The sun rose higher and higher, and this caused Coutarine Island to warm up. It was a remedy that reminded people it was summertime. Makenna Delling walked on the edge of the reef in front of camp and called for Tracey, “Tracey! Tracey! It’s Makenna Delling! Oh, Raeven, where could he be?”
Raeven reached for his head and frightfully answered, “He probably sailed beyond the reef, and the Octopus Man captured him! He’s all alone! Oh, this is terrible!” Makenna tried to speak, but Raeven continued to babble, “It’s your fault, Makenna Delling! You shattered his soul and dreams!”
“No I didn’t!” Makenna argued. She thought back to what she said to Tracey before he disappeared, “All I said was that he probably wants to run right back to the ocean, and…he’s become a burden! This means, ah! It is my fault! I’ve ruined Merlin’s apprentice!”
“Not only that,” Raeven blurted out, “but you also ruined Ash! You gave him a concussion last night!” Suddenly, he gasped after realizing what he just said and smacked his paws over his mouth. Busted. He could never hold a secret in.
“I what?!” Makenna shouted. She jerked Raeven off her shoulder and held him in front of her, “I gave Ash a concussion?! How?! I didn’t even touch him!” She shook Raeven, “Speak, you Megabat!”
“Don’t ask me!” Raeven yelled, “Ask Merlin!”
“All right,” said Makenna, and she dropped him on the sand, “Then I will. Come on, Silvey.” Silvey trotted on her heel, and they together headed in the direction of Merlin who was tending to Ash.
Ash did not look good. He must’ve hit his head harder than he thought. He had a searing headache, and he didn’t remember anything that happened after he and Makenna hooked hands.
Merlin dabbed his temple down with a wet rag and asked him, “So you really don’t remember anything?”
Ash shook his head and answered, “All I remember is touching Makenna’s hand, and then everything went black.” His voice was slightly slurred. Makenna and Silvey appeared behind Merlin and stood from a distance. Makenna brought her hand to her mouth when she saw Ash.
Merlin put the rag over his forehead and stood from his seat, saying, “I’ve got to get you a doctor, Ash. I think I’m going to take a little trip to Hula Village.”
Behind him, Makenna spoke up, “Is he going to be all right, Merlin?”
Hearing her voice, Merlin jumped and whirled around, “Miss Delling!”
Makenna nodded, “Yes, it’s Miss Delling. Um, what exactly did I do to him?” Merlin refused to answer her question though right now. He shook his head and said, “I’m not going to tell you right now, Miss Delling. I’ll tell you after you bring my apprentice back.”
“Your apprentice?” asked Makenna, “I don’t even know where he is!”
“Well then find him.” Merlin sounded quite stern, “Follow your fairy instincts. Along the way, also find a way to get rid of those humans. I have to take a run to Hula Village, which is the closest village to here, to find Ash a doctor.”
“But,” Makenna protested. Hula Village sounded awesome. Makenna didn’t mention it though. She instead said, “Who’s going to watch over him?” talking about Ash.
“Harmony will.” Merlin answered, “After all, she and Ash are like family.” He winked at Harmony who winked back, “You on the other hand, Miss Delling, have a mission. When you return, I expect for Tracey to be with you. Got it?”
Makenna sighed, “Yes, sir. I’m sure he couldn’t have gone too far. I also want to help Ash, Merlin. If I was the one who hurt him, it only makes sense that I should help. Is there anything I can get for him while you’re in Hula Village?” She muttered her next sentence under her breath, “So awesome.” Merlin heard her though and cracked a small smile.
He thought for a moment and then said, “Well, actually, now that you mention it, do you think you can find a Crusha Fruit for me?”
“Crusha Fruit?” Makenna obviously looked very confused.
Merlin continued, “The juice of a Crusha Fruit will help ease pain and calm somebody down. It’s a perfect remedy for concussion victims or any type of trauma. However, it only grows on the tropical islands in the fairy world. Fairy doctors use the juice of the Crusha Fruit to calm down trauma victims in hospitals. Not to mention, they used it with Tracey too.”
Makenna looked even more confused, and she admitted, “I have never heard of it before.”
“Don’t worry,” said Merlin. He kneeled to Silvey and scratched her behind the ear, “Silvey knows where it is. She can take you to it. Her super sniffer can sniff anything out. Right, Silvey?” Silvey smiled, and her big, bright blue eyes landed on Merlin. “It shouldn’t be hard for you to identify the Crusha Fruit,” explained Merlin, “It just looks like a cluster of small, green bananas.”
“Small, green bananas.” Makenna repeated. She tried to picture that, “All right. I’ll make you happy, Merlin. I promise.”
Merlin placed his hands on his hips and said, “You will only make me happy, Makenna, when you bring my apprentice back and apologize to him. Understand?”
Makenna sighed and nodded understandingly, glancing at Silvey, “Are you ready, Silvey?” Silvey nodded and started down the beach. She called for Makenna to follow her.
The Metamorphic Fairy huffed and glanced past Merlin to Ash, “Don’t worry, Ash. I’ll get the Crusha Fruit for you.” She bowed to Merlin, “Goodbye, Merlin the Great.”
Merlin shook his head, “No.” He acted out the Coutarine Island greeting, “‘Aluna, Merlin the Great.’”
Makenna again huffed, and she feebly acted out the greeting, even though she still couldn’t do it that well, “Aluna.”
Merlin patted her back and gave her a soft push forward, “Now hurry along, Miss Delling. Make Coutarine Island bueno again.” Makenna sighed again and turned on her heel. She chased after Silvey and joined her at the waterline.
Merlin waited until they disappeared down the beach before he left for Hula Village.
When he did, he turned to Ash and told him, “I’ll be back as soon as possible, Ash. I promise.”
Ash tightly clutched his head and complained, “It hurts.”
“I know it does,” said Merlin, “but don’t worry. Makenna’s going to bring you that Crusha Fruit.” He looked up to Harmony, “Take care of him, Harmony.” Harmony nodded. Merlin scratched her nose and patted Ash’s hand with his other hand. He told the young Wizard Fairy, “Just keep that rag over your forehead and get some rest. Merlin, out. Off to Hula Village.” He stepped away from Ash and decided to teleport to Hula Village. He lifted his wand over his head and announced, “Abracadabra!” Unfortunately, his teleportation spell didn’t exactly work. Merlin ended up turning himself into a fish. He flopped around in the sand and said, “Aw rats.” Turning back into a man, he sighed, “Looks like I’m walking.” He moved fast. Merlin hopped into the tropical jungle and changed his outfit into an explorer outfit. His wand changed into a sword, and he used it to slash through vines. Ash officially was all alone on the beach with Harmony.
He refused to just lie down on his job. Harmony was exhausted from the exciting night, so even though she said she would watch over Ash, she ended up falling fast asleep. Once she was snoring silently, he made his move. He took the rag off his forehead and pulled his blanket off, preparing to get out of the hammock. Though he was hurting, Ash knew Makenna needed his help. He crept to the edge of the hammock. Suddenly though, it flipped, and he went sprawling to the ground. Ash groaned once he hit the sand. He stayed on the ground for a few minutes, but then he got up on his knees and reached for his head again. He had to fight this pain.
Ash stood up on his wobbly legs and feebly told himself, “You-You’ve got to do this Ash. Ma-Makenna needs you-you. You-You’ve got to help her. This is a battle she can’t win alone.”
He reached for Crusader and picked it up. The young man held the sword over his head and let the rays of the sun reflect off of it. Green and blue fairy dust escaped the blade and twirled around him like a group of flowers caught in a blast of wind. Once the magic left, Ash put his sword and shield on his back again and headed towards the edge of the shade. He nervously peered out to the sunny beach and took a deep breath. Ash stepped into the sun and immediately was blinded by it. Just seeing the sun, his headache grew worse and worse. The pain was so bad that he fell to his knees. He clutched his head and opened one eye. No, he had to fight this! He decided to just look for Makenna from the jungle. At least from there, he would be in the shade. Passing the hammock, Ash dove into the jungle and started his search for Makenna Delling.
Makenna, Raeven, and Silvey were also in the jungle, but they of course were further away from Ash. Silvey’s sniffer had taken them into the jungle on their search for Tracey and the Crusha Fruit.
Raeven nudged Makenna and whispered to her, “Do you really think we’re going to trust this dog, Miss Delling? What if she is pulling us into a trap?! We’re going to be blown to smithereens! Do you hear me, Makenna?!” He grabbed Makenna’s top and shook it, “We’re going to be blown to smithereens!”
Makenna narrowed her eyebrows to an angry position and shooed him away, “Shut up, Raeven! We can trust, Silvey! I know we can.”
“If you say so.” Raeven spoke in a sarcastic voice. He rolled his eyes, “Girls.”
After about ten more minutes, Silvey stopped and searched the jungle. She knew she wasn’t lost.
Behind her, Makenna placed her hands on her knees and asked, “What is it, Sil? Have you found the Crusha Fruit yet? Or maybe even Tracey?” The fairy dog barked and jogged to the right. “Hey wait!” Makenna yelled, “Silvey!” She ran after her, “Where are you taking us?!” Silvey actually took her and Raeven to a remarkable place. She led them to a section of the jungle that was close to the beach. Makenna swatted mosquitoes off her arms and shivered. Ugh, bugs. She froze though when she saw the place Silvey led her and Raeven too.
The fairy dog took them to a waterfall, a tropical waterfall! It wasn’t a huge waterfall, but it was still a waterfall. The pool the waterfall flowed into was absolutely gorgeous. The water was colored the same color as the reef, a bright cyan, and numerous, tropical, green trees surrounded it. Even better, on every tree grew a different fruit! The Crusha Fruit had to be in there somewhere. It was so beautiful; Makenna couldn’t even breathe – she was so amazed. This waterfall beat any other waterfall out there in the whole world.
Finally breathing, the Metamorphic Fairy clenched her fists and said, “Look at all that fruit! This is incredible! Silvey, thank you!” She glanced into Silvey’s own cyan eyes, “Is this where the Crusha Fruit is found?” Silvey nodded. “Are these fruits edible?” was Makenna’s next question, “Do you think I can try a few while looking for the Crusha Fruit?” Silvey nodded again. “Awesome!” Makenna announced. She took Raeven off her shoulder and set him down Silvey’s back. To start her search for the Crusha Fruit, Makenna jogged over to a banana tree and repeated what the Crusha Fruit looked like to herself, “A cluster of small, green bananas.” She licked her lips when she saw the bananas in the banana tree. Her tummy rumbled. She was so hungry.
Silvey and Raeven watched as the Metamorphic Fairy jumped and reached for the bananas, but she wasn’t able to. Ugh, if only she could transform into a fairy whenever she wanted too! Makenna tried to think of a way how to get the bananas. After a bit, something came to mind.
Makenna turned to the waterfall’s pool and picked up some water with her new powers. She opened her arms like a jaw, and the water took on the form of an arrow. The fairy launched it towards the bananas. It smacked the stems of them and snapped them right off the tree. The bananas hit the jungle floor, and Makenna grinned. She glanced at Silvey who nodded. The Metamorphic Fairy approached the bananas and pulled one off. She peeled the fruit and took a bite. Oh man, was it good! Coutarine Island bananas were delicious! With a full mouth, Makenna mumbled, “Oh, they’re so good!” Both Silvey and Raeven chuckled. Since Makenna was hungry, she finished her banana as quick as a flash, and immediately after she did, she tried the different fruits. Most of them were fruits she’s never seen before. Some of them had magical effects on her.
Silvey put her nose to the ground and started to sniff. Her sniffer took her to a palm tree that had coconut-like berries on it, but they weren’t exactly coconuts. Since she’s lived all her life on Coutarine Island, Silvey immediately knew they were the berries she wanted. Her tall ears stood straight up, and she extended the two feelers around her. They reached all the way up the palm tree and plucked one of the berries right off it. Silvey pulled her feelers down and trotted over to Makenna, who rested crying on the ground. After eating one of the magical fruits, she lost the ability to speak clearly. Nudging her, Silvey sat and offered her the fruit. Makenna unburied her face from her hands, and her eyes landed on the dog holding the berry. “Bwa, bwa?” she asked, and she pointed at the berry. Silvey nodded. Rubbing her eyes, Makenna Delling reached forward and took the berry out of her feelers. She bit into it and waited for a bit. Once the berry’s effect soaked in, she tried speaking, “He-Hello?” Makenna gasped. Her voice! Her voice was back! Silvey did it! Tears of joy ran down Makenna’s cheeks, and she yelled, “Thank you!” at Silvey in a choked voice. The fairy dog chuckled and closed her eyes. Makenna crawled to her and pulled her into a tight hug, “You’re a genius, Silvey! A genius!” Silvey licked her cheek.
Raeven soon appeared next to the Metamorphic Fairy, and he huffed,
“Princess. What does that make me then?”
Makenna didn’t answer him. She instead asked Silvey, “Do you think you can tell me where the Crusha Fruit is, Sil?” Silvey nodded. She pushed Makenna forward with her forehead and took her to the waterfall’s cyan pool. Raeven landed on her back, and they together gestured at it. “Wait a minute,” spoke Makenna, and she pointed at the water, “are you meaning to tell me it’s down there?”
“It is, Miss Delling.” Raeven spoke, “The Crusha Fruit is a very special fruit. It needs to be protected at all costs, so it grows in a safe location. As long as you follow your fairy instincts, you’ll find it no problem.”
“Um, hello!” Makenna sarcastically admitted, “In case you have forgotten, Raeven, I can’t breathe underwater!”
“That may be true,” said Raeven, “but you can hold your breath for about an hour now. That’s more than enough time to find the fruit. This is something you must do alone though. Silvey and I can’t accompany you. When you do find the fruit, bring it back to us.”
Makenna groaned, “Man, you animals are trying to kill me. Ugh.” She muttered to herself and pulled off her sandals. Makenna set them down on a rock and glanced back to Raeven and Silvey, “Just to let you know, I’m not good with these new powers of mine.”
“You’ll be fine.” Raeven said. He and Silvey winked at each other. This was all part of Makenna’s trial. Ash’s concussion wasn’t, but the Crusha Fruit was.
“Oh, look at this water.” Makenna grumbled while she slipped into the waterfall’s pool, “I don’t even want to think about how many fish peed in it.” Her foot slipped, and she ended up landing in the water with a splash. Hurrying to surface, Makenna slightly screamed when she stood. The water went up to her chest. “You two owe me,” she growled at Silvey and Raeven.
Raeven shook his head, “You’re hilarious, Makenn.”
Makenna growled and stuck her tongue out at him, “When I die, you two will be responsible for dragging my carcass out.”
“You’re not going to die.” Raeven said, “You’re just going on a little adventure. Think about Ash. He needs that Crusha Fruit, Miss Delling. Without it, his concussion could grow worse.”
Makenna huffed, “Can’t he just snap his fingers and say, ‘Oh drat, magic, I have a concussion. Why don’t you heal me?’”
“Magic doesn’t work that way.” Raeven sternly told her, and he crossed his wings, “It’s not like the magic you see in movies, Miss Delling. Only adult fairies can use healing magic – not underage ones like Ash. It takes many, many years for a fairy to perfect that skill.”
“Whatever.” Makenna scoffed, “I’ll find that Crusha Fruit, but right now, I don’t really care about Ash. I care about getting myself out of this garbage and back home.”
Raeven closed his eyes and admitted, “Selfishness is another thing you need to work on. You will never become a True Metamorphic Fairy, Makenna, with this personality of yours. It’s gotten a little better since last year – that’s how you earned your third transformation, but it’s not totally gone.” Makenna turned red. She had just been outsmarted by a bat! This was so embarrassing! The Metamorphic Fairy said nothing more to the animals and dove underwater into the waterfall’s cyan pool. Once she vanished from sight, Raeven opened his eyes and smiled at Silvey, “I handled that rather well. Don’t you think, Sil?”
Silvey chuckled and told him through telepathy, “You sure did, Rae, Rae.”
While Makenna Delling started her search for the Crusha Fruit, Merlin the Great continued with his own journey to Hula Village. He reached it fairly quickly because he took a shortcut through the jungle. Like Aluna’s living section, Hula Village was nestled next to another tropical waterfall, and a sprite-sized stage rested in its heart. On the stage was another engraving of Ethelinda. The Coutarine Island sprites really praised her. It was all part of their culture. Despite its similarities, Hula Village and Aluna Village were slightly different. Hula Village wasn’t split up in two parts like Aluna. There was a living and village section, but they stayed mashed together next to the waterfall. Also, despite its name being Hula Village, there were a lot of sprite Hula dancers dancing in the street. Sprites young and old all danced the Hula in groups. Just seeing the Hula told you you’re somewhere tropical. Merlin, who had changed his outfit back into his wizard attire, admired the dancers as he passed them. Yep, he definitely was in Hula Village. Aside from dancing, a lot of tropical music played in the village too. Some of the Hula dancers noticed Merlin, and they gasped.
“Merlin the Great!” yelled an eight-year-old sprite who continued dancing. At her voice, the other dancers stopped, and all pairs of eyes landed on Merlin. Even the music cut off.
“Oh boy,” spoke the great wizard. He lifted his hand and waved, “Good morning, Hula Village sprites. How are you guys doing? Do you by any chance know where I can find your doctor?”
“Doctor?” asked the continuing to dance eight-year-old. She danced to Merlin and started to circle him, “Why do you seek out a doctor? Are you sick?”
“Oh no.” Merlin answered, “It’s not me. It-It’s Ash.” Immediately after he said that, the sprite stopped dancing and asked,
“Ash? What’s wrong with Ash?” See, Ash was known as Coutarine’s Greatest Warrior, which meant that he worked with Ethelinda to help protect Coutarine Island from harm. Like Ethelinda, the sprites praised him and didn’t want anything to happen to him.
Merlin didn’t want to worry the child sprite, so he got down on his knees and took her shoulders, “Don’t worry, my dear. Ash will be fine. He’s just a bit out of sorts right now.”
“But what happened to him?” worriedly asked the sprite.
Merlin tried his best to not show his anxiety, “He’s got a bit of a bump on his head. I just need a doctor to look at him. Do you know where I can find yours?”
“I think I can be of assistance!” a sudden voice shouted from out of nowhere.
“Hm?” asked Merlin, and he looked up from the child, “That voice. I know that voice.” From within the crowd of Hula dancers appeared a bright, purple light, and an old fairy emerged. Merlin’s eyes widened when he saw her, “Selene!” He couldn’t believe it. The fairy in the crowd was Selene, the wisest, oldest fairy in the world. She was the one who gave Makenna and Tracey the mission to deliver Merlin’s “extremely important parcel” to him. Aside from her emerald dress, cloak, and purple shoes, she had added a Hula skirt to her attire.
“Hula! Hula! Hula!” she announced, and she approached Merlin. Selene bumped him with her hip and asked, “How ya doing?”
“I am well.” Merlin explained, “What are you doing here? Why aren’t you on your sailboat?”
“Hula! Hula! Hula!” Selene repeated, and she bumped him again, “I was on my sailboat, Merlin dear, but then I heard about Ash’s little accident. I had to come to make sure he’s okay. Was Makenna the one who hurt him?”
“It was an accident!” Merlin quickly answered, “She has no control over her new powers! She didn’t mean to hurt your apprentice!”
“I’m sure she didn’t, but she still did.” Selene explained, “Just like your Tracey, my apprentice is like my own son. Alas, Merlin, now I know how you felt last year. You must take me to see Ash.” Merlin sighed and scratched the back of his head.
The crowd of Hula dancers soon moved aside, and Merlin and Selene heard another voice, “Excuse me, are you the one who requested a doctor?” A male sprite wearing a white coat and spectacles came within reach of them and waved, “Sorry to bother you, Merlin the Great and Selene. I am the notorious Dr. Snugglekins. Perhaps y’all have heard of me? No? I am a well-known sprite here in Hula Village.”
Merlin sarcastically chuckled and crossed his arms, “That’s because you’re the doctor here, sonny.”
A Hula Village sprite snorted when he said that and brought his hand to his nose, “Ooh, burned.” Dr. Snugglekins heard him and peered over his shoulder. Noticing his look, the sprite shook his head and nervously smiled.
Dr. Snugglekins sighed and turned back to Merlin and Selene, “So where’s the patient?”
“He’s at the beach.” Merlin answered, “He’s this nice woman’s apprentice, so I’m sure she’ll take you to him.”
“Oh absolutely.” Selene muttered through clenched teeth, “Come on, doc. My apprentice needs you.” She and Dr. Snugglekins together flapped their wings and lifted into the air. They waved goodbye to the sprites as they left, but Merlin stayed behind. The tropical music slowly came back, and a few of the sprite Hula dancers started to dance again. Watching them caused Merlin to blush, and he propped up his chin.
Makenna Delling swam towards the bottom of the cyan pool during her search for the Crusha Fruit. It actually was much deeper than she thought. Lots of plants grew in the pool, and like the plants at surface, a majority of them had fruits and berries on them. Apparently in the fairy world, fruits and berries could survive underwater. Makenna kicked her legs and swam to a few of the plants. She examined their berries and fruit with a magnifying glass, but she didn’t see anything that looked like a cluster of small, green bananas. Makenna grew frustrated. Why was the Crusha Fruit so hard to find? Raeven said that it grew in a safe location, and down here looked extremely safe. The area turned darker and darker the further Makenna dove, but strangely the water pressure didn’t bother her. Since it was so dark, she accidentally bumped her shoulder into a rock wall.
To herself, Makenna thought, Whoa. This pool is surrounded by a rock wall? Incredible. She pressed her hand up against the wall and slid it across. The rocks felt good on it. Suddenly, Makenna’s hand hit a latch. A latch? she asked in her head, What’s a latch doing down here? I wonder. The Metamorphic Fairy hooked the latch with her fingers and pulled it. Immediately after she did, she heard a rumble next to her. A section of the rock wall split in two, and a secret passageway opened. Makenna’s eyes landed on it, Whoa! She quickly swam to the dark passageway and peered inside. Her fairy instincts told her the tunnel was where she needed to go. Makenna followed them. She bravely nodded her head and swam into the passageway. As soon as she had both legs inside, the rumbling came again, and the rocks moved back together! Makenna gasped when she noticed this, and bubbles escaped her lips. She hurried back to the entrance but was too late. The rocks slammed back together, and she was forced to move out of the way. Everything turned pitch black. Makenna reached for her head and yelled. She couldn’t believe she let herself fall for her so-called fairy instincts’ spell! Now she would be trapped down here forever! In just thirty more minutes she would run out of air, and when she did there would be no hope for survival.
Makenna knew she was going to drown, but before she did she decided that maybe she should enjoy her last thirty minutes. She slipped her magnifying glass into her pocket and created a ball of bright, blue light. Makenna used it to navigate her way through the underwater passageway. Who knows, maybe there was an exit somewhere else? She highly doubted that. Even though she was trapped, Makenna found the passageway quite interesting. Carved into its walls were drawings, and she stopped every once in a while to study them. Who knew a magical island in the fairy world would be full of culture and history? Makenna sure didn’t. One of the wall carvings portrayed Ethelinda. She sat on her knees with her hands at her chest, and a group of sprites surrounded her. Each sprite held his/her hands out to her. Another carving showed an island and a second group of sprites flying towards it. Makenna curiously rubbed her free palm across the drawing and asked herself what it meant. She switched her light over to her other hand and moved over to the other side of the passageway. There was one carving on this side that really grabbed her attention. It showed Ethelinda and next to her was another figure – this figure held a sword and shield. Multiple carvings of islands surrounded the two characters. Makenna put her palm on top of the figure with the sword and shield and said in her head, This looks like Ash. Wait a minute.
The Metamorphic Fairy moved her hand down, and it touched another carving. This one also intrigued her. It portrayed a male figure lying down, and over him hovered a carving of a fruit. The fruit looked like a cluster of small bananas!
Makenna’s eyes widened, The Crusha Fruit! Did she find it? Was it hidden behind the wall? Her blue eyes landed on an outline in the wall which was in the shape of a hand. That had to mean something, but what? Makenna picked up her own hand and examined it. Something clicked in her brain. Taking a deep breath, she shook out her hand and placed it up against the outline. Makenna closed her eyes and begged, Please, Crusha Fruit. She pressed her forehead up against the figure lying down, If you’re back there, I need you. Please show yourself. Ash needs you in order to get better. This is all my fault. I hurt him, so it only makes sense that I should be the one to heal him. Raeven’s right. Magic in the real world doesn’t work like the magic I see in movies.
As soon as Makenna confessed to the carving and fruit, the outline her hand rested on glowed up, and her mouth fell open when she saw this. Lines of bright magic appeared in the wall’s cracks, and they all met at the carving of the Crusha Fruit. The wall moved aside, and Makenna swam to the phenomenon to get a better look. Finally, after maybe a minute or two, she found it. The section of the wall finished splitting, and a rocky shelf was revealed. Sitting right on the shelf, with its roots buried in the rock, was a small tree, and on the branches of the tree hung clusters of small, green banana-like berries!
Makenna couldn’t help but to grin. “I-I can’t believe it,” she bubbled underwater, “I found it! The Crusha Fruit! Now Ash can get better!” Wow, it really was hidden in a safe location. Makenna’s fairy instincts did not let her down. She wasted no time. With her free hand, she reached forward and grabbed one of the glowing berries. Makenna plucked it off, and when she did, to her amazement, a new Crusha Fruit magically grew on the same exact branch! Yes, she had what she needed. All Makenna had to do now was that she had to find a way out of the passageway before her time ran out.
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End of Part Two: Coutarine Island
Current Word Count: 79,400