The Aluna Village sprites took Makenna, Tracey, Gina, and Ash on a journey through Coutarine Island. They led them through the jungle. Makenna and Tracey flew side by side while Ash, who still spoke with Crusader, followed them. The fairy sprites took the three fairies to a waterfall and soared over the top of it.
One of them lifted her hand and said, “Welcome to Aluna.”
“Whoa!” Makenna gasped. Her jaw dropped open. Aluna was located just behind the waterfall, and it was a beautiful, little fairy town. It looked exactly like a Fijian village – just a lot smaller. Palm trees hovered over it, as well as the jungle’s trees. Aluna was split up into two sections. The first section was the living section – the section behind the waterfall where the sprites lived and also where festivals were held – and the second section was the village section. The village section was located on the beach – a beach wasn’t far from the living section – and that was where shops, libraries, schools, etc. were located. In the living section, the section where the sprites took Makenna, Tracey, Ash, and Gina, the sprites’ houses changed from tiki huts, tree stump mansions, and even mushroom houses. Aluna’s living section was also very colorful, and in the heart of it sat a sprite-sized, wooden stage where festivals took place. Makenna seriously felt like she had stumbled into a lost fairy Wonderland; it was so beautiful. The sprites led her and her friends down to the stage, and Makenna landed gently on it. She looked down and noticed that an engraving of Ethelinda, Coutarine Island’s guardian rested in the center of it. Aside from the roaring waterfall, Makenna also heard the ocean. She stepped out of the way as Gina landed on the stage next – she almost was too big for it – and slid Tracey off her back.
He however rolled and hit the stage with a thump. Thump! “Tracey!” Makenna gasped. She quickly reached down and grabbed him, “Come on, up you go,” pulling him to his feet, “There you go.” Ash landed on the stage last while the sprites just hovered, and he smiled.
Lifting his gloved hand, the young, knight-like Wizard Fairy rubbed Gina’s wing and told her, “You were a big help, Gina. Thank you.” Gina glanced at him and nodded. She tickled Tracey’s neck with her beak and opened her wings. The three fairies watched as she lifted into the sky and landed on the tree branch of a tree over them to get out of the way. Makenna lowered her head and crossed the stage over and over again. She wanted to get a good look at everything Aluna had to offer.
Tracey and Ash watched her. “This is so beautiful!” Makenna excitedly announced. She sniffed and rubbed her eye, “I think I’m going to cry. I feel like I’m in Fiji! Yahoo!” The young fairy leaped into the sky and lifted her hand, but she ended up falling off the stage. Ash and Tracey gasped, and they quickly rushed in the direction where she fell. Suddenly, Makenna soared by their heads and yelled, “This is so awesome!” The sprites and her friends watched as she excitedly flew all over Aluna’s first section. She soared around different houses and called, “I have never seen mushroom houses before!” The young fairy circled one of the mushroom houses and glanced into the windows on both the fat stem and mushroom cap. Turning, she pointed at one of the tree stump mansions and asked, “What’s that?!” Makenna caused quite a racket in peaceful Aluna. The sprites weren’t use to a lot of noise, except for when there were festivals of course. She soared to the tree stump mansion next. During the process, she passed Ash and Tracey who still stood on the stage, and Tracey called, “Makenna!” Makenna didn’t hear him, nor would she have listened if she did – she was just too excited!
Ash took Merlin’s apprentice’s shoulder and told him, “Tracey, you have to calm her down. She’s only soaring further and further away from passing my trial.” Tracey nodded understandingly and hopped off the stage.
He stumbled in the direction of Makenna who now was getting yelled at by other fairy sprites and grabbed her before she could take off again, “Makenna!” Tracey took her other arm and pulled her close so that their eyes met, “Makenna.” He tightly grasped her arm, “You have to calm down.”
“I can’t!” Makenna shouted, “Please, Tracey! I have never been to a fairy sprite village before! I want to check out everything!” She tried to release her arms, “Let me go!”
“Makenna, stop!” suddenly shouted the voice of Ash. Now, Makenna stopped thrashing when he yelled. Ash suddenly appeared next to Tracey, and he held his hand out to her, “Stop. Breathe. Calm down.” Ash slowly lowered his hand, “You see, the sprites aren’t used to overexcited fairies soaring around their village. They don’t like a lot of noise. They merely like to sit back and listen to nature.”
“Oh, okay.” Makenna whispered. She lowered her voice.
For a minute or two, there was silence between her, Tracey, Ash, and the sprites that took them to Aluna, but then she broke it, “But I can’t calm down!” Makenna ripped her arms free from Tracey and leaped into the sky again. Both Ash and Tracey groaned, and they placed their palms to their faces. Tracey soon lowered his hands and sighed. Ash patted his shoulder and nodded. He pointed in the direction Makenna flew in. She now flew towards the beach and Aluna’s village section, and she, Tracey, and Ash returned to their normal heights. Once big again, he glanced at Makenna’s flight path and turned on a stern face. Tracey then turned on his heel and marched after Makenna Delling. Ash watched him and tightly gripped Crusader. He put her up and tiptoed in Tracey’s footsteps. Makenna soared through the jungle, and she could barely see the beach through the trees and ferns. She smiled and flew faster.
Behind her, Tracey stopped marching and plopped down on a rock. The ocean. Makenna was heading towards the ocean, his arch enemy. Tracey was nervous. He didn’t know if he could do this without getting drawn towards it. Merlin’s apprentice put his feet on the rock and pulled his knees up close. He lowered his head and sighed. He suddenly looked very sad again. Ash hid behind a tree and watched him. He didn’t want Tracey to know he was snooping. He wasn’t even at the beach yet, and already it looked like the Octopus Man’s curse was starting to lure him again. Tracey closed his eyes and shook out his head though. He could do this. He told himself he would march to the beach after Makenna Delling to Aluna’s village section without being dragged into the sea! After all, he was Tracey! Though he rarely did this in public, he thought that perhaps a small song would help his confidence. He nodded and decided to give it a try. After all, Tracey loved to sing. He slowly lifted his head, and his golden brown eyes landed on the tropical jungle and Makenna’s flight path again. He had to find a good place to start his song. Merlin’s apprentice took a deep breath and checked the area to make sure nobody was watching.
Ash quickly hid himself better when his eyes rolled over in the direction where he was hiding. “Tracey?” he whispered, but Tracey didn’t hear. Once he made sure he was a freebie, he hopped off his rock and jogged in the direction of the beach where Makenna vanished, and it wasn’t long until he made it. Ash stayed hot on Tracey’s tail. The young apprentice pulled some ferns apart, and his eyes landed on the ocean calling his name. Tracey tried his best to fight the spell though. He knew he could. He had to keep telling himself that he was Tracey, the Tracey who survived broken wings the year before.
Just like any other beach on Coutarine Island, the one he, Ash, and Makenna stumbled onto was beautiful. However, it did have something quite mysterious resting on it. Tracey was the first one to see it. Resting on the beach close to the water was a wooden raft with a sail and a wooden paddle next to it! A raft! What was a raft doing here? Did it belong to someone on the island, or did it just wash up onto shore? Just at the sight of the raft, Tracey got an idea. Who said Makenna had to fight against the Octopus Man? It was he who he spelled, not her. This was not Makenna’s fight. Tracey believed it was his. He decided to give this a go, and it was here where he started his song: the one he sung earlier.
Tracey stepped onto the beach and gestured at the ocean with his palm. “Last year, things were much different. We were ready to say goodbye,” he sung, and he jogged towards the raft, “But now, everything has changed, and we know how to live our lives.” During the course of the first verse, he ran to the raft, ignoring Makenna who was searching for Aluna’s village section, and picked up the wooden paddle. Tracey believed that this raft was here for a reason. It was for him. Gina soon appeared from the forest after he sung the first verse, and she hurried to him. Ash appeared from the jungle, and he fell onto the sand with a spider web on his face. Tracey tightened his grip on the paddle, and he hopped onto the raft’s face. While staring out to the reef, he sung, “Last year, none of this was here. This year, we are soaring!” Gina landed on the raft and folded her wings, curiously peering up to her friend. “Soar!” he continued, and he started to make his way towards the raft’s sail, “Throughout the ocean and sky! Soar! Don’t look behind, just ahead!” Tracey fell to his knees and immediately started to work on the sail. He prepared himself to sail out to sea and kept on rolling with his song while he did, “If nothing lives to your potential, soar and keep on soaring forward!” He tightened the sail’s rope and leaped off the raft. Gina tried to stop him, but he didn’t listen to her. Merlin’s young apprentice approached the raft from behind, and he pushed it into the ocean. He leaped onto the raft and quickly grabbed the paddle, starting to paddle out towards sea.
Now, Makenna and Ash noticed this, and they together gasped horrified. “Tracey!” Ash yelled, and Makenna yelled,
“Tracey! No! Stop!” but Tracey ignored them. He was desperate to stop the Octopus Man himself! He didn’t need any help! This was his fight – not Makenna’s and not even Ash’s. Gina leaped into the air, and she tried to urge him to turn back around to the island, but Tracey swatted her with his hand and caused her to fly back. Gina screeched and closed her eyes, shaking her head.
“Soar!” Tracey sung, and he set the paddle down again, grabbing the rope for the raft’s sail. The entire time he did this, he fought Poseidon’s spell, “Don’t let anybody control you. It’s all right. Stand up for your rights and fight!”
Makenna couldn’t believe what she was seeing! Ash was blown away too! Not only could Tracey sing, but he could also sail? Where the heck did he learn to do that? And where the heck did that raft come from? Makenna tried to call him back to get some answers, but Tracey kept on heading out towards sea. He pulled on the rope of the sail and started to lift it, carrying on with his song. His voice was very powerful in this particular tune. Why was that? Seagulls soared overhead and around him, and Tracey prepared to open the sail. He tightened his grip on the rope and bravely looked out to the deep water. His song definitely helped his confidence. He sung the next “Soar!” verse as a long, long note – maybe ten seconds, and when he finished, he flicked the sail’s rope, and it opened.
However, Tracey wasn’t able to sail any further than the reef because suddenly, from out of nowhere, a gush of wind blasted the sail with such force that his hand slipped, and he flipped off the raft! The raft flipped too, and both it and the eighteen-year-old crashed with a splash in the Atlantic Ocean!
From the beach, Makenna gasped, “Tracey!” and she frightfully started to fly in the direction of the wrecked raft, but Ash stopped her and shook his head. He didn’t want to risk Makenna getting caught by the Octopus Man too. Gina flapped her wings and quickly flew to the location where the raft flipped. She flew in circles above it and called for Makenna and Ash. Ash started towards the water, but Makenna shook her head. No way! She refused for Ash to get close to her friend. Clenching her fist, she quickly punched him and knocked him to the ground! Ash landed on his side with a groan. Makenna shook out her hand and flapped her crystal wings, flying in the direction of the flipped raft and Gina.
Behind, Ash sat up on the sand and rubbed his sand-covered cheek, yelling, “Makenna! What’s wrong with you?!” Makenna ignored him and joined Gina at the raft. She peered down into the clear, Fiji-like water and saw Tracey’s silhouette. He was stuck in the reef. Without a word, young Makenna Delling dove and landed with a splash. At surface, Gina begged for her to return with her friend. Meanwhile, Ash huffed and crossed his arms, starting to pout.
Fifteen-year-old Makenna Delling saw Tracey! The force of the crash had thrown him to the bottom of the reef, and his foot had become caught in between hard, rock-like coral! He reached for it and yelled for help underwater. Immediately, the ocean became rough, thanks to the Octopus Man, and the current and waves picked up. Makenna fought the current though and swam down to her friend. Her wings flapped slowly behind her as she did. Once Makenna reached Tracey, she grabbed his wrist, and he felt her.
Lifting his head, Merlin’s young apprentice’s eyes caught her, and he mouthed, “Makenna!” underwater. Makenna grabbed his other hand and started to pull. She flapped her wings as hard as she could, and just like that, the Metamorphic Fairy pulled Tracey’s foot out of the coral. She wrapped her arms around him and dragged him towards surface. Large waves slammed down on the reef, and the raft Tracey took was right in the middle of the chaos too. Every time a wave crashed, it was pushed underwater. While they were heading to surface, Tracey saw the raft, and he quickly grabbed Makenna, pulling her out of the way. A ball of green magic appeared in his right hand, and he shot it at the water. It hit it, and crying out, the water pushed the raft right side up again on surface. This gave the two fairies time. Tracey and Makenna burst their heads out of the water and quickly swam to the raft. Tracey climbed on first, and he shook out his head, grabbing Makenna’s hand. The current pushed them all over the place, but Tracey did not give up. He dragged Makenna onto the raft and told her to sit still. While she coughed water out of her lungs, he hurried to the sail’s rope and picked it up. Tracey opened the sail again and caught the wind. Clenching his teeth, he turned the raft back in the direction of Coutarine Island’s Aluna Village section and started to steer. Tracey was actually very good at sailing. Right before he and Makenna could make it in though, an enormous, twenty-foot-tall wave crept up on them from behind!
Seeing it, Makenna gasped and quickly pointed at it, “Uh, Tracey! Tracey!” Tracey peeped over his shoulder and also gasped at the sight of the wave. He and Makenna’s entire faces turned blue, and they together yelled. Gina quickly moved out of the way, and she watched the whole scene. This wave reminded Makenna of the time Tracey’s wings broke due to another twenty-foot-tall wave given off by the Octopus Man, so she was very scared. She dropped her wings behind her back and protected them.
On the beach, Ash sat cross-legged with his back facing the wave, and he brushed sand out his hair. “Look at what that Makenna Delling did to my beautiful hair!” he complained, “It’s like she wants me to get slammed by a huge, twenty-foot-tall wave!”
Suddenly, he heard the voice of Makenna behind him, “Ash! Look out!” and Ash groaned,
“Oh great! Now what?!” He turned around, and his bright, blue eyes landed on the enormous wave which picked up the raft Tracey steered. Gasping, the young, knight-like Wizard Fairy said nothing more and quickly held his arms in front of him for protection. Within seconds, the wave slammed him! It crashed into the beach and threw Ash back! Makenna and Tracey were separated from each other. Makenna fell onto the sand, and Tracey fell with the raft. Both it and he crashed into a log that was propped up on a ledge, and the raft snapped in pieces! The wave was so powerful that sand was ripped from the beach and a few animals that lived in the jungle were pulled from their homes.
Immediately after the wave slid back out to sea, it calmed down, but the beach was trashed with exposed shells, broken tree limbs, leaves, and frightened animals that ran crazily around it. Makenna struggled to her hands and knees and coughed. She was soaking wet. Her entire body shook with fear. She peered back to her wings and sighed when she saw they were okay.
Her eyes then landed on the busted raft at the log, and she yelled, “Tracey!” Makenna leaped to her feet and quickly ran to the raft. The sail hung from the log and got in her face, but she pushed it off to the side. Falling to her knees, Makenna started to pull wood away, and she felt around for Tracey’s hand. She found it and quickly pulled him out of the wreckage. Tracey had a few scratches on his face, – his hair was messy – but other than that, he was okay. Gina soared to the two friends and landed on the torn up sail. Makenna, who was relieved, again yelled, “Tracey!” and she pulled him into a tight hug. Tracey coughed up a storm, and lifting his hand, he covered his mouth with it. When Makenna let go, she grabbed his shoulders and shook them, asking, “Are you okay? Why did you do that, Tracey?! Why?!” She put her hands on his cheeks.
“I don’t know!” Tracey answered in a choked voice, “I thought I could fight the Octopus Man alone, Makenna! After all, I’m the one who was too weak to stop the spell from falling upon me! I’m falling to pieces!”
Makenna hugged him again and rubbed his back, “Shh, shh, don’t worry. I’m not mad at you. I’m just glad to see you’re okay. I’m sure Ash feels the same way.” Suddenly, she gasped, “Ash!” and she quickly let Tracey go. He remained on the ground and massaged his foot that had been caught in the coral. Makenna stood up, and she frantically searched the empty, trashed beach for Ash, “Ash! Ash!”
Before long, she heard Ash’s voice. “Whoo!” he cheered, “That was awesome!” Makenna turned her head, and her eyes landed on the tippy top of one of the jungle’s trees. Ash hung out at the top of it hugging the branches and leaves, and his fist was lifted into the air. Holy smokes, the wave threw him all the way up there?
Makenna cupped her hands around her mouth and yelled, “Are you okay?!” at Ash. Ash was a bit scratched up too, but he didn’t look like he cared. He misunderstood Makenna’s question though. He lowered his fist and wrapped that arm around the tree’s tippy top while his other one let go.
He gripped his sideburns to check them and replied, “Don’t worry! The sideburns live!”
Makenna did a face palm and shook her head, “I wasn’t talking about your hair; I was asking if you were all right!”
“I’m terrific!” Ash answered, “That was so much fun! Let’s do that again!”
“Well I’m glad you liked it,” Makenna snootily spoke, “but do you think you can forget about the stupid wave and help Tracey and I find Evelyn?” Behind her, Tracey got up on his knees and tilted his head. He patted sand out of his ear which it created a small sandcastle next to his ankle. He peered down on it, and then his eyes rolled over to the busted raft.
Tracey gulped and pointed at it. “Um,” he asked Makenna, “that raft doesn’t belong to anybody, right?” Makenna glanced over her shoulder at him and sighed.
From the tree he hung out in, Ash called down to her, “Um, Makenna, I’d love to help you find Evelyn, but I’ve got a slight problem.”
“And what is that?” Makenna asked. She focused her attention on Ash and crossed her arms.
“I’m kind of stuck,” he answered. Makenna groaned and did another face palm.
She shook her head, “Oh, Ash,” and finally decided to help him. Before lifting into the air, she turned to Tracey and told him, “Tracey, I’m going to help him. Stay away from the water. Hide under the sail or something.” She narrowed her eyebrows and pointed at him, “I mean it.”
“Aye, aye, captain!” Tracey saluted, and he jumped to his feet. Makenna soon turned back around, and she flapped her wings behind her back. They took her into the air, and once airborne, the Metamorphic Fairy flew to the tippy top of the tree Ash was stuck in. She hovered in front of him and placed her hands on her hips. Ash looked quite comfortable in the tree.
He lifted his left hand and waved, asking, “What’s up?”
“You are impossible.” Makenna admitted. Her eyes landed on his scratched up face, and she gasped, adding with, “Ash! Your face!” She placed the palm of her hand to her own face.
“Hey, don’t worry.” Ash said, “I’ve gotten scratched up plenty of times! This is nothing new!”
Makenna lowered her hand and admitted, “I guess. After all, you are a Wizard Fairy. I don’t think they get hurt often. Let me help you out though.” She offered Ash her hand, and he examined it. After a bit, he smiled and took it. Immediately after he did, his entire body was outlined by blue. Makenna slowly started to pull him out of the tree. However, before she could even get him off the branch, she heard something down below and turned her head, peering down on Tracey.
Again, Makenna gasped, “Tracey!” Tracey could not listen to her. Poseidon’s spell was too great. He was losing the battle with him.
He marched towards the ocean in a trance-like state and reached for it. “I’m coming, Octopus Man,” he spoke.
“Tracey, no!” Makenna yelled, and just like that, she released Ash and soared down towards him. Ash ended up crashing through each of the tree’s branches, and he yelled. When he hit the last branch, he flipped and flopped out of the tree, doing a face plant on the sand. Poor Ash.
He, Makenna, and Tracey didn’t see this, but behind them appeared a mysterious horde of sparkles, and they slowly started to approach them! Makenna Delling landed on the sand, and she hurried to Tracey, grabbing his arm. She pulled him away from the water and back in the direction of the busted raft. Ash soon lifted his head, and a fish flopped off it. He looked up, and his blue eyes landed on the approaching sparkles.
They widened, and he yelped, “The sprites!” Sure enough, the horde of sparkles coming towards the three, young fairies belonged to more fairy sprites. Ash jumped up and hurried to the raft. He stood in front of it to hide it. After all, this raft belonged to someone “special,” and no, she was not Evelyn. Ash knew since he grew up on this island, and he knew the Aluna Village sprites very well, especially one in particular. Makenna snapped her fingers in front of Tracey’s face, and he woke up from his trance. However, a searing headache engulfed his brain as the Octopus Man kept on trying to get him to come to the Bermuda Triangle, and he reached for it, yelling.
“Tracey!” Makenna shouted, and she quickly helped him onto the sand. Gina landed on Merlin’s apprentice’s shoulder and rubbed up against his cheek to comfort him. Argh, Tracey hated being cursed! Why was the Octopus Man only coming after him? Makenna patted his shoulder and turned her head to look out to the ocean. Wind blasted her blue tinged, brown hair, and she sighed. Where Ash stood, he tried his best to act as casual as possible as the sprites approached. He whistled and rested his elbow on the raft’s hanging sail. The sail slipped though immediately at his touch, and both it and he fell to the ground! The sail then floated down and landed on top of the young Wizard Fairy. Slightly yelling, he grabbed it and hid under its cloth. The sprites stopped in front of him, and all of them crossed their arms.
A female one floated in front of the group and sighed, saying, “Well, look who it is.”
“Ronda!” Ash yelled, and he quickly threw the sail off, jumping to his feet, “It’s you! I haven’t seen you since uh, the last time something broke. How long ago was that again? It couldn’t have been too long. It was…”
Ronda cut him off though, “Five days ago, Ashy boy, when you broke my heart by breaking one of my most prized possessions!”
Makenna and Tracey together stared at their friend and the sprites.
Makenna soon nudged Tracey, and she leaned into his ear, whispering, “I don’t think Ash gets along too well with the sprites.”
Ash threw his hands and argued, “It was an acorn! I mean, I needed something to annoy Merlin!”
“Merlin?” Makenna and Tracey asked together. They wondered, did Ash have a good relationship with him?
Before they could ask this though, Ronda annoyingly snapped at Ash, “So you took my acorn, and you put it in your stupid slingshot! Then you launched it like a cannonball at Merlin’s head! When it hit the ground, he stepped on it and crushed it with those big feet of his! And now look at what you’ve broken next! You’ve broken my raft!”
Ash, who thought quickly, started to stutter, “Well, I-uh-well-I mean-no!” He quickly pointed in the direction of Tracey, “It was him! He’s the one who took the raft into the reef and crushed it!”
“Me?!” Tracey yelled. He pointed at himself and prepared for an argument, but Makenna quickly covered his mouth with her hand.
“Besides,” Ash added with, “I needed something to grab Merlin’s attention and also something to fuel Shot One here.” At this sentence, he reached into his pocket and drew a wooden slingshot. Its rubber was white, and it was a perfect size for him. Holy smokes, where did Ash get that slingshot? He reached down and picked up a stone on the ground. “Not to mention,” he added with, “Even though Merlin is adorable in so many different ways, he is quite dorky, so I knew he wouldn’t notice the acorn.” That sentence made Tracey mad! How dare Ash call Merlin dorky! He lost his calmness.
Ripping Makenna’s hand away from his mouth, he leaped to his feet, yelling, “Dorky?!” and hurried towards Ash and the sprites. Behind, Makenna groaned and did another face palm. The sprites heard Tracey, and all of them turned in his direction, even Ronda and Ash. As soon as Tracey reached them, he grabbed Ash’s shirt collar and pulled his face close to his. “No one calls Merlin dorky around me!” he shouted, “He happens to be my Sensei, Ash, and if you don’t like him, well then suck it up! There are some people here who do!”
“Tracey!” Makenna yelled. She hurried to the two boys and tried to break them up, “Please break it up! Why don’t we all sit back, take a deep breath, and watch a movie? I know a great movie! It’s called Finding Evelyn of Aluna Village! Tracey, why don’t you sing another song to calm you down? Please, guys!”
Ash lifted his slingshot and pointed at Tracey with his free hand, saying, “This boy here happens to be Merlin’s apprentice. He’s quite feisty isn’t he?”
The sprites gasped and together asked, “Merlin’s apprentice?!” To get Tracey off him, Ash put the stone he found in his slingshot, and he pulled back, letting it go.
It smacked him on the bridge of his nose, and Tracey yelled, “Ow!” quickly letting go.
Ash next pointed at Makenna and explained to the sprites, “And this here is Makenna Delling.”
At the sight of the sprites, Makenna immediately smiled. “More sprites!” she yelled, “Yay!” and she threw her hands into the sky.
Poor Tracey again got smacked in the nose, this time by her hand. “Ow!” he yelled again, and he fell onto his front on the sand.
When Ash spoke Makenna’s name, all of the sprites cheered and yelled, “Yahoo! The Hero has finally made it to Coutarine Island!”
“Hero?” Makenna asked, “What on earth are you talking about?!”
The sprites hurried to her and started to pull on her hair, wings, and Crystal Metamorphic Fairy transformation, “Come, Miss Delling! We have to take you to the village section of Aluna!”
Makenna immediately gave in, “Sure!” and she hooked hands with Ash. Together, they shrank down again. Now hovering, they let go, and Makenna examined her hands, asking the sprites, “Does this mean we’ll finally meet Evelyn?” The sprites nodded, and both the Metamorphic Fairy and Ash cheered. “Well then, lead the way!” continued Makenna. She flapped her wings while Ash used magic to fly, and they both flew after the sprites further down the beach. They left poor Tracey, Merlin’s apprentice, behind.