
Inside the cave, it was quite chilly but a perfect shelter from a tropical storm. It reminded Makenna of the cave on Merlin’s Island, except this one was a lot smaller. A fire roared in the heart of it, and sitting around the fire were Alice’s family members. However, there was no sign of Ash and Raeven! Where were they?!
Makenna gasped, “Oh no!” and she quickly hurried to the family members sitting around the fire, “Where are Ash and Raeven?!” The family members were quite shocked when they heard her voice, and all of them turned in her direction.
“They’re right here,” a voice soon said behind the Metamorphic Fairy.
“Huh?” Makenna asked. She turned her head and sighed a breath of relief when she saw Alice and her parents hovering over Ash and Raeven. Raeven’s jaw dropped at the sight of Makenna’s Merfairy transformation. She zoomed over to him and Ash and kneeled to Ash who was still unconscious. Alice and her parents stepped back a few feet and stared at her. Why had the mysterious girl suddenly changed her clothes? She looked so different that they weren’t even sure if she was the girl they met on the beach.
Raeven forced a smile. It was nice to see that Makenna was in one piece.
“Makenna!” he yelled, “You’re all right! Thank goodness!” Alice and her family members were even more shocked when they heard him speaking in English. Her and her parents soon concluded that yes, Makenna was the girl they met. “Did you get the Crusha Fruit?” questioned Raeven.
Makenna snapped out of her temporary doze and said, “Oh.” She reached behind her and drew the Crusha Fruit, “Its right here.”
“Awesome,” said Raeven, “Quick! Let’s give it to Ash.”
Alice’s mother lifted her finger and pointed it at Raeven. She began to stutter, “The-The-The ba-bat! The-The bat is tal-talking!”
“Yes,” Makenna grumbled, “He happens to have a very big mouth.” She glared at Raeven, and he zipped his lips shut. Makenna took Ash’s hand and asked Alice’s parents, “How is he?”
Alice’s father cleared his throat and placed his hands behind him, “Well. He’s talking in his sleep and speaking gibberish. He keeps on saying, ‘Nova! Nova!’ over and over again, and we have no idea what that means!”
Alice shrugged and lifted her finger, “Maybe he’s fascinated by stars?”
“Nova?” Makenna confusingly asked. She noticed that Raeven had turned his head away from her, Ash, and Alice and her parents and was whistling casually. Did he know something? Did he know what Nova was?
Before Makenna could ask him Ash squirmed under her hand, and sure enough, he started to talk in his sleep, “Nova. Has the feud ended?” Bending his knees, he pulled his hand over his head.
Alice’s father gestured at him and told Makenna, “Now he’s talking about a feud! What the heck is he talking about?!”
“I-I don’t know.” Makenna answered, “To be honest, guys, I don’t know much about him. We only met two days ago.” Ash let out another yawn, but he choked on his own saliva and coughed. He opened his eyes about halfway and turned his head in the direction of Makenna. She noticed that he had woken up a bit and tightly squeezed his hand, “Ash, don’t worry. It’s me. It’s Makenna. What’s all this talk about Nova and a feud?”
“A feud.” Ash feebly answered, “A feud was why I left.”
“Why you left Scotland?” Makenna questioned. She had no idea, but Ash actually had a pretty dark backstory. “What’s Nova then?” was her next question. Ash didn’t answer though because he slipped into unconsciousness again.
“No!” Makenna gasped.
Raeven nudged her and whispered, “The Crusha Fruit, Makenna.” Alice hugged her parents, and all three of them watched as Makenna brought the fruit to Ash’s lips.
“Please, Ash,” she begged, “you need to eat this to get better. I’m begging you. I don’t want you to go to the hospital.”
The moment was tense. Makenna felt that Ash would refuse the berry, and if he did then that would guarantee a hospital visit. She held the Crusha Fruit up to his lips for five minutes straight, but he didn’t take a bite. She kept on encouraging him to, but he didn’t. This really made Makenna worried. Guilt overtook her entire soul. She accepted she was a terrible friend. Just as Makenna was getting ready to put the Crusha Fruit up though, all her doubts blew away. Ash took a bite! It was a small one, but it was still a bite.
The Metamorphic Fairy gasped when she noticed this. “Raeven!” she yelped as tears of happiness appeared in her eyes, “He took a bite!”
“He did?” Raeven hopped onto her shoulder, and they both peered down on Ash. Alice, her parents, and family members merely stared. They had no idea what was going on. To Makenna and Raeven’s surprise, Ash bit into the Crusha Fruit again. He must’ve been hungry. It was a good sign though.
Makenna’s smile grew, and tears ran down her cheeks, “This is incredible. He’s eating.” She took his hand again and rubbed her thumb on the back of it, “You’re going to get better now, Ash.”
The Crusha Fruit in Makenna’s other hand suddenly started to glow. “What the?” she yelped, and she quickly dropped the berry. Makenna let go of Ash’s hand and backed away from him, but she ended up tripping on her cape and falling. Strings of magic escaped the Crusha Fruit and circled the young Wizard Fairy. Makenna smacked her hands to her mouth as well as Alice and her parents. The entire phenomenon was remarkable – it reminded Makenna she really was living a fairytale. She struggled to her feet and reached for the Crusha Fruit but leaped back when she saw Ash squirm. The strings of light surrounding him were sucked back into the berry. Makenna, Raeven, Alice, her parents, and her family members watched as Ash brought his hand to his head and shook it. He then stood up and opened his eyes. Makenna’s jaw dropped to the ground. She froze with shock. Did the Crusha Fruit seriously have that much power in it? It didn’t heal Ash completely, but it certainly helped him in terms of slipping in and out of consciousness. Makenna gave him the Crusha Fruit right on time. She had saved one boy – it was now time for her to save the other. Makenna had sacrificed quite a bit of magic to help Ash, but it proved not only to him but also Merlin, Selene, and Raeven that she and Tracey could take out the Octopus Man.
Saving Ash was what helped Makenna pass her trial, though his concussion wasn’t really part of the plan. He still had a pretty nasty bruise on his temple, but he definitely acted a lot more like himself now.
The Wizard Fairy grabbed hold of his tunic and smiled at the Metamorphic Fairy, “Thank you, Makenna.” Seeing him fully awake again lit up Makenna’s whole day, but the guilt of her hurting him stayed.
Tears streamed down her cheeks like a fountain, and she whimpered, “Oh, Ash. I’m so sorry! Please forgive me! I didn’t mean for any of this to happen! I’m such a rotten friend!” Raeven hopped off her shoulder and nudged her forward. Makenna couldn’t help herself. She leaped into Ash’s arms and hugged him.
He returned the hug and whispered, “Makenna, don’t say things like that. You’re not a rotten friend. You’re the best kind of friend anyone could ask for.” Alice cuddled up to her parents and smiled. The rest of her family members did too. They had no idea they were looking at two real fairies. Makenna and Ash hugged for a fairly long time.
When they finally let go, Ash examined Makenna up and down and whispered, “Ya look good in your Merfairy transformation, Makenn,” so the humans wouldn’t hear.
Behind Makenna’s back, she heard Alice, “Wow! I can’t believe it! That berry worked!” She and her parents started to make their way towards Makenna to get a better look at Ash, but he noticed them and immediately became protective again. He didn’t want them to figure out Makenna was a fairy. The young Wizard Fairy reached down and picked up his sword. As soon as they saw this, Alice and her parents froze on their tracks. Ash’s sword turned back into his magical bow and arrow, and he pointed one arrow at them.
“Ash, no!” Makenna yelled.
She reached for his arm, but he pulled it away from her and sternly announced, “Stand back, Makenna! These people have invaded Coutarine Island!” Alice soon came to a conclusion. Ash was edgy around other people because he wasn’t used to seeing them. He had been living on this tropical island for so long. She built up her confidence and approached him and Makenna while her parents hugged each other behind. Glaring, Ash edged the arrow close to her chest.
Alice placed her hands on her hips and said, “Watch it with that thing,” while pushing Ash’s arrow away, “Somebody could get seriously hurt. Is a sword and bow the only weapons you’ve got?”
“Oh no.” Ash answered, and he smiled, “I can also change Crusader into a sword, a crossbow, and a staff.” With each new object he shared, Crusader changed into it. Makenna sighed and smacked both her palms to her face. “Oh, I not only have Crusader but also this!” Ash excitedly exclaimed. Alice watched as he reached into his pocket and drew his sister’s slingshot, “A slingshot! Handmade too! Here, let me show ya how to use it.”
“Okay!” The human girl lifted her fist and put them together. Using his magic, Ash changed Crusader back into a sword and slipped it into his sword bag on his back. He then handed Alice his slingshot and led her to an area in the cave where they could practice.
Makenna peeped out from behind her hands and watched as he lifted his hand over his head and announced, “Together we can fly to Scotland and end the feud!
Makenna Delling, Raeven, Alice and her parents together studied the young Wizard Fairy. Wow, that Crusha Fruit was strong.
Ash reached back and grabbed hold of Crusader’s handle. Drawing it again, he held it high over his head and announced, “Ash! Coutarine’s Greatest Warrior!”
Makenna’s eyes widened, “Coutarine’s Greatest Warrior?”
Ash ordered for Crusader to transform, and it took on the form of his staff. He moved it over to one hand and yelled, “Yeah!” Chuckling, he punched the air with his left fist and watched as the orb in his weapon shimmered a bit.
Makenna was openmouthed with astonishment. How did Ash do that? Alice, her parents, and her family members were astonished as well. They had definitely stumbled into a magical world. Ash rested his hand on Alice’s shoulder and started teaching her how to use his sister’s slingshot. Her mother and father approached Makenna and crossed their arms.
“Well look at that,” said her mom, Mable, “The boy is a magical being after all.”
Makenna nodded, “Yes he is. Sorry about him. When he’s not sick, he really carefree and clumsy. Which reminds me.” She met Alice’s parents’ eyes and asked them, “Did you by any chance stumble upon that ninja-style, black-haired boy when you were searching for shelter?”