Makenna, Gina, and Raeven stayed with Tracey on the beach until he woke up. Luckily, it was still morning when he did. Makenna didn’t hit him that hard, so it didn’t take him that long to wake up. She was just relieved she didn’t critically injure him. During Tracey’s unconsciousness, she grabbed his arms and pulled him away from the ocean. She still was in the cove, she just spread the distance between him and the water. After doing this, she next used her magic to create a rag, and she cleaned his wound with it. She didn’t hit him extremely hard, but she did hit him hard enough to cause him to bleed. Once Makenna finished cleaning Tracey’s wound, she then reached into the pocket of her tunic and pulled out a Band-Aid. She stuck it to his temple, where she hit him, and undid her cape for the finishing touch. Makenna pulled it off and covered Tracey with it to keep him warm. She nodded at her work and rubbed her hands together. Knowing now that her work was complete, Makenna set the rag down on another pile of driftwood and waited with Gina and Raeven for Tracey to wake up. She did not leave the cove. It was just too beautiful to ditch. Makenna wanted to stay there forever, but she knew she couldn’t. She and Tracey still had to fly to Coutarine Island and deliver Merlin’s package. She wasn’t too worried though. Makenna knew she was in paradise, and she wasn’t even in the Caribbean or Fiji! Paradise was just outside her home island, and she could come here anytime she wanted to! Makenna guessed there were some benefits for being a Metamorphic Fairy and knowing Merlin’s apprentice who just happened to live on a tropical island. While she waited, she played a little bit. She dug her fingertips into the fluffy sand and made herself a small sandcastle. She hadn’t made a sandcastle in forever it seemed. Makenna forgot how much fun it was. Right when she put the finishing touches on her castle, Tracey woke up.
Finally, Makenna heard him groan, and she gasped, “Tracey!” She whirled around to face him but accidentally broke her sandcastle during the process with her wings. Tracey actually seemed to be a bit more like himself when he woke up. Maybe it wasn’t so bad Makenna knocked him out?
He yawned and stretched his arms over his head, saying, “I just had the best sleep. I dreamt of puppies and kittens. It was delightful, at least until one of the kittens hissed and clawed at me.” While Makenna knew Tracey was a little better now, she still feared greatly for his safety. He still was under the Octopus Man’s curse, and what happened proved it to her. She ignored the broken sandcastle and crawled to Tracey. Makenna sat on her heels and placed her hands on her thighs. Gina soon landed on Tracey’s shoulder, and she rubbed up against his face. He lifted his hand and gently tapped the Band-Aid he wore on his temple. Tracey flinched when he did this, and Makenna gulped. She hoped she didn’t seriously hurt him. She didn’t, thank goodness. Tracey soon lowered his hand, and he shook out his head.
His eyes rotated everywhere around the beach, and suddenly, bewilderment flashed across his face. “Makenna, what am I doing here?” he asked. He groaned and added with, “What happened?”
Makenna gave him a stressed out look and answered, “It’s a long story. Wait a minute, Tracey!” She let out a sudden gasp, “Can you say my name again?”
“Why?” Tracey wanted to know.
“Just do it!” Makenna impatiently bounced up and down on the sand.
Tracey jumped, “Okay! Okay! Makenna, what happened?”
Makenna sighed a breath of relief, “Oh, good. You finally called me by my real name.”
“Do what?” Tracey asked in a bewildered voice, “What are you talking about, Makenn?” Makenna sighed and explained what happened after she accidentally spit on him. Tracey listened intently with her cape in his lap. With a wave of his hand, he created a cup of water, and he sipped it while Makenna shared the story. When she mentioned he said he loved the Octopus Man like his own father, Tracey gagged and choked on his water, as if he did know who the Octopus Man was, even though he wasn’t supposed to. He reached for his chest and coughed.
Makenna patted his back and quickly stated, “Don’t worry though! You’re okay now, and I can guarantee you that’s not going to happen again. I’ll make sure it doesn’t! For now, we’re here. We’re at the cove you mentioned. We can’t stay for long though because we have to fly to Coutarine Island and deliver that package to Merlin.”
“Oh, so we do have to deliver it.” Tracey spoke, and he glanced at her, “I thought so.” At this next sentence though, he changed his personality again and brought his attention back to the ocean, “Have you ever noticed how strange humans looks? How do they walk with those things called 'legs'?”
Makenna immediately became uncomfortable. “What?” she asked.
Tracey smiled and added with, “Now fish, for example, are built to skim through water as swiftly as a spirit. Don’t you think we all need to eat a little more fish? I think we do. Compare legs with fish fins. Don’t you think a fish’s fins have a lot more panache vs. legs? We need to be more like them. Why don’t we go for a swim, Makenna?”
“Tracey!” Makenna yelled, “Snap out of it!” She did what he did to her. She lifted her finger and flicked his forehead with her index one.
“Ow!” Tracey yelped, and he reached for it, “What was that for?! All I’m saying is that I wish we were more like fish!”
“Well stop wishing!” yelled Makenna, “Because it’s not gonna happen, Tracey! You’re not the only one going through stupid changes! Have you ever thought of anybody besides yourself for once? Ugh!” She didn’t mean to yell that at him – she was just super frustrated.
Makenna snatched her cape off Tracey’s lap and put it over her shoulders. That last sentence she spoke through leaned more towards her though instead of Tracey. This was because he was never selfish, never. He was Tracey. Makenna was the selfish one, and it was her selfish behavior that nearly costed him his life the year before. Makenna would soon realize what she said though and apologize. She also had to keep in mind that Tracey was under a curse.
Not affected at all by her insult, Tracey tried telling her a few jokes to make her smile, “Hey, Makenna, why don’t fish pass their exams?” He chuckled, “Because they work below C-level! What did the boy octopus say to the girl octopus? I want to hold your hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand! And I saved the best one for last! What is dry on the outside, filled with water and blows up buildings? A fish tank!” He laughed and clapped his hands together. Makenna didn’t laugh.
She merely crossed her arms and admitted, “Tracey, no offense, but you stink at jokes. Can you for at least once forget about fish and talk to me about what’s been happening at my home?”
“Sorry.” Tracey apologized, “Sure, go ahead.” Makenna opened her mouth to speak, but he interrupted her, “After I have my swim.” And just like that, he stood up and sprinted towards the ocean again.
“Tracey!” Makenna yelled, “All right, that’s it! You get back here right now, young man, and we’re flying straight to Coutarine Island!”
Raeven soon hovered next to her face, and he begged, “Makenna, please. Let me get Ash. You can’t do this alone. Nobody can succeed in something alone.”
“No!” Makenna shouted. She swatted Raeven away with her hand and flew to Tracey, grabbing him.
As soon as she did, blue magic outlined him, and Makenna dragged him into the sky. “Where are we going?” Tracey asked her.
“To Coutarine Island!” Makenna shouted, and she pulled him back in the direction of Merlin’s Cave, “We can’t stay here! We have a mission to seek out Merlin and a wizard who can help us get started on our next journey! We first though need to pick up the parcel.” Raeven and Gina joined the two fairies and flew next to them. The soon entered the jungle, Merlin’s Island’s beautiful jungle.
Raeven flew next to Makenna’s ear, and he kept on trying to get her to call Ash for help, “Makenna, I’m sure you don’t want to constantly bang Tracey in the head with driftwood to snap him out of his trance, right? If you get Ash, then you won’t have to do that. Ash will bring him back almost the way he used to be. He did it with you, so he can do it with him.”
“Fine!” Makenna shouted, and she flung her free hand, “Get Ash, Raeven if that will shut you up! See if I care!”
“Awesome!” Raeven cheered, “Trust me, Makenna, you can rely of Ash any time you need to help Tracey.” Makenna scoffed and held Tracey tightly. She watched as Raeven flew forward and started to hover. He closed his eyes and gracefully flapped his wings. Raeven cleared his mind, and then, through telepathy, he called for Ash, “Ash, please. Makenna needs your help. She can’t take care of Tracey alone. She doesn’t even realize how serious his condition is. Please, Ash, help her. Help Tracey. Bring him back to almost the way he was before. Lead them to Coutarine Island. Please, Ash.” After Raeven spoke this, he opened his eyes and waited. As did Makenna. Nothing came.
Makenna finally became irritated. “Well, Raeven?” she asked, “Where is he?” Raeven tried to speak, but she didn’t let him, “I knew it! You set me up! That’s what you did! Are you trying to stop us from reaching Coutarine Island and seeking out that wizard? I don’t have time for your games! I have a friend to save! I thought we were partners, Raeven!”
“We are!” Raeven yelled, “But, Makenna. Please. Just…”
“Then where is Ash?!” Makenna angrily interrupted. “Please, Raeven! I don’t want to have to constantly knock Tracey out with driftwood! That will eventually give him a brain injury if I keep that up! Where is Ash?!”
As soon as she asked that though, suddenly, she heard somebody yell in a Scottish accent from the sky, “Heads up!”
Makenna gasped, “What the?!” and she peered up to the jungle’s treetops. A green blur appeared in the sky and dropped from the heavens like the tears of the moon or something. It was Ash. He crashed through the jungle’s treetops and yelled. Makenna screamed, and she quickly flew out of the way so Tracey wouldn’t get hurt. Ash went ka-splat, and he crashed into the jungle’s sand, but luckily the sand cushioned his fall, so he didn’t injure himself. It was Ash! Where did he come from? Had he been following Makenna all along? His sword/sword case flew from his back. Only his shield remained.
Where Makenna, Raeven, Gina, and Tracey hovered, Raeven glanced into Makenna’s face and smirked.
He pointed at Ash, “Here he is.” Makenna groaned and slapped her hand to her face.
She shook her head and angrily stated, “I can rely on him, huh?!” Dropping her hand, she glared at Raeven and raised her voice, “Don’t you see, you worthless bat scum, I don’t want a stupid, clumsy Wizard Fairy to help me!”
“He may be clumsy,” Raeven explained, “but he’s not stupid. I think you’ll see that soon enough, Miss Delling. I’m sorry Ash is this way, but that’s just who he is. Accept people for their different personalities, my friend, just like how you befriended Tracey. Well, aren’t you going to check on this wizard, or are you going to make me do that?” Makenna groaned. She hated being bossed around by a bat. Even more, a Megabat. She flapped her wings and soared down to the jungle’s bed landing.
Makenna sat Tracey down on a rock and held her finger up to his nose.
“Don’t move!” she ordered. Tracey smiled and nodded. He impatiently bounced up and down on his rock and watched some butterflies as they fluttered by his head. One landed on his nose, and Tracey went cross-eyed trying to look at it. When the butterfly left, he patted his thighs and checked his surroundings. Gina stayed with him to monitor and make sure he didn’t run out towards the ocean again. Yeah, good luck with that.
Raeven and Makenna, on the other hand, headed in the direction of Ash. He got up on his knees and reached for his head. He pulled twigs and leaves out of his hair. Afterwards, he felt around for his sword. When he found he didn’t have it, he gasped and immediately started to search for it. Luckily, he found it very quickly. When he saw his sword, only a few feet away from him, he reached forward and grabbed it with both hands. Makenna and Raeven soon made it to him, and Makenna crossed her arms. She tapped her foot and yelled, “Ash!” Raeven landed on her shoulder and wrapped his wings around her neck.
Ash heard Makenna’s voice and smiled,
“Miss Makenna Delling!” though he didn’t turn to her, but after a bit, he did. “I feel like I just saw ya! How ya doing? Oh, and hello! There you are, Raeven! Hi! Excuse me for a moment, guys while I check to make sure my sword is okay. That was a pretty hard force that slammed into her.” Makenna kept her arms crossed, and both she and Raeven watched Ash. Without saying a word, he met Makenna’s eyes and flung his sword back and forth to check if it still worked okay. Suddenly though, as clumsy as he was, because his hand moved so fast, his scabbard flew off his sword and crashed into one of the jungle’s trees! Ash peered down on the naked sword, and his blue eyes widened. His case hit a huge, loose tree branch, and the second it did, the branch fell and smashed into the ground! CRASH! Ash gasped, as did Makenna and Raeven. All of them whirled around in the direction of the fallen branch. Ash dropped his sword, and guilt spread across his entire face. “Ooh,” he spoke, “Sorry. My bad.” He nervously smiled and held up his hands, “I’ll, I’ll clean that up. Don’t touch it. Stay here.” Makenna and Raeven didn’t dare approach the scabbard. Ash passed them and headed towards it instead.
When he wasn’t looking, Makenna glanced at Raeven and gestured at the fairy with her hand, “See, Raeven? He’s way too clumsy! He’ll mess everything up!” She waited for Raeven to answer, but for two minutes straight, he didn’t say anything.
Finally, when he did, he totally angered Makenna, “You know, maybe this is a bad idea. Watch out, Makenn.”
“Thanks!” Makenna angrily shouted, “I got this!” She furiously threw her hands and pulled Raeven off her shoulder. Makenna took aim at a bush and chucked him towards it! Raeven yelled and folded his wings to his sides. He crashed headfirst into the bush, but he luckily had a soft landing because of the leaves and sand. Makenna turned away from him and crossed her arms again.
Ash soon finished cleaning up the branch he knocked down, and he picked up his sword case. He then returned to where he stood when he flung it and next picked up his sword. Ash slipped it into his case and put it on his back. Good, now he had everything. Ash rubbed his nose and decided to get moving. Even though he had just put up his sword, he went ahead and drew it again.
With his sword on hand, Ash approached Makenna Delling’s back and smiled in a carefree way, saying, “I’m ready, Miss Delling!” in a singsong voice. Makenna heard him and groaned.
She dropped her head and shook it. While it was lowered, she started to count in a whisper, “One, two, three, four, five…” Counting helped her calm down.
“Why are you counting?” Ash asked her. Raeven soon pulled himself out of the bush Makenna threw him in, and he rested on top of it.
His eyes landed on Makenna and Ash, and he smirked, “This otta be good.” Raeven propped up his head and watched the two fairies.
When Makenna calmed down, she took a deep breath and made up her mind.
She forced a feeble smiled and turned to face Ash. “Hi, Ash,” she spoke through clenched teeth, “What are you doing here?”
“Raeven called me and said ya need my help.” Ash explained. He vertically started to twirl his sword, “He said Tracey is acting a little strange.”
“Tracey?” Makenna asked. She took a deep breath. “Ash,” she continued, “how did you get here? Don’t tell me you’re a stalker!”
“I’m not,” said Ash, “I just happened to be flying by Merlin’s Island when Raeven called me. I was heading home to Coutarine Island.”
“You live on Coutarine Island?” asked Makenna.
Ash nodded, “I do. So where is this friend of yours? I’m ready do some magic!”
“If you’re ready, kid,” spoke Makenna, and her eyes landed on his twirling sword, “then why are you twirling your stupid sword like that? That’s dangerous! Are you trying to impress me?”
“I’m not.” Ash explained. He caught his sword and gestured at it with his right hand, “This sword happens to be magic.”
“Oh, I’m sorry.” Makenna sarcastically spoke. She brought her hand to her ear and leaned towards him, “I couldn’t understand you because of that ridiculous accent of yours!” She placed her hand on her chin, “Did you say ‘magic’?” Ash chuckled and decided to mimic her.
He brought his own hand to his long, pointy ear and leaned in towards her, answering, “I did. Here, let me prove it to ya.”
“Sure.” Makenna unconvincingly spoke, “And what are you going to do? Are you going to pull it out of a stone?”
“I wish.” Ash responded, “Trust me, Miss Delling. Just watch. This sword will guide me to help Tracey. It always does. It helped you, so there is no reason why it can’t do it again.” Makenna sneered and crossed her arms. Yeah right. She’ll believe what Ash said when he did it.
He pushed by her and nodded, focusing in on his sword. Ash lifted it high over his head and let the rays of the sun shine on it. As soon as they did, the sword’s entire body, blade and everything glowed up blue, and sparkles surrounded it. Makenna switched her facial expression from a sneer to a surprised frown. Jealously pierced her. She was wrong. Makenna hated being wrong. The sparkles continued to circle the glowing sword, and she watched as it started to change form! The sword changed its form! It grew longer, and an orb replaced its tip! The sword case vanished from Ash’s back too. When the sparkles left the sword, and it stopped glowing, Makenna noticed that it had turned into Ash’s staff, the staff that saved the woman on the pier! She stood frozen in shock. She couldn’t believe this! It was really Ash’s staff! How did he do that though?! He smirked and turned to her.
Pointing at the staff, he said, “Ta daa!” in a singsong voice. He seemed very impressed with himself.
Makenna scoffed, “Fine!” She waved her hand, “You were right, and I was wrong! Now, are you going to help Tracey or not?!”
“Sure,” said Ash, “Geez. Take it easy. Where is he?”
Raeven soon approached Makenna from behind, and he hovered next to her, but he kept his distance. He didn’t want to get thrown again.
Makenna lifted her hand and pointed in the direction of the rock Tracey amazingly still sat on, “He’s right there.”
Ash peered in the direction she pointed in and said, “Ah ha. Excuse me, Miss Delling.” He gently pushed by Makenna and sauntered through the jungle’s ferns in the direction of Tracey. More butterflies danced around his head, and the ninja tried to catch them. Next to him, Gina again had her foot to her face.
Ash soon approached Tracey with Makenna and Raeven. “Ah, so you’re Merlin’s apprentice,” he spoke, “I’ve heard so many wonderful things about ya. Now listen, Tracey.” He flicked Tracey’s forehead to get him to look at him. Tracey did. “I’m going to help ya.” Ash added with, “My name is Ash, and I’m a Wizard Fairy. I came from Coutarine Island.” Makenna scoffed and crossed her arms.
Under her breath, she mumbled, “More like the fairy from Clumsyville.”
“Shh!” Raeven snapped at her, “Trust me, Makenna, Ash knows what he’s doing.”
“Sure.” Makenna huffed. She closed her eyes and pointed her nose at the sky.
While Ash kneeled to Tracey and took his arm, Merlin’s young apprentice complained, “I don’t need any help. I want to follow the butterflies to the ocean.”
“Oh man,” Ash nervously chuckled, “ya have it bad.” He saw the trance in Tracey’s eyes, “Just hold still, Tracey. I’m going to help ya out of this trance. I don’t think driftwood is going to cut it.” He glanced at Makenna who had opened her eyes again.
She gestured at Tracey with her hand, “All right, go on. Prove to me if you really do know how to use magic.”
“All right, I will.” Ash for once sounded quite serious here.
He let go of Tracey’s arm and whirled around, pointing his staff at the sky. Suddenly, a great, bright beam of green magic shot out of it and it pierced the air just under the jungle’s treetops! Makenna yelped and fell backwards. She rested her palms behind her back, and a petrified Raeven hugged her neck. However, this was only the beginning. Immediately after the light from Ash’s staff hit the air, a green cloud of magic formed, and it made its way towards Tracey. Gina quickly moved out of its path, and she, Makenna, Raeven, and Ash watched as the cloud started to circle him. Tracey smiled at the sight of it and stood up on his rock.
He reached for the cloud, and Makenna gasped. “Tracey!” she yelled, and getting up, she tried to run to him, but Ash stopped her by holding his staff up to her chest. Makenna glared, and her wet, sweaty hands grabbed it. She attempted to force her way past Ash, but he was too strong, and he pushed her back again. Together, the two fairies and animals watched as the cloud did its magic. Tracey touched it with his index finger, and the second he did, there was a great blast of light! The light was so bright, so blinding that Makenna, Raeven, and Gina even looked away. Not Ash though. He merely smiled at his work and lifted his staff again. He used it to control the cloud’s magic. A blanket of green threw itself on top of Merlin’s apprentice, and next, strings of purple lights danced around him. They danced as gracefully as ballet dancers. It was so beautiful, and even more, it worked too! Tracey closed his eyes and reached for his head, falling to his knees. When Ash thought it was time to let Tracey go, he sucked the magic away from him, and all of it flew into his staff’s orb. To complete the spell, the last thing he did was he waved his hand, and a bright ball of light appeared in it. Makenna, Raeven, and Gina could finally look again, and they together watched as the Wizard Fairy launched it. The spell fluttered to Tracey, and he watched in awe as it suddenly flew into his chest! He closed his eyes and clutched it. It looked as if Ash’s spell was hurting him! Makenna again gasped, and she and Gina shoved by Ash to get to Tracey. He let her go this time since his work was complete. Ash peered down on his staff and admired it while it glowed up again and metamorphosed into his sword! His scabbard reappeared on his back too.
Since Ash knew Makenna didn’t want him to stay and his work was complete, he decided to leave. He patted down his hair and walked slowly away from Makenna and Tracey, just in case Makenna called him back. He had a feeling she would. He knew she would. When Makenna realized that he had proved himself worthy of being hers and Tracey’s little bodyguard, she would tell Ash to stop. He waited for these words.
Raeven flew to Makenna and hovered by her head while she took Tracey’s shoulders and asked, “Tracey, are you okay? I can’t believe Ash hurt you like that!” She was mistaken. Ash didn’t hurt Tracey – he cured him – well, for now at least.
Merlin’s apprentice soon opened his eyes and asked, “Huh?” He looked up, and his eyes rotated everywhere around the jungle, “Makenna, why are we out here? I’m supposed to be training in Merlin’s Cave.”
Makenna gasped, “Tracey?” She reached for his cheek and looked him right in his golden brown eyes.
Soon placing his hands on his hips, Tracey asked her, “Can you believe Sensei just left me? I mean, well, I guess I understand if he did have to act in an urgent mission. Oh, the joys of being Merlin’s apprentice. You get to train all day every day.” Makenna couldn’t help but to chuckle. She felt tears in her eyes, and she rubbed them. Ash did it! Ash really did it! Tracey was back! Gina flew into his face and hugged it while Makenna grabbed Raeven and pulled him into a hug. She still didn’t have enough guts to hug Tracey. Ash, who continued to walk away from the spell lifting reunion, nodded and lifted his left hand.
He held up three fingers and started to count backwards. “Three, two,” he counted, and at one, he brought his hand back.
“Ash!” called the voice of Makenna. Ash smiled and clenched his fist with enjoyment. “Ash!” Makenna added with, “Wait!” She pulled Tracey to his feet, and both of them, including their avian friends, hurried towards the young Wizard Fairy.
Soon turning, Ash faced them and asked, “Yeees? Did you need me?”
“I do.” Makenna replied, “I just want to say, well…” Smirking, Ash crossed his arms and waited for her to say “thank you.” Makenna found it difficult to. She and Tracey stopped in front of young Ash, and Makenna moved her lips, but nothing came out. Finally, she brought herself to. She met Ash’s eyes and said in a low voice, “Thank you. Thank you for helping Tracey. You proved that you really can use magic.” She gripped Tracey’s arm and pulled him close to her, continuing, “You know, now that I think about it, Tracey and I may actually need a responsible bodyguard to at least get us started on our journey to the Bermuda Triangle.”
Ash nodded and waved his hand, “Go on.” He brought his glove to his chin and listened intently as Makenna finished with,
“So, I guess what I’m trying to ask is…. Can you lead Tracey and I to Coutarine Island? Will you help us, Ash?”
“Well,” Ash answered, and he rubbed his chin, “looking at my schedule, it doesn’t look like I have too much going on, so I guess your answer is…”
Makenna interrupted though, “Yes! Thank you, Ash! Thank you!” Without thinking, she dove for Ash’s feet and grabbed his left leg. Makenna hugged it and repeated, “Thank you! Thank you so much!” over and over again, “We’ll search for the young wizard Selene mentioned together! We’ll deliver Merlin’s parcel together! This is going to be so much fun!”
Ash tried to shake her off, but Makenna held on too tightly. “Will someone get this young woman off me?” he asked.
“Makenna.” Tracey spoke. He took Makenna’s arm and pulled her to her feet. She continued to smile.
After a moment of silence, she asked, “So, are we all in this together?”
“We are.” Ash replied, “No worries, Makenna Delling and Tracey, I will take ya to the wizard Selene wants ya to visit.”
Makenna cheered, “Yes!” She jumped up and down and grabbed Tracey’s uniform collar, “Did you hear that, Tracey?! We’re going to Coutarine Island!”
“We are?!” Tracey excitedly asked. Suddenly, he lost his smile, “Wait, we are?”
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End of Part One: Return to Merlin's Island
Current Word Count: 35,200